Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Buddy Sings da Blues

Buddy, Blue Ghost is giving me a hard time
Lemmee give dat feller a meowin tooz Einsteinerz

Ah hearin dat yoo be givin da fambly trubble Blu Ghoster
So what are you going to do about it, Old Cat!
WHUT!Themz Fightin Werds Blu! 

Nya Nya Nya Nya
So ah gave ya da chance

Urk... erghghgh

Or, ah can eat-cha lak ghetti, iffin ah wantz
Please don't Buddy. I will be good, promise

Well ah guessin dat alrighty, but iffin yoo actin upz...
I promise I will be good! I promise Buddy Budd
OK-Doke. No ghetti on da menuz den MOL

Buddy - No "Old Cat" here - Budd
Blue Ghost - Thinking twice, maybe thrice about his elders

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Thank You

This is Dads Dad. He was on a Destroyer
during the 2nd World War.

Granddad said it was really hot and smelly in the engine room.
He was a machinist's mate.

Here he is on leave with Dad's Mom
and Sister Odean

We salute all those brave souls who have given so much so we may enjoy freedom. 

Thanks Dad! I am very proud of your service! Thank You, Thanks, Thanky Thanks, You are the best of the best, Thank You, Thank You, Thanks

Dad Pete
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons

Friday, May 26, 2017

Getting Ready - Buddy

*Drinkity, Drink, Slurp, Drink*

Ahh that waz gud gud gud...

Need moor fur sure...
*Drink, Slurping, Drink, Slurpity, Slurp*

Da tank iz full!

Ah reddy fur a big fun fun fun weekender!

Buddy Budd - Ready fur Memorial Day Fun

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Timmy's Pink Pillow

*Lickity, Lick, Lick, Lick*

*Rub, Rubby, Grab, Rub*

*Whiffie, Whiff, Whiff*

Ah my little Pink Nip Pillow I love you!

Geez, can a Cat get a little alone time or what

Timmy Tomcat

Monday, May 22, 2017

Einstein Vs Rumpy

Hey! Grasshopper! Lets go already
Rumpy go away. I'm taking an Easy

Easy Schmeezy! Unacceptable Wee One!
Rumpy we practiced all week

I am going to whap you awake
Better Not! I can Whap too!

See you're up so lets get going
Only one thing we are getting going...

A Bitey to your Butt!
Ouchie! Alright already you can have your silly Easy

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots - Was not injured during this post
Einstein -  The Easy Kitty

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday Selfie: Timmy

*Lick Lick Lickity Lick*

*Rub Rub Rub*

*Whiffie Whiff Whiff*

What's that Dad? You want me to do our
Sunday Selfie with The Cat on My Head
I will this time but...

It is not nice to tear a kitty away from his nippy toys

What a handsome Fellow I am

Timmy Tomcat

Friday, May 19, 2017

Rumpys Throne

Goodness Catness what a find! 

I hereby declare that this box will be my Throne!
All shall bow to the great Rumpy Bumps Stumpnots!

I better check for those who would usurp my reign
Are they to the left of me?

Are they to the right of me?

Rumpy none of us want to take your box
I mean take your throne MOL

Don't think you will lull me into a false sense of security
*Yawn* Mmm time for a nap in my throne

What about the usurpers?\
We will take that up later. Now let me get comfy

Timmy Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Einstein Presents


La La La

Oh hi there

It was time for a Cute Break so I Present...
 Me! La La La


Monday, May 15, 2017

The Trouble with Bacon is...

Thanky Thanks fur da Bacon Dad
Nom Nom Nom

Lick Lick Nom Nom


Dad dere be a Bacon Problemz
Whats that Buddy

It gone when ya eatz it
Yes Buddy, it sure is

Buddy Budd
Dad Pete

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mothers Day

We were all rescue kitties so we do not know where you are but
we wish all our Mom's a Very Happy Mothers Day!
We wish the same to all our friends Moms too
Happy Mothers Day Mom
Great day Mum
Me too its Rumpy
Einstein loves you Mom 
Mom ah lov lov lov ya
Love you Mommy
Purrs Mom. Thank You for my Wonderful Life

Take it away Dad

Thanks Timmy. 
Mom I miss you and know you and sis are watching over me and my fur family. I am sure you both are helping newly arrived dogs and cats who may not have much family feel welcome. Just like you took care of so many here. You are missed Mom.  

Goodness Mom this was a long time ago. We look so happy.
I think it may be 1956-7. I remember that lead tinsel and how
Oma and Pop always had a huge tree with lots of trimming.

We had so much fun in the restaurant. I think this is 1967.
So long ago and things were so different. 

Odean is now with you Mom.
Keep an eye out to keep me safe you two

2001 was a nice Christmas.
You were there for me after my accident.
Thank You
Love You

My Mom did a lot for me and I miss her every day. 
I wish all my friends a very Happy Mothers Day and send my and my families love to you all!

Timmy Tomcat
Dad Pete
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons