Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Einstein Presents


La La La

Oh hi there

It was time for a Cute Break so I Present...
 Me! La La La



Summer at said...

You are perfect for a cute break, Einstein!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Looking good Einstein!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...yur lookin good buddy ! ☺☺♥♥

Marvelous Marv said...

Einstein! Its a good thing you are there and I am here! I would have picked you up and snorrgled that belly!
Love Barb
PS. We want to send something to all of those who attended Nellie's 19th birthday. Could you please send your snail mail address to Nellieontheedge @

Anonymous said...

Einey me man, you can lay on your back and nobody jumps on your tummy? Wow....all tummies are fair game around here and quickly given a lick and leap MOL I'd jump on you and tickle under your arm pits....hehe


pilch92 said...

You are such a cutie Einstein.

The Island Cats said...

MOL! You're pretty cute, Einstein. And flexible.

meowmeowmans said...

You make for a VERY cute break, Einstein! :)

The Swiss Cats said...

Thank you for that cute break, Einstein ! Purrs

Anonymous said...

Einstein you did a GREAT job giving us all a healthy dose of "cute" !!

Hugs, Teddy

John Bellen said...

I love your crooked little moustache, Einstein. And the way you lie reminds me of my big floor-ball, Renn.

catladymac said...

WOW, Einie - I'm usually so struck by your mustache - I didn't realize what cuddle-bait you were ! Purrs !

Johnny said...

What an adorable kitty! :D

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaw Einstein, you are a cutey indeed. And just what mommy needed to put a smile on her face. Big hugs fur all.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We needed that; a break to have fun with you, Einstein!