Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Ready to Play... Kinda

Come on Timmerz lez PLAY!
You bet Buddy Budd

Whut yoo doin?
I just want to tidy up a bit furst
Tidy upz?

Now whut?
I just need a minute to get ready
Ready fur playin... yoo feelin ok dere Timmerz?

Oh yes. I just like to keep on top of things
Yez. Buddy gonna do dat too'z

Now I am ready and... where did he go?

Timmy - The Slow-Poke Tomcat
Buddy Budd -  Rarin to Go


Summer at said...

Ha-ha, kind of like the two humans here! My human is on fast-forward, and her boyfriend lives in the slow lane.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the play-fest happened even though you were deserted by your partner briefly!

Hugs, Teddy

John Bellen said...

If you take too long, Timmy, the play-feeling goes south - like Buddy did!

The Swiss Cats said...

MOL ! Do you have some human gene ? Purrs

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Hehehe, Timmy you are silly! Maybe next time you should wait to tidy up until AFTER wrestle time! :D

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaw You boys always look handsum to us. Must be all dat cleanin' up. MOL Big hugs fur all and purrayers too.

Luv ya

Dezi and Raena

Anonymous said...

When in doubt...a bath is called for. I don't blame Timmers and Buddy is a fair sized opponent but I love him.

Kitty Kisses,


pilch92 said...

You are such cuties- and so clean.

The Island Cats said...

Too bad, Timmy. Looks like Buddy Budd didn't want to wait for you to spruce up.

meowmeowmans said...

Darn. Guess Buddy Budd wanted to carpe diem, and couldn't wait for you, Timmy!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Oh, you forgot what the moment was all up happens after the playing, not before! MOL!

Noodle Cat said...

You are such a well groomed kitty!
Have a happy Thursday...

Noodle and crew