Hi friends we wanted to let you know we really appreciate you coming by to visit our blog. This week I am going to meow about something I really took for granted, delivery. Yes we are singing the praises of having what we need brought right to our door. I admit to have been a kitty who did not pay attention to where my noms and treats came from. I mean who gave a hiss, until... we ran low on Fancy Feast. Horrors! |
You see Dad has recently started giving us the Fanciest of Feasts so it is now my favorite. Yes I still like my regular pate but... Ooo that little can is a true taste treat. When I realized we may run out I started meowing about it. Really I did. Dad says I just wanted a second can or two but what does he know. Dad put in an order and in only a few days we are happily stocked up and even have new flavors to try. We sure are Thankful for Delivery! |
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: https:Timmytomcat.blogspot.com. All rights reserved
The fanciest wuz Crockett's favorite too.
I had no idea one was Fancier than the other Feast!
Pipo loved his 'Fancy' too...until he wouldn't eat...anything...Minko didn't do well with it, so he had a different kind, but even he went through three years of needing me to feed him all that he needed.
Delivery is the best. We use that service, too...but for some reason the food we use for us hooligans is not anywhere on line. The brand is, but not the format.
I am glad your food was delivered before it got too low. I have had everything delivered since the start of the pandemic and don't know what I would have done without it. I have got so used to it now that I will probably continue even when it is safe for me to shop for myself.
Be sure to give a delivery man a big purr,Miss Fitz. Sounds like your dad ordered the right stuff at the right time.
No cat or dog wants to run out of food. That would be a terrible thing! One could go to the store and buy more if needed, though.
Delivery of food is a wonderful thing, we sure appreciate it too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
There is nothing like the security of having full cupboards, eh, Miss Fitz? It’s a good thing your dad listened to you.
At my house we are having issues with Fancy Feast. Getting the barfies. Momma thinks it might have to do with us living in Flory-Da cuz of heat. We get delivery from Chewy too. Next day sometimes.
Fancy Feast is a good choice. I always fed my kitties that and they loved it too. It's good to have lots of food. Peace of mind.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches all around and my best to your smart dad. ♥
Running out of FF a couple of times during this pandemic was not a happy time for our kitties - unfortunately at that time deliveries were spotty. Hooray things are back on track!
My dogs get Purina dog chow and my cats get Purina cat chow. Am I a terrible fur mom?
Glad you got your delivery of your favorites. :) XO
That is Pawsome, Treat flavours are the best when it comes to food,xx Speedy
We LOVE your Easter Buddy! He was one of a kind! He makes a terrific header! And Ms Fitz, we too are Fancy Feast lovers! We don't get it every day anymore and Mom usually gets it at the store in the big city. Alas, the online company does not have our favorites. We are thankful for YOU guys! Thanks for visiting us and you kind comments and we hope you have a marvellously happy day!
Having stuff delivered right to your door certainly is a luxury!
MY goodness. Mom thought about that for me when she went to the sfood store where they always had shelves groaning with Fancy Feast, all varieties, and all of everything else. Then, great gaping holes appeared in the shelving and it got darned hard to find what I like, And this happens all over town, too many times. I guess they are sourcing from China? That's a nightmare f they are.
We too are thankful for delivery AND Fancy Feast!
Catzowey and 4 PAWS UP UP UP UP for Deeeeeelivery! My sistah Grappa gets Deeeeeelivery of Temptations and Party Mix cuz she’s a snack addict-a-cat! YUP she gonna be going to Snacks AhhhhNonimous soon Me? no snacks nevah!
thanks for stopping by. our pets love having that delivery box show up.
Good delivery :-D
That's the best kind of delivery!
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