This is my new friend Lace. She came to us years ago and missed my embrace. Isn't she an ace. |
We love to race and chase |
Displace your face from my Lace posthaste!
We want the grace of space as none could replace your grace in this place, Lace.
Please check out the great Raffle for the Best Cat Bed Ever! It Benefits Winnies Wish. Badge on Top Right for Link |
1. I never have time to finish Playing at night. Seems when I really get going its time for bed. Of course I just go back to what I was doing after a treat.
2. My Paw can Whap any cat here dizzy. Yes, I have a very fast Whappy Paw. Is there a Guinness category for that?
3. Rescue and Fostering is a cause that is dear to my heart. I was a rescue and then a foster. True story I was so scared I froze at adoption events so no one even looked at me. People used to say "Is she sick? Are your cats healthy?" Needless to say Dad said it was best if he kept me home. Then he adopted me. I have been so happy ever since
4. At this very moment, I am thinking of playing with Lace.
We are joining the Feline Friday Hop at Comedy Plus. Lace will be my guest as I made her an honorary feline. Want to argue? I have my Whappy Paw right here just in case! |
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: https:Timmytomcat.blogspot.com. All rights reserved