Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Meow Like a Pirate for Rotton Rumpys Gotcha Day

We arrr all meowin lak pirate cats taday me hearty's
That we are Barnacle Budd Tee Hee

I hope ye are going to give me my Gotcha Day Pawty
Its a day late already!
No worries on that Rotton Rumpy

Yarr Beastly Buttons there had best be a hearty pawty
or I will loose the cannons

I tell ya Rotton Rumpy that there will be a pawty to die fur
In fact I have to go to the gun deck to announce it

Terrible Toby, lets show Rotton a grand pawty with noise makers
Break open the gunpower ta shoot ye big cannon

Yaar Beastly this pirate cat will land a ball between a dogs eyes

Captain Terrible ah gotz da goodies ready ta serve
Well done Barnacle Budd
I think the swab is a bit thin skinned Captain.
Evil Einstein waited over a week.

That he be furst mate Fearless, that he be...

Rotten Rumpy we got ye a Not Rotten cake
Evil Einstein will lead us in song
Umm, do I have a choice
Sorry, Captains choice
Happy Gotcha Day to ye
Happy Gotcha Day to ye
Cause ye be a grand pirate cat!
Happy Gotcha Day to ye

Yay Rotton, Way to go, Ye da cat, What a crewmate, Ye arr a fine cat, Cut ye cake with my saber!
Thank ye crew! Thank ye!

Cant ye give me an Kali da Kutie space ya swab!
Ohh Barnacle you are my main man cat Tee Hee
I am just looking fur...
Up here ye floof brain. I said the top deck!
Sorry Shoo the Scary, Sorry
Get up here and cuddle ye swab
Wow be right there

Thanks ye fur comin to thee Gotcha Day Pawty of all time!

Capt Terrible Tim
Terrible Toby
Kali the Cutie from Canadian Cats
Barnacle Buddy Budd
Rotton Rumpy 
Fearless Fitz
Beastly Buttons
Evil Einstein
Shoo the Scary from Canadian Cats
One Eyed Pete


Anonymous said...

Now this is what I call a great GOTCHA/PIRATE COMBO par-tay! Plundering, pillaging and partying all in one. We hope even though it's a bit late, you have a fabulous time celebrating gotcha in your pirate gear together!

Piratey Hugs, Terrible Ted the Pirate

Anonymous said...

Woo HOO this sum pawty!!! Mee mite get a bit jiggered an walk thee plank, mew mew mew.....
All yur costumes are furabuluss!!!!
Happy GOTCHA DAY Rumpy...what a cellybrayshun!
***Hi-5'sss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

Tamago said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Rumpy! Well, a day late, but it was worth the wait, wasn't it? It's a fun-tastic pawty! Enjoy your special day :-)

Erin the Cat Princess said...

WOW What a wonderful way to celebrate your gotcha day, a canon salute AND a Pirate party! Awesome. The only time I see canons fired around her is when we be scaring the crows from my nip harvest! MOL
Have a great party and may ye find calm seas and safe harbour and plenty of nip grog. Arrrr!

John Bellen said...

Well, that makes up for being a bit late, eh, Rumpy? I love the pictures, guys; a lot of work went into those pictures, I know, getting them just right. What a fun party!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

rumpy; heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz N healthezz; happee gotcha day two ewe dood N heerz ta 900 mor....ya all look feerce; yur namez bee awesum N yur shipz a fine one !! ♥♥♥

Kitties Blue said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Rumpy. Ye all make a fine bunch of pirates and it appears as if you are having a barrel of fun. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy.

Anonymous said...

Hehe...Happy Gotcha Day Rumpy...*Kali and Shoo each give Rumpy a big lick.* Ye are me main man's beautiful white bro...come let's all get drunk on the nip and then eat your dad out of house and home. mol

Shoko and Kali

Valentine said...

Happy Gotcha Day to ye, Happy Gotcha Day to ye, I'm serving ye a drinkie for your pawrty that will keep you youthful and smarty. Tee hee hee. Cheers to ye Rumpy! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

The Island Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Rumpy. We hope ye get some catnip rum t' celebrate. Arrrgh!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Ahoy! That was a pirate o' a party that yer mates 'ave set up fer ye, Rotten Rumpy :D Happy Gotcha Day me bucko and can I'ave some o'that nah rotten cake purrlease :D Extra Pawkisses for the occasion :) <3

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Rumpy!!

I helped petcretary make a card for you:


You can copy that code and then save/post it anywhere.

What a great pirate pawrty! Avast!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you sure make pawesome Pirates!!!! Happy Happy Gotcha Day Rumpy!!! catchatwithcarenandcody

Anonymous said...

Sorry we're so late Rumpy. Happy Gotchaday. Ya'll are purrfect pirates, and what a way to spend da day. We hope your day is as purrfect as you. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Rotten Rumpy!
I marvelous, must apologize that I did NOT leave a comment on your gottcha day...Mommy can't type on the tablet right now because of her bad finger and even though I came and had a great, wonderful fabulous time...I did not THANK YOU!!!
So I am now!
This was the most fun ever! Who knew that meowing like a pirate could be such fun!
Purrs (and Happy Gottcha Day)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was a great pirate Gotcha Day party, Rumpy. More than makes up for being late.