Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Happy 4th Birthday Einstein

Our Einstein was 4 years old on September 8th and we love him! 
He sure has grown up bi... well maybe not big but floofy, hee hee
Toby I have seen Grasshopper give you a whapping so quiet down 
He shur done did dat Rumperz. Hah. Ah shur likin my lil'pal!
Einstein you are a cutie. It's nice you have a special lady cat!
Einie you are such a cutie wutie kitty cat. Ugh. Hisssss
Buttons stop that right this instant or I will give you something to hiss about!
Mr B you hiss at us all but give it a break for the Pawty. We have guests coming.
Oh... Hisssss... Alright... Fur you Timmy... 
Sorry friends. Family can be difurcult at times but we love em

Here's Timmy with the Cake
Dad made this with your favorite, Salmon
Make a wish and  blow out the candle Grasshopper
Einstein, Einstein, Einstein
You are so cute little floofy fellow tee hee

He iz aint he Kali, Har Har. Way ta go lil'feller
No Hisses but well wishes floofy fellow
Love you my main man cat
Love you too Shoko

Make a wish and blow out your candle
I wish, I wish *Puff*

Meow-Wow I got my Wish! I have Shoo!
Thank Mew fur being my gal!

Hey Kitties. I just finished the noms and will put out the plates.
I have extra toys and nip fur after you eat. My boy has furst pick!

Einie my floofy man lets start with the Lobster Thermidor
That is a great pick! Wheee its my Birthday!

My sweet Buddy Budd lets eat fine filet! Tee Hee
Yoo gotta pick dat dis bloo fella be lovin Kali dear, yummerz

Lets rip up this chick-hen!
Yeah Rumpy great idea!
Now fellows I want a leg!
You may have two my dearest Fitz
Now Toby what if I...
I may get hissy like some others have!
Alright Alright

Friends feel free to have whatever you want. There is plenty!

Broiled Lobster Tail

Baked Chick-Hen

Filet Migon with Bacon

Butterfly Fried Real Live Dead Shrimps

Lobster Thermidor

Real Live Dead Shrimp Coctail 

Feline Wines

Hot Chocolate 

Takez a bitta timer ta wrest aftur ya eatz. Den we have da fun!

Oh Buddy, you are my in charge big blue! Tee Hee
Datz mah gal Har Har Har

Right out back we have Fresh Blooming nip
Grab some and come back in to roll around

Einstein I got you a new Nip Nanner and some fur the guests
You can take them home

There are Nip Mice fur you and your gal Shoko and all the guests
Thanks Dad. You are the best!
Thanks so much Mr C. It is so nice of you
You are welcome you two
Thanks Dad! Friends enjoy the nip mousies, nanners and kitty wine. If you want please feel free to stay over. We have lots of room. We will have kitty bags to take whatever extra we have left home.

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Kali from Canadian Cats
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Shoko from Canadian Cats
Einstein the Birthday Boy
Miss Fitz 
Mr Buttons 
Dad Pete Taking Care of Biznit


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Happy (Belated) Fourth Birthday, Einstein!

What a yummy spread you have put together fur your guests! Mmmm!

Here is the card I made fur you:


Summer at said...

What a fun party! Paws up, Einstein!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo...whaT A PAWTY!! tHE FOOD IS TREMENDOUS. tHE LOBSTER AND SHRIMP are so juicy, my waters just thinking of them. All the friends are so much fun and don't get me started on the toys...wowzers. Mr C you outdid yourself and Einey's got a birthday that will be foremot in his memory books.


Shoo and Kali too

Anonymous said...

Oh my! What a fabulous pawty for your special day Einey! We all love you to bits you were such a fighter from the very beginning and just look at you and your floofiness now! The food here is amazing - I'd like to try some lobster if I may.....and maybe you won't mind if I pull a piece of bacon off that filet????? I can't resist you know! Here's to a bazillion more birthdays for you my friend.......

Hugs, Teddy (and Angel Sammy sends you a hug too!)

John Bellen said...

Wow, four years already! I remember when you were just a tiny kitten, Einstein, more fur than body! You still have plenty of fur, but you've grown into it, almost. Happy birthday!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood.....happee bee lated birth day N heerz ta 55 mor ~~~~~~~ thanx for de inn vite; yur parteez total lee awesum....we will have sum oh that, N that, N that, noe thanx pazz pleez, N that N that !~!! ☺☺☺
hope ya N joyed de day & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ~~~ ♥♥♥♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday form all of us Einstein, it looks like your special day was super special!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Einstein, Oh My! Such a wonderful pawty! And such wonderful food! Many I have never tasted!
تولد تولد تولدت مبارک
تولد تولد تولدت مبارک
بیا شمع ها را فوت کن
که صد سال زنده باشی

Mommy says I should give you the wishes in English...
Birthday birthday, happy birthday
come blow out the candles
so that you will live 100 years
Purrs Marv

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy birthday Einstein. Looks like you had a great party.

The Island Cats said...

What a pawsome party! Happy Birthday, Einstein!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hey, Einstein and I share the same birthday! But I put a 0 on the end of my 4 this year :(

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Happy Happy Birthday Einstein! You always have the best pawties!!!

pilch92 said...

Happy Birthday Einstein! Great party. You are a lucky boy with a gorgeous girlfriend, lots of friends and a wonderful family. XO

meowmeowmans said...

Happy birthday, Einstein! We hope you had a super wonderful day!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Thanks for inviting me purrsonally to the pawty, Einstein and what a Pawty.. Holy Manoly! I think I get myself some wine and a nipmouse, before dancing with you...YEEHAW! Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday :) <3

The Swiss Cats said...

Happy belated Birthday, Einstein ! It looks like you had a pawsome pawty ! Purrs

Anonymous said...

Oh Einstein, Happy 4th birthday. You've grown up so much since we furst met ya'. You're such a handsum mancat and we're sure you're a good boy with your furmily. We hope your birthday month is as purrfect as you. Big hugs fur all

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Einstein!!! Looks like you had a great party!🎂😆

Tamago said...

Happy birthday, Einstein! You have grown to be such a gorgeous kitty! And you are so bi....floffy :-) What a pawty with tons of noms, nips, and toys! I hope you didn't have too much feline wine :-)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey Einstein, I wanted to pop in over here and say thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Happy belated birthday Einstein