*Timmy sneaks in a cake and sets it next to the pawty favors*
Alright, everything looks good. Go and get Rumpy Einstein
You betcha Timmy
*Einstein leads Rumpy in and takes off his blindfold*
Wow! Einstein OMC! Timmy, what is all this then? Its your Gotcha Day Celebration you big lug. Thanks so much Buttons. Hey look Rumpy, here come the rest of the family. Yep, yep Mista Buttonz! Awlraght, listenz up! Dis iz yer maestroe Buddy Budd so lez all git ta doin whut we practicin all weekz! A onez, anna, twoz, anna...
Happy Gotcha Day to Rumpy
Happy Gotcha Day to Rumpy
Cause he is a Nice Helpful Greatz Family Member
Happy Gotcha Day to Rumpy
Thank you so much evfurry one |
Friends please help us finish up the cake and noms.
Take a pawty favor or two.
Watermelon with Nip |
Evfurry one's Fav-O-Rite |
We have burgers with pickle and Bacon! All the extra bacon you want |
There iz grillin Beefy Cheesey, Tomater Samiches |
There are tall clubs made with anything you want. Here is a Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato with Onion |
We are happee youz comin ta livin wit us'z on da dayz uf Sept 18 2010'z. Yep Yep it wazza fine dayz.
Thanks Buddy, Friends, Family. I love you all very much
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
**Gotcha Kitty Rumpy Bump Stumpnots**
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons