Shhhh... here he comes...
Toby, shush
Oh what fun
Doan yoo doo nuttin ta mess ting up Rumperz
Second that
Et tu Einie, I am...
Quiet, ready, set
Happy Birthday to Mr Buttons
Happy Birthday to Mr Buttons
Cause you are a Really Speeshul Brofurz
Happyz Birthday to Mr Buttons
Oh Meow Wow! I had totally furgot. Thank Mew so muck
We all made you a card
That is so wonderfur, sniff, excuse me I have a speck in my eye... Thank you family. You are the best.
Alright lets get this pawty nomming!
I brought the Cake |
I brought Grilled Beef and Cheese, yummy |
Ah brung da baconz. Yessir |
How about some kitty favors fur all |
Guess what I brought, where are the bowls? |
I brought some Watermelon Nip drinks |
Let me cut the first slice of cake and... Dig in evfurry kitty!
Friends please enjoy all you want as I know the family has more of every thing. Wheee! Happy Birthday to Me!
All our friends and Birthday Boy Mr Buttons
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz