Monday, May 30, 2016

We Thank Our Veterans This Memorial Day

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy

Bloggers enjoying the freedom to express themselves
freely and openly is a refection of the great freedom we all
enjoy every day. Thanks to the many who gave so 
much and to those who gave all

Timmy Tomcat
Dad Pete
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sunday Selfie with Budd... No... Rump... What?

Hello frenz. Buddy Budd here fur Sundayz Selfers wit...
Hold it!

I want to be the family Sunday Selfie with The Cat on my Head this week

Rumpy, what is with you? The family decided this last night
What's with me, Buddy has gotten too much press lately, 

that's what!

You have to admit, I am an all that cat
*Sigh* Go hed Rumperz, yoo sumptin all right

What a super Sunday Selfie

Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Friday, May 27, 2016

Fitz Friday: Boys of a Feather

Oh Fitz it is so nice laying with you in the twilight

Well I just like relaxing in the bedroom
Buttons, why don't you get out and give us some peace
If you ask nicely I will
Just leave will you! 

Why you... Lasers on
Why you... Lasers on
BOYS! Turn em Off and Shush!

You boys are so alike in your sillyness 
No we're not Fitz
No we're not Fitz
Oh My Cat MOL
What does Fitz find so funny Toby?
Who knows Buttons, it's a girl-cat thing

Miss Fitz
Toby Tomcat
Mr Buttons

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Rumpy Bump: One Good Deed...

Hold still will you Grasshopper, you need a good bath
Rumpy I need a good nap, what are you doing

You know, turing over a new leaf and doing a good deed
Rumpy my Floof is just fine, let me get back to my nap

Just let me do my good deed fur the day and...

It's not a good deed when it isn't wanted


I'm outta here
But my good deed?

If I knew how easy it was to get out of  finish a good
deed I would have started long ago

Rumpy they say one good deed deserves another so what's next?
Timmy I don't want to hog up all the good deeds, have at them
I thought so

Timmy Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Monday, May 23, 2016

Fun from Mr Buttons Birthday

We wanted to thank our friends for coming to Mr Buttons Birthday Party last Friday. Here are some photos of us having fun.

Dad got out my toy and I was a big enough cat to allow the family to play with it
Rumpy its fur us all
Right Einstein

Wow, what fun! Wheee
I have it...

It is such fun I love it
It sure is Rump, what... where...

Let's see now, right there... what
I have it here Timmy

Yeow, Dad broke out da NIP!
Whiffie Sniffie
Yum Yum Yummy

Sniff, Whiff, Sniffie, Whiffie
Likity Lick Lick Lick

I loovvee my bfofur Buddy, yessss
Rumpy yoo had a lotta nip, Yessir

Moderation in Nip intake Toby
I know Timmy but...

It's a Birthday Pawty and I am letting it all hang out!

We had a great time and hope you did too. That is a good thing about having a big family, lots of pawties. Wonder who's is next?

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Selfie Sunday: Buddy with an Update

We joinin da The Cat on my Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop 

Hi frenz. Yoo all bin purrin and woofin fur me ah knowz cuz ah can feelz it. Ah sendin thanky thanks ta ya. Ah azkin Dad ta giv ya an updater even thoed ah waz da one goed ta da Vetz. MOL

Hi, Dad Pete here. As many of you know Buddy had not been feeling well and his appetite had dropped off. Back on Feb 18th he had an ultrasound that showed what was thought to be cancer. He had a Cerenia and Depomederol shot on the 19th and another Depo on March 4th as conservative  treatment. He rallied so well I decided to hold the shots and start Triamcinolone. We have never looked back. 
He just had another ultrasound, more for my peace of mind than anything. His vet is really great and she said she hardly recognized him. He still has something going on with his pancreas, bowels and lymph but she says cats can have low grade inflammations that just hang in there. As long as he is not symptomatic we will stay the course. Oh yes, he has gained 2.5 pounds, Wow!
Buddy is happier than he has been in years. He plays with me and by himself more than the other furs. Kind of funny the old guy being so active and the younger cats watching him run around.
Thanks for your prayers, purrs and woofs. I know they help and they sure helped me weather the darker days.
We may not have years but we have a wonderful relationship and, best of all, Buddy is enjoying life. Thanks!

So ther tiz. Ah glad ya thinkin uf me

Jes checkin out diz poser

Dis Selfiez fur you Kali

Thanky Thanks Furiends 

Buddy Budd

Friday, May 20, 2016

Happy Birthday Mr Buttons

Shhhh... here he comes...
Toby, shush
Oh what fun
Doan yoo doo nuttin ta mess ting up Rumperz
Second that
Et tu Einie, I am...
Quiet, ready, set

Happy Birthday to Mr Buttons
Happy Birthday to Mr Buttons
Cause you are a Really Speeshul Brofurz
Happyz Birthday to Mr Buttons 

Oh Meow Wow! I had totally furgot. Thank Mew so muck
We all made you a card

That is so wonderfur, sniff, excuse me I have a speck in my eye... Thank you family. You are the best.
Alright lets get this pawty nomming!

I brought the Cake

I brought Grilled Beef and Cheese, yummy

Ah brung da baconz. Yessir

How about some kitty favors fur all

Guess what I brought, where are the bowls?

I brought some Watermelon Nip drinks

Let me cut the first slice of cake and... Dig in evfurry kitty!
Friends please enjoy all you want as I know the family has more of every thing. Wheee! Happy Birthday to Me!

All our friends and Birthday Boy Mr Buttons
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz

Thursday, May 19, 2016

An Important Message from Teeny Tiny

Hello all you out there in hooman land...
This is Teeny Tiny.
Yeah yeah I know. I went over the bridge but remember that I am a cat, well, kitten. We have special powers to communicate with those on the solid plane. We Angels will always come down in times of need spreading Kitty Angel Dust, but, some of us need to do a bit more. I want to pass on an important message so here I am.

All of the kitties I was fostered with have homes. I still cannot believe that Buttons and Fitz moved on in with Dad. They sure were smart kitties. The truth is I was lucky to have been in a loving home before I went to the bridge so feel it is my duty to try and get the word out on those who do not have a forever home. 
Please help a local rescue group by fostering, volunteering or donating what you can. Even a little bit can help. 

Well I better get to it then. You see Dad supports a local rescue called Kitty Cottage. They are a cage free cat only rescue. How cool is that! Me and my Angel pals hope you will join in their Auction that is going on right now. Some of the items are local but others can be shipped and you can choose things like a Spay/Neuter for a new resident or kitty who is fostered. Take a look. Maybe you will find that special something for your furry friends.
Thanks so much
Teeny Tiny

Thanks so much

Dad had decided he was going to keep me but I had to come here to help others. We all do our part and I thank you for helping my Dad pass the word.

Teeny Tiny and the Angels

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Einstein: Slim to Won

Slim to none!

What was that Rumpy
Grasshopper, chances are slim to none you will bring Flyboy down to earth
Oh really

Ha, see, I told you
Rumpy you have to play a little. We are cats after all
Letting him go was a mistake you will never...

Oh My Cat! You got him!
With hardly a bit of floof out of place

Would you like a bit of help with Mr Fevver?
How about with Mr Straw?

Alright just checking, did you say slim to Won... heh heh
Mumble... Grumble... Mumble...
Sorry about the wing, another round Flyboy?
Let me rest up a bit Einstein

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Introducing... Flyboy

Monday, May 16, 2016

Whups Who furgot da post

So Timmy furgot to post today and guess who he asked to fill in. Me! Of course he chose me who else can present such good looks and charm without trying. Yep, Me! Now I will do a meow and dance routine you are sure to like...
RUMPY, it was your post, you furgot, just the post 
But they waaaant to see...
Post please
Grumble... Mumble...

So the other day Mr Fevvers made out like I was all butter-paws in my All Play and No Work post you can see HERE. I want to set the record straight on  my athletic prowess

See I got Mr Straw no problem

I am going to nibble him a bit

Ha Ha got away, 3 wins. Best out of 5... no 7 Ha Ha
You promised not to say anything till after the post!

Oh... right... Ha Ha best out of 7?

Mumble... Grumble...
Gee you shed a lot Rumpy
Hush up you face 

Rumpy Bump
Mr Straw

Friday, May 13, 2016

Rumpy: All Play And No Work...

Rumpy, you got nothin
Come down here and say that Mr Fevvers


When I am out of sight... You. Are. Out. Of. Your. Mind.

Missed me

One out of four, I win

Since when did play become all work
Best out of three Rumpy?
Maybe later

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Mr Fevvers