Friday, July 17, 2015

Buddy's Big Win! Thanks to The Cats From Hell!

Now all youz gather roun Ol'Buddy Budd cuz ah gonna tellz ya a storiez. 
What now Buddy, hey, this isn't some trick to whack me is it?
No Toberz.
Are there Treats?
Yep little Einsteiner but not dat ya can eatz.
Can I get a belly rub?
Dad will bein givin ya one cuz he happee tooz Mr Buttonz.
Did you have to bother me Buddy?
Rumperz ah gonna bother you no matta whut... just cuaz.
I can't wait to hear what this is all about Buddy!
Yoo gonna be suprizered Miss Fitzer.
Well come on Buddy Budd I am busting with excitement!
Alrightyz right Mr Timmerz...

Wellz ya all see dat...

ah enterin inta a big contesticated contest...


Ah entered The Cats From Hell: 

Finish the Sentence Game: You should check it out on Tuesdays!

Week 20: "My Parents are..."

Can ya guessin whut ah sayed?


Can ya?

BUDDY! Getz, get on with it already already!

Ya spoil da waitin game Rumperz. Ah sayd, in propurr englisher tooz: 
My Parent is such a cheap skate to get extra treats I have to scream a meow into his ear.

Beeyooteefur! Look how handsome ah look.
Dad too!
Ya can visit ta see us in action Here!

Got to admit Buddy Budd you do like your treats.
So that is his secret I think I will...
(Dad gives Einstein "the look")

I think you better think again Einstein. 
That sure does look like Buddy
Dad too, amazing!

Thanks to all the Cats From Hell: Nellie, Kozmo, Jo-Jo and Mom too from all of us here at the Tomcat Home!

Buddy Budd
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad too


Summer at said...

Congratulations, Buddy! How awesome that you got such a cool cartoon!

Kitties Blue said...

We saw that at Nellie's and thought it was too, too cute. Mom Barb is so super talented. We love the Finish the Sentence contest and most of us enter every week. Giulietta and Mauricio have both won. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

The Swiss Cats said...

Concatulations ! You got a pawsome graphic ! Purrs

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats Buddy Budd! That is a great cartoon of you and your dad.

pilch92 said...

Congrats on winning one of Nellie's masterpieces- that came out great!

Anonymous said...

ConCats Buddy Budd weez so happy yous won. Dat's a pawsum gwaffic. And yous so wight yous and uncle Pete be so handsum. Hope yous all have a pawsum day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

meowmeowmans said...

ConCATulations, Buddy Budd! We love this cartoon of you and Dad!

Unknown said...

Mes so furry happy that yous liked your cartoon and thanks yous for the shout out about the Finish the Sentence Game!
Anybody can enter (that's right Einstein - yous too could wins).
Loves ya all!

The Island Cats said...

Good one, Buddy! We love your cartoon.

Anonymous said...

YAY! We thought Nellie's Mommy did a great job with your cartoon - your Dad looks happy and what's better than that after all?!?!?!

Hugs, Sammy

Anonymous said...

Buddy Bud! You are so lucky. Shoko and I loved the cartoon of you and your dad. Excellent replicas of both. You look so handsome Bud Bud and your dad, well, looks just like him.
Shoko and I keep entering but nothing yet.

Big hugs for my guy,

Kitty kisses,


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Concats and bigger concats fur winning the fountain, too!! Wowee!!

John Bellen said...

Well done, Buddy! You deserve your congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Conkatss Buddy!!!!
Well dun :)
**Hi-5'ss** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum