Monday, March 30, 2015

Nap or Whap?

I can't believe Buddy chased me out of that great napping spot. Let me try this up...

Hold on Toby. Buddy told me all about your trying to steal
the good napping spots.
I did not! That Grump won't share!

I didn't hear you ask me if you could use the corner post.
You jumped in from of me, gimme the post!

You hold your mousies there Toby!
Ugh, let me up there!

First come, first nap. That's how we do it in this house.
But my paw was there first...

Do I have to use both paws, Toby?

No Timmy. I want a nap not a whap.
You can have the corner post.

That's alright. I had a nap earlier.

Toby if you are not going to nap there can I?
Rumpy are you behind... no, couldn't be, go ahead and nap.

Rumpy was right. It is fun to be a little naughty now and again.

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots - agent provocateur in residence

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Einsteins Sunday Kinda Selfie

We are joining The Cat on My Head
Selfie Blog Hop

Zzzz, Wheee, Zzzz, Mrrr, Zzzz, Mwww,.. 

I have to thank Dad for snapping my Selfie this week. He says I talk in my sleep. Hope its not incriminating! 


Friday, March 27, 2015

The Never Ending Saga of the Be-Boppin Boys

HEY YOUZ! Whut choo doin in mah bed!
Buddy its not your bed.
Realyz? A one, anna twoz, anna...

Alright I'm going, I'm going
You betta getta


Yes I will just lay here and relax and...
HAY YOO. Yoo stunk mah bed upz!

Buddy I did not. I only laid there a minute
Smell bad ta me an it not Rumperz!

Yoo Betta Git ta Gittin!
Hoo Cat!

I'ma Comin. Doan movez.
You'll never catch me old cat!

Yuck! Left yer stinky stink here too'z!
Did not!

Now I'ma comin lak'a Frighten Trainz Toberz!

Buddyyyyy! Give me a break will ya?
Wellz... Jus diz once't
Owez me a treater!
Darn, I knew there was a catch

Whut choo lookin at!
Ah juz funnin. You'z alraght wit Buddy Budd!

Buddy Budd
Toby Tomcat

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Box Wars

Mighty fine box you have there Timmy
Why yes Buttons, yes it is.

In fact I was in there furst you know!
Well you know the saying: Finders keepers...

Rumpy: Don't take that guff Buttons!
Show him who is THE CAT!

You better think twi...

Overpaw Smack
Easily Blocked!

Left Paw Jab!
Right Whacky Paw!

Another Left Paw Jab!
Right to the Kisser!

Did I hurt you?

I'm alright
Good. I got carried away.
Me too

I think I will go to the Cat Walk where we sit with each other.
I will be right there.

Yay! I Still have controf the box. 

You should have bloodied him good Timmy.
I am going to come over and whack you Rumpy!1

You all heard that! Timmy is threatening the Disabled kitty!
Oh good grief

Timmy Tomcat
Mr Buttons
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sadie Hawkins Dance at Cat Scouts

Me and Einstein had another really great time at Cat Scouts. Dezi hosted the Sadie Hawkins Dance. Meow what a night we had!

We all wore appropriate and fun outfits fur a barn dance.
Einstein brought Shoko and I brought Nibbler.

We went on a romantic hayride

Dora and Tiger were without dates so our Toby came along
for a night of fun. He really loved the hay ride with the girls.

There was a sack race but Einstein had theirs
 up on the hay wagon.

 Once Shoko took charge they started catching up to
Anya and Gracie.

When it was all done we got a badge. No winners or losers
just tons of great fun!

After the sack race we were all famished and met
Sampson and Astrid at the Barn Diner
Astrid and Shoko matched patterns. So cute!

At the start of the dancing we were all a bit shy so Toby
grabbed Tiger and Dora and got things going!

Einstein gave Ali a spin around the floor and we met
Felix and Maggie. They transported in to have some fun
while Mom was busy

Befur you know it the dance floor was hopping.
Einstein did a big dip with Shoko.
What a show off.

You need a line dance when doing western. From the left Pete H, Shoko, Einstein, Ali, Buckaroo, Foxy, Banzai, Cat P, Trouble,
Nibble and me, Timmy.

All too soon the night was over. Gracie brought some cool drinks and things to nibble on and we got ready to head home

Einstein wanted a last memory photo with his gal Shoko.
How could I say no.

If you don't belong think of joining Cat Scouts. We all have a ton of fun and best of all we have volunteer programs to help cheer up people who have no family, are older or may have developmental issues. This giving back to the community is what Cat Scouts is all about.
Purrs from all of us my furends!

Timmy Tomcat

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Einstein's Sunday Selfie

I am totally worn out from all the fun at the Cat Scouts Sadie Hawkins Dance hosted by Dezi. Me and my dearest girl furend Shoko danced all night!

MOL I fell asleep right as I set the timer on the camera.

 We are joining the Cat on my Head Sunday Selfie
Blog Hop


Friday, March 20, 2015

Eeny, Meeny, Miny... E?

Whatcha doing Timmy
Checking out this cool box Buttons

Wow look at that one!


Yeah! This one is even better'er!

Go ahead Einstein. Let that inner cat in the box out!


There you go!
It's nice but... a bit tight...
You mean your Butt is too tight! MOL!

IS NOT! I just have a lot of floof back there!
Whoa! Cat-Dood, I was kidding...

Ahh, Rumpy was right, any reason is a good reason

Hee Hee

Timmy Tomcat 
Mr Buttons