Wednesday, March 18, 2015

We had a bang up St Patrick's Day

Einstein I am a bit tired today so can you do the post.
I understand it is tough getting old and decrep...
Just kidding Timmy. You are still Top Cat around here. 
Me and Timmy went to the Cat Scouts St Patrick's Day Pawty

Timmy, Nibbler, myself and Shoko went over the night befur
and camped out to get an early start. Guess who

Here we are ready to pawty in the land of Green
What a nice change from all the cold at home. 

First we joined in a parade 

Our furend Sunny set up a donkey ride.
It was really fun.

Next we kissed the Blarney Stone. Timmy went furst.

Shoko and me were next. It was such fun.

I admit I like kissing Shoko better *Blushes*
Do you recognize that famous kitty in the background?

Next we went street dancing. We all practiced a lot and
really caused a ruckus!

A short break back at the Wildcats Den.
The Thundercats did all the decorating and provided
noms and so much fun. Thanks furends!

Shoko and Nibbler headed off to dreamland and
we headed over to the Night Owls Pawty and met up with
Gracie, Tubby, Charles, Maggie and Felix to finish
up a wonderful St Patrick's Day

Thanks fur posting Einstein. I am just waking up MOL
Sure Timmy. If you don't belong you should consider joining 
Cat Scouts. It is loads of fun.

Timmy Tomcat


John Bellen said...

Quite a fun time, it looks like. The spot you ended up looks like a wonderful place for a meal and relaxation. A great day, eh?

The Florida Furkids said...

We had a blast at the party! The Thundercats really did a pawsome job.

The Florida Furkids

The Swiss Cats said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun and a great pawty ! Purrs

da tabbies o trout towne said...

doodz & doez look like a total lee awesum time !!! N we bee thinkin thatz buckaroo in de bak ground....oceanside !!! happee bee lated St Patricks day two all ~~~~~

May the blessings of each day
Be the blessings you need most.


May the leprechauns be near you,
To spread luck along your way.
And may all the Irish angels,
Smile upon you St. Patrick’s Day

be jezuz we CAN speek English !!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That looks like the one and only Skeezix behind you. You all had a great St Patrick's Day.

Cats Herd You said...

The Cat Scouts always have such amazing adventures!

pilch92 said...

Glad you had so much fun! My Sammy must have left the night owls right before you got there.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Wow!! You sure did have a great St.Patty's Day!!! CATABULOUS!

The Island Cats said...

It was quite the party!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

That wasa fun catventure to Ireland!

Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful party at Scouts wasn't it? Everyone really "got their Irish on" and what FUN we all had. Cat Scouts is THE happening spot isn't it?

Hugs, Sammy

Anonymous said...

We had a ball Einstein. The dancing, kissing *blushes*, the riding and the fun chatter were too much for me. I slept most of yesterday.

Love your talk on the blog. Einstein, you are a genius. Timmy and Nibbler seemed to have fun too....actually every kitty had fun.

See ya Saturday for the Sadie Hawkins Dance my sweet one.

Love Shoko

Kitties Blue said...

According to Mau, you four were definitely the lives of the party. We just found out that another saint has a feast day on the 17th. It is St. Gertrude, and she is the patron saint of cats. We think we will celebrate her next year! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Anonymous said...

Wow you sure know how to pawty. Pawkisses :) <3

Anonymous said...

Pawty on Timmy an the gang.....yur all lookin so fine in yur 'greenery' ;)
***HI-5'SS*** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum