Hello friends and let me say I am so really thankful to have you drop by today. I have thinking since being shut in from the cold, thinking of the little things. A chin scritch from Dad, re-discovering a fun toy, having an extra good nap are all nice, but add in an email from a friend, seeing a funny post, learning good news and these little things add up. They add up to a contented happy life. Yes, Dad told me many years ago to keep my paws on the ground and revel in little bits of daily goodness. In todays world this is even more important. Hope you have had some nice little things in your life today! |
Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: https:Timmytomcat.blogspot.com. All rights reserved
I have an awesome life too, Timmy, and I am grateful for every single moment.
You are VERY wise, Timmy!
So many need to learn that technique!
We live pretty simply, and it helps us to truly enjoy what we DO have...a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and so on:)
Oh, and knowing we are loved!! That is the best!
You sound so happy, that makes me smile. And lovely photo :-D
What a great post Timmy......I'm very thankful for all the little things I have as all of us who were lucky enough to be adopted into our FOREVER should be. Life can be so very hard. Thanks for reminding us all that little things can be BIG STEPS to "happy" !
Love, Teddy
It is all those little things that add up to a good life, Timmy.
Timmy, you are a wise old owl even though you are a cat. Good picture of you today and glad your feet are in the house where it's warm.
Thank you for your beautiful post. We will indeed be grateful for the little things we love today.
xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep
Timmy Tom, your dad is right about appreciating the small things in life. That's very important and frequently overlooked. Listen to your dad, he won't stir you wrong. Have a good day, furriend!
Listen to your dad as he's most wise. It is all those little things that makes life so sweet. We just need to take the time to notice all the wonderful things around us.
Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your siblings and your dad. ♥
You and your Dad have it right Timmy, it is the little things that are so very precious. The simplest things in life bring the greatest joy. Great post!
dood...pops iz rite :)....awesome post two day guyz ~~~~~~~~~ ♥♥☺☺
Those are wonderful and totally purrfect thankfuls! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
I am grateful to have wonderpurr furends like yoo, Timmy. Plus yoo are such a hansum mancat. *makes flirty whiskers.* Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Dori
those are wonderful things to be thankful for!!!! Right now, we are thankful that Daddy only had to sub a half day today (means Mom isn't on doggy duty all day like she usually is), and I am pawticularly thankful for the sunshine coming through the window on this bitter cold day! Love, Roary
Wise words!
life is made up of all the little things that happen good for us! Today I narrowly missed a cut finger sectioning oranges! yea!Licking daddy's grilled cheese is your good thing, Daddy's not so good thing! lol
Simple pleasures are treasures ~ glad you have them too ^_^
Moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Timmy! You are so right! Thank YOU for reminding us of those things we are truly grateful for and one of them is you guys! You are AWESOME!| |Have a spenderiferous day!
Your Dad is very wise and appreciating the small positive things is a great way to get through life.
Your Dad is correct! The Human always says, "find joy in the ordinary" and that is true. Your favorite wet food breakfast in the morning, a sun puddle when it's 16 degrees outside (with a wind chill of 15 below), snuggles at night and dried fish treats. I could go on but you get the idea.
Purrs & Head Bonks,
It truly is the little things that mean the most!
You are so sweet. XO
Well, Timmy, reading some nice blogs like yours and catching up with our friends every day is something we are thankful for too !
We wholeheartedly agree, Timmy. All the little things really add up to a great big life.
And we are also thankful for your kind words about our bro Elliott.
Catzowey Signore Timmy! You are a super duper wise man cat and the best thing that happened to Me & Myself today was getting your photo and your news and reading about being terrificat thankful! You is my hero! Purrrrhaps you run for PURRRResident someday :)
No one could have said it better. Ooops, no one could have meowed it better ...
(PS Miss June can learn some lessons from you, Timmy!)
Wonderful Thankful’s, Timmy. Those little things add up to a big pile of good.XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet
Well said, my friend. Well said!
Timmy, I feel the same way about my life here. I could not be happier nor more loved. Your dad has the same thoughts we have here at my house too. WE are grateful each day for the day itself and whatever is in it.
Yup, a warm home on a cold night, good food for dinner - no empty tummies going to bed - and friends to visit with. Wait a minute: those aren't exactly 'little' things, are they, Timmy?
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