Is your chicken out of control? Let me show you how to check that chicken! |
First you give that chick a good Bitey, check |
They always try and get away to hide. Just stay calm and reach with a claw to check. No problem |
Apply the second Bitey and they listen to reason, check. |
Chicken I am the Cat and that is reason enough, check |
In a nutshell that is Chicken Checkin. Look how docile my little peeper is |
Remember to keep your checked chicken away from bad influences that may uncheck your chick |
Speaking of bad influences Rumpy had an especially bad night with his asthma and was not at breakfast the first time Ever! This surprised Dad as he had a good week playing and being a pest. Of course there is now another 6+" of snow in our 100' drive and the vets phones are out. We have an appointment tomorrow at 6pm so please send your purrs and prayers. He did eat a Broth just now so Dad smiled at that. I want my big bro to whap paws on the bed like we do every night! |
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: https:Timmytomcat.blogspot.com. All rights reserved
Thanks for the tips, Fitz! I am purring lots for Rumpy!
Finger crossed for Rumpy, sending purrs and prayers from Scotland <3
That chicken is doing well with all the play. Great photos :-D
That chicken has been subdued into submission!
I am sending good thought for Rumpy.
We have lots of purr prayers for Rumpy. February has been an exceptionally tough month so sorry to hear about the extra snow. Miss Fitz you keep everything on the up end up. You watch that chicken and you keep an eye on your dad.
Sending purrs and prayers, dear Rumpy.
xoxo, Bibi & Meep
That was darn good chicken checking and we're all sending tons of purrs and prayers for dear Rumpy.
Oh deary me- we hope Rumpy is soon 100% great and back to his lovely self! Fun photos of the cats and the chicken! Cheers!
You checked that chick purrfectly. Thanks for the tutorial.
Prayers for Rumpy. I hope he gets better soon.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to all the kitties and healing scritches to Rumpy. ♥
Thank you for the step-by-step on the chicken checkin. Sending lots of good thoughts to Rumpy!!
say it iz knot sew fitz ~~~~~~ knot bass terd chckn
rumpy; we hope yur doin better, get better, be better & stay
better....st francis' blessing two ewe dood....all wayz ☺☺♥♥
Chicken little sure got *the lesson* didn't she!!
Poor Rumpy. We all are pawyering for him to feel much better.
You've certainly taught that chick who's boss. We're sending purrs for Rumpy that he's doing better with his asthma and you can get to the vet without too much trouble.
Well you certainly gave that chicken a piece of your mind heheh!
My best wishes to Rumpy :-)
Have a chickentastic safe weekend 😷😷😷
nothing worse than an out of control chicken.
We are sending tons of purrs and prayers for Rumpy!!!! As for the chicken, that chicken was one of Cody's all time faves!
Hee! Hee! Miss Fitz you make us laughs! We have a chicken that looks the same, I wonder if they are related...I shall put the bite on mine to see...
We are sending purrayers for Rumpy. I, Marv, also have Asthma. Mom is not looking forward to pollen season, we are hoping I am better this year.
We are late commenting today as we too had 6 inches of snow! Mom was out shovelling this morning before it got to heavy as our temperatures are going over freezing. Take care, stay warm and have an awesome day!
Purrs to Rumpy....hugs to all who love and care for him.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Hugs Cecilia
Oh, asthma stinks. But thank you for the chicken tips. :) We all could use a laugh today, I'm sure. Be well and best wishes!
You're a chicken pro! Lots of purrs for sweet Rumpy.
Good job showing the chicken who the boss is. Poor Rumpy. I am praying for him. XO
We think you're ready to move on to a REAL chicken!
We're purring for Rumpy. Tell your dad to take care in that snow.
We are sending Rumpy all kinds of purrayers and Powers of the Paw that he feels better soon !
For sure, Rumpy gets all our purrs!
Miss Fitz, you could teach a class on being a great chicken minder!
I'm worried about your brother, Miss Fitz. It's encouraging that he tucked into some broth, but let us know how Rumpy does at the veterinary hospital, please.
(And I find it hard to believe that Einstein is a bad influence...)
I will use those tactics on my Fat Ducky, Mss Fitz. Rumpy, I have you in my thoughts. You get all better right away. You are worrying your dad and siblings. XX
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