Monday, November 30, 2020

Sunday, November 29, 2020

A Lady Fitz Sunday Selfie

Hi Everyone. It seems this week I keep getting surprised. I have to get a phone to put reminders in like Dad does. He can't remember... well he has a bad memory. My beau Toby took the photo when he meowed "Hold it right there Sweet Lady Fitz." That Panfur fella knows how to treat a girl.

We are having such fun joining in The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. You should post a selfie or just visit to see all your blogging friends!

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, November 27, 2020

Friday with Fitz: Cute Look

Oh, its that time. Hold on a sec

*Grrr, Bitey*

*Kick, Kick, Kick*

So that is all the time I have
How about a cute look to make up

We are joining 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs for Friendly Fill-Ins Hop. Come and join us!

1. Why is Cat Food so expensive? Or is litter more expensive? Or are they equal so they balance? Inquiring cats want to know.
2. On holidays, I always have a second serving of Ham and then a third and maybe fourth. You were expecting I say stuffing?
3. I’m eternally grateful for my family and all our friends.
4. ‘Tis the season for Ham and Whapping. No I did not meow Wrapping!

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

We send our Prayers and Purrs this Thanksgiving that you and yours have a safe happy day

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Angel Stinker: Sargent at Claws

Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Buddy Budd: Elder States Spirit
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit
Fanny Feral: Our Outdoor Resident

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Wordless: Demon of the Armoire

Einstein: The Floofy Kid 

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Monday, November 23, 2020

ManCat Monday: Needa Nippy

Nippy Pillow I love you let me count the ways
You Whiffie so, so good!

I feel like a Kitten when I am with you!

The heck with counting lets just be crazy together!

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Einstein's Floofy Selfie

Hi friends! I was really happy to find out I was up for our family Sunday Selfie. I like the flashy box so I can show off my general floofyness. My ears look really grand in this photo don't you think. I hope my gal Shoko sees this. Purrs sweetie.

On a sad note we had to say goodbye to Felix a dear friend from Cat Scouts. He was a great friend and scout and will be missed by many. We know there are a ton of Angels who will welcome him. He does not have a blog but I will pass on your well wishes to his mom and Sisfur Maggie.

We are joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. Hope their blog is back to better.

Einstein: The Floofy Kid 

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Caturday Art with Fitz

I was so happy with my picture yesterday that I volunteered to do a Caturday Art. This is Lunapic Beauty with a nice frame. Toby this is for you sweetie!

We are joining Caturday Art Blog Hop with Athena Cat Goddess. You should try your paw at Art too!

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday with Fitz: Warming Up

The family have been complaining that it's getting cold out

So where were they when Dad put out the Heated Bed last month? Yeah there were no takers. I had never tried it and figured what the hey. Ahhh. It is my new go-to spot. I let Toby use it now and then but anyone else...

I give them a Raspberry and tell them to move on. 

Its Friday so lets all join in with Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15 and Meowing and Four Legged Furball

1. Watching Rumpy run to the feral room to try and get some of their noms is funny. That boy can eat let me tell you MOL
2. I’ve written a fan letter to BenBen CatCat from FB. He is so cute I just want to cuddle him. I am now writing to Monty. Dad says I should just go on FB but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do
3. Whapping is easier than it looks. Try it!
4. Being the only girl in the house is harder than it looks. Silly brothers always picking on each other when a good Whap or Screech  would end the nonsense. 

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thankful Timmy Thursday

Hi Friends. I am a bit late today with my post saying how thankful I am for all of you and my wonderful family. See Dad is worried about something and took me to the Vet yesterday. They did not see what he was saying but he could not be in with me. Life is so complicated with this nasty bug that is around. Dad says he will keep an eye on me so I am sure I will be alright. I do want you all to send purrs and prayers to Theo who is a blog pal of ours.

Theo of Four White Paws is going to surgery today and really needs all our purrs and prayers! Lets let them hear them!

We are joining in Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop
Hope you do too!

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wordless: Toby in the Round

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Monday, November 16, 2020

Man-Cat Monday: Introoder Alert!

We  are joining Awww Mondays from Comedy Plus

So the other day we are all on the Cat Recliner (couch) when we all put our heads up. What? Dad turns off the sound. What is that sound? Is that... Gnawing? Dad was not happy! Then Feral Cam shows this!

Introoder Alert! Introoder Alert!
Nya-Ha-Ha-Ha! I will sneak about and foul whatever I choose!
Hey, that's my Evil Laugh

Then the next morning

Use my laugh will you. You seem tired. I think you need a nap

Dood you smell funny. Do mice wash because you should get at it

If you don't start doing something this play time is over... Introoder!

Rumpy what have you, Oh. Give me that.
You can have him he's no fun anymore.
So who caught him Einstein or Fitz?
Hey I have skills too, watch *Paw Action*
Thanks Rumpy out he goes. 
Use My Sinister Laugh will you (you razzum-frazzum, mumble,grumble)

This day in 1985 was Angel Inky's Birth & Gotcha Days. He was born to Pee Girl at Dads other house so his days match. He lived to over 22 so I got to meet him when I was a kitten. He was a really zen fellow and my first friend here. I think of him often

We were all so sorry to hear that Max the Original Psycho Kitty has gone home to the Bridge. He was met by a ton of friends and family. He had 19 1/2 years with his family and was loved dearly especially by his loving  "Woman." Max thank you for your excellent commentary on life from a cat with keen insight. Please visit and give your support to the family.
The Psycho Kitty Speaks Out

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Introoder: Not too bright either
Dad Pete: Our Old Human

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Caturday Art with Miss Fitz


Hello Felines. I am sharing my excellent art with you on this fine Caturday. I used LunaPic Dreaming for this masterpiece. If I look cranky, I was! I had to do my Flabbergasted Selfie. 

I am joining the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by Athena Cat Goddess. Hope to see your Art too

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday with Fitz: Tailio Troubles

Before you do your Post my sweet remember that today is Friday the 13th and as a Black Cat I give you and your readers my Luck
Toby you are the Best beau ever. *Whisker Kiss*

So this week I wanted to... hold it. Hey! What are you up to?

I asked You. A. Question. Tailio!

Ignore me will you! Hey no hiding 


Friends I am so sorry for my Tailios behavior

I am too embarrassed to go on. See you next week 

Silly Dad almost forgot we are joining Comedy Plus for Feline Friday. Come on Felines and lets Hop

And we are joining Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by our pals at 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs. I am doing the first two and Dad the second two

1. I like being known as the Fierce Kitty. I was feral when I came to live with Dad and need to maintain that level of respect.
2. I don't want to be so Cranky with others, but I have to. As I get older I am calming down and want more closeness with Timmy and Toby especially, but it is hard to change.

3. I'm counting down the days until Christmas.  I love Christmas and all the joy it brings. This year will be kind of strange.
4. Cake is a lot like Heaven. I love cake and pastries and carbs! Wow they are the best!

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved