Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday Selfies with Rumpy Bump

Rumpy time for your Sunday Selfie
Awww Dad, I'm napping in My Toy Box
Oh come on big fella it will only take a minute
A minute, I think, by then, I, will, be...

Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz
Oh Rumpy Bump you silly cat

We are having fun joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. You should Hop along with us

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


Summer said...

It's hard to stay awake for a selfie sometimes, Rumpy!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Awww! Rumpy, I often know just how you feel. Still, makes for a great selfie.

Smudge said...

Aww Rumpy, you look so comfy in that box. You know, my dad falls asleep real quick the same way! Enjoy your Sunday, you big white ball o' love!

Katie Isabella said...

Rumpy, you handsome are you doing these days? Inquiring Tuxies (who adore you) want to know.

Pam and Teddy said...

Well sleeping selfies are legitimate and sometimes when our humans want to snap our photos when we're napping or about to nod off, you get a sleeping selfie! It works!

Hugs, Teddy

Brian's Home Blog said...

We love it Rumpy! Happy Snoozy Day.

Lynn and Precious said...

How could you not fall asleep in that great box!
Looking good eyes open or shut,Rumpy.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Never mind Rumpy, it is a lovely sleepy selfie.

BellaDharma an LadyMew said...

Mew mew mew Rumpy yore 'Sleepy Selfie'iss adoorabell...mee did a 'Sleepy Selfie' when mee did mee post on Furiday!!
Grate mindss think alike!!
***purrss*** BellaDharma

meowmeowmans said...

That's a super sleepy selfie, Rumpy!

Eastside Cats said...

As usual, the human's idea of timeliness doesn't match with a cat's version!
You are very handsome, Rumpy...awake or asleep.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Hey, a good nap still made a pawsome was aw-worthy!

With the cold wet windy weather who can blame any furry one for needing to nap...and dream of warm sun puddles?!

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Oh bless, what a brilliant closeup. I can see fur and shadow too. White is so hard to get 'right' I think (just like black!)

PS We sent you something by email.

Shoko Neilson said...

Rumpy, you sure know how to relax and why not its a crappy day here so perhaps it is there also. Move over my friend and I'll join you.


The J-Cats said...

That's a furry sweet selfie, Rumpy.

pilch92 said... are so adorable. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Sweet dreams, sweetie!

The Island Cats said...

Rumpy, we wanna see those gorgeous eyes! We love your new header too.

John Bellen said...

A comfy box will do that, eh, Rumpy?

Gigi said...

Humans are sooooooooo irritating! They're always wanting something when we are just on the verge of an excellent nappy.

We joined the blog hop from here because we don't seem to be able to get to The Cat on my Head anymore :-( But we got in while it was still Sunday at least! Thanks

The Florida Furkids said...

Sweet snoozy selfie!

The Florida Furkids

ZOOLATRY said...

Mmmm, shall we sing a song of Hamilton (it's very rousing, might wake you up ...) or
drop some soft white sand in for the Beach-y part.
Ah, we'll just leave you be for your sweet snoozing.

PeeEss for Mr. Pete: somehow someway: my subscription went byebye and we are saw-ry for not
having visited for so long; have now renewed it and will come more often and Miss June says
thank you for visiting her so much, it makes her happy!

catladymac said...

Sweet selfie, Rumpy ! Purrs !