Sunday, October 27, 2019

Toby's Halloweenie Selfie

Before I do my post can you please send some support for my brofur Rumpy Bump. His Asthma has him down and the steroids make him feel funny. Thanks Ann of Zoolatry for the Badge. Take a copy if you like

Halloween Black Cat Toby here. I told Dad he needs to work on composition a bit but he is a guy after all. 

You may notice that the photo is in focus instead of the blurry ones we have been posting. Dad just got his new Canon EOS T6 after we all discussed it with Marjorie at Dash Kitten. He really likes it and got us a deal with a telephoto too. He says that's for the Cat Yard, when its done that is. The flashy part is softer than the old camera (a GE that he got for $100. Was nice for years but multiple drops and...) so we don't mind all the flashing, as much anymeow.

I guess I better get my Selfie out of the way so I can practice Halloween moves. Ready-Set-

BOO! Scary Halloweenie Claws my friends.
And no, I do not cat-ch on anything but toys or Dad would clip em

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


meowmeowmans said...

Toby, we love your Halloween selfie. Yes, we can see it's nicely focused. Concats to Dad Pete on the new to him camera. We hope he has lots of fun with it! :)

We are purring lots for Rumpy!

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Mee-yow wow those clawss are speck-taculer Toby! Mee went fore a Mani/Pedi last week an it went guud an now mee has no pointy clawss….mew mew mew.....
Deer Rumpy mee sendss you POTP an ***purrsss*** of healin. Pleese feel bettur soon!
***purrsss*** BellaDharma

pilch92 said...

You are the purrfect Halloween decoration Toby. I am praying for your sweet brother. XO

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Purrs for your brofur' Rumpy..trouble breathing's no fun, that's for sure! Happy early Halloween! Looks like you guys are ready! - Tom x

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Oh, Rumpy Bump, I stopped by as soon as I could to bring you Extra Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers to feel better soon. May the Angels purrotect you, sweet boy💗💗💗

The Swiss Cats said...

Great photos ! Your dad did a nice job with the new camera ! We're sending purrs for Rumpy Bump, and we hope he feels better soon. Purrs

Andrea said...

Congratulations on your purchase. I good camera can make all the difference. Great Halloween selfie too.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

I LOVE my Canon T6. Not super fancy but I am really happy with my own cat photos. I LOVE the claws and fabric closeup it is SO sharp. Well done!!

Now to have some adventures.Shoot your wonderful garden flowers in Av mode with auto focus on!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we are sending TONS AND TONS of purrs and prayers for Rumpy Bump, poor baby! Sending LOTS of love too! xoxo

Katie Isabella said...

Rumpy, I remember that you need prayers and purrs and you sure have them dear Rumpy. XXXXX

Brian's Home Blog said...

Looking good Toby and how cool the Dad got a new camera, he'll be having fun learning all about it. We're all sending purrs and prayers to dear Rumpy, we all love you pal.

Ivan from WMD said...

Of course we will keep Rumpy in our purrs. We hope he feels better soon. Nice shots, Toby! We black cats don't have to dress up for Halloween!

The Island Cats said...

Uh oh. A new camera means your dad will want to take more and more photos of all of you. No rest for you. :) Sending mega purrs to Rumpy.

Summer said...

Awesome selfie - and claws, Toby!

Deziz World said...

MeOW Toby, those are fur sure some long claws. Glad ya'll got a new camera. The fotos are great. We're sendin' lots of purrayers fur Rumoy and all of ya'. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Purrs for Rumpy Bump! I think your Halloween shots look great.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Sounds like a win-win all round with the camera package. We love the clarity of your new pictures, and softer flash works a treat too. Now thems are CLAWS to be proud of, full-on spooky Halloween and no mistake. Lots and lots of purrs and prayers for Rumpy Bump, and we are sure he will be better soon...
ERin & Mrs H

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Sending loads and loads of purrs and pawyers to Rumpy. Get well soon, dude!

Toby those little weapons of yours are HUGE! Scary for sure!

How cool that your dad got a new camera. Hope her doesn't pester you too much with it:)

Pam and Teddy said...

Toby those are "killer claws" indeed! We can't wait to see the cat yard when it's done..........and we are also sending tons of POTP and purrs to Rumpy!

Love, Teddy

The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring and praying for Rumpy. Those are some pawsome Halloween claws!!!

The Florida Furkids

Eastside Cats said...

Aww, Rumpy...feel better soon, big guy! Toby, tell you dad that I purchased a reflector, to attempt better photos of Da Boyz; their black yours...sometimes mess with our cameras! Think I may need to enlist The Hubby to hold the reflector, but we'll keep working on it.

John Bellen said...

I am sorry Rumpy is feeling poorly. He's kind of my favourite there (don't anyone tell - especially not Rumpy; his head is big enough already). I hope he improves this week.