Thursday, October 31, 2019

Terrible Tomcat Family Halloween Food & Fun Fest

Welcome to our Halloween Food & Fun Fest for which we are very thankful to our Dad for the grub and fun outfits.
Check out all the Thankfuls at Brian's Home Blog Hop.
Have some innards with eyeballs and a Scary Burger then dessert.  We have cakes in all flavors: Head, Brains or Purple Poison. Dig in and enjoy!
I wanted to be Pizza Cat delivering Pizza with Mouse Sausage and Party Mix. The boxes are in the living room so dig in. YumAh b da biggezt an eetin gud, gud, gud so b'in Colossus samer az lazt yeer. Toberz watch yer stepz Har, Har, Har

If you think you are hugging me with those claws you had better think again Mr ClawsI promise that I will be careful if  you put that rat head away Maleficat. Please. It's awful. (Mr Claws shudders)

Yesss I am an Evil Clown. I attack for no reason.
No Laughs only FEAR! Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!
Yeah Rumpy you are an Asshat! Timmy RICK here!
I am the smartest Cat in the universe! Not hard after looking around here and I...
Um, Timmy Rick
Yeah Daaaad.
I don't think our Blog readers will know **"Rick and Morty"Oh, well. TIMMY RICK!

I figured this is a good day to say hello to all my pals. I am sending Kitty Angel Dust when you need it. I miss you all.

I, Dark Shoko, flew down from Canadian Cats to be with my beau Pizza Cat. And for the pawty of courseI am sisfur Tyebe of the Night with my brofur Voodoo Budd
Spells R Me. Hee, Hee, Hee  

Timmy Rick: **If you were as astute as me you would know that there are new adventures coming on the "Cartoon Network, Adult Swim" on Nov 10. TIMMY RICK
Claws Cat Toby: The Scary Fellow
Colossus Buddy: Big and Bigger
Evil Clown Rumpy Bump: Attack from a Court Jester
Maleficat Fitz: Fast Spells and Whaps too
Pizza Cat Einstein: With Extra Treats 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman, as usual
Angel Mr Buttons our resident Ghost
The Crew of Canadian Cats with Fright from up North
Dark Shoko: One bitey and you are hers
Tyebe of the Night: A Dark Heart fur sure
Voodoo Budd: Spells a plenty.

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You all are having a fun and swell pawrty!

Pam and Teddy said...

Oh what a SPOOKY crew at your house for Halloween!! What a party - we helped ourselves to goodies. Thank you for the FABULOUS Halloweenie card too.

Hugs, Teddy the Vampire and Mom the Monster

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my goodness, that's just the best Halloween Pawty ever and y'all look fantastic! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Catscue Catmom said...

That is some pawty! All you kitties are spooky-cute, I love the pizza costume - MOL! Happy Halloween.

Eastside Cats said...

Happy Halloween!
Those are some fantabulous costumes, kitties!
Careful with the niptinis...

Summer said...

Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a scary and fun Hallowed Day. First you guys are at our p;ace and then we flew over here to be with you for some nibbles and scary stories. This mouse sausage has piqued my curiosity. C'mon Pizza Boy let's try and make a mouse sausage. Einey how do we get rid of the fur? I don't want a hairy sausage.

I never have heard of this Rick character but if you guys like him, he must be special.

Thanks for inviting us Timmy. You guys have a nice set up here. I'm so proud to meet Buddy. I was named after you, Buddy. Mom says you are the most lovable and understanding male kitty so she called me Budd. I am lovable and I'm becoming more understanding as time goes by.

Shoko, Tyebe and Budd

Andy said...

This is an awesomely scary pawty, thanks for inviting us. Happy Halloween. Andy & Tater

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Happy Halloween, cutie pies!

pilch92 said...

Best costumes ever! Happy Halloween! XO

Katie Isabella said...

Oh this was and is the besets pawty EVER! That you for having me here, all of you! I am having some of everything, double helping on the eyeballs and brains. ...the scarier the betters! Angel Buttons, thank you for being here to help with the pawty and sprinkling the angel dust! Lovins to you.

Ivan from WMD said...

Wow! We are definitely underdressed for this partay!

Dma said...

Man, you guys know how to par-tay.

Cathy Keisha said...

Happy Howl-o-ween! Thank you for the nice card.

meowmeowmans said...

Oooh wee, you sure do know how to throw a good bash, Timmy and Family! Thank you for inviting us. Happy Halloween! XO

Fur Everywhere said...

You all sure know how to throw a party! Happy Halloween :)

John Bellen said...

I love the costumes, everyone. Your dad went all out this year. Well done! And I am sure everycat and your dad miss you too, Mr Buttons...

Three Chatty Cats said...

Raises paw! I know who Rick and Morty are! You all look so great!