Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Cat Scout Catmus Gifts

We have so much Santa Paws Swag Dad made us split it up.
You can see Catmus Day here. Now on with the fun

Dora Trouble and Tiger sent a Pizza Box full of fun
Wow Dad has foodables in there too
Very nice. Thank Mew

Scout Reno sent us Cat Crack
 and a Yeowww Nanner

Did Rumpy snag something on his own Einie?
You know him. Anything is fair game

Wow! Reno did Timmy tell you I LOVE these

*Poke-Poke* Run little mousie MOL

Einie these are really nice!
From our friends Kaya and Trixie
*Whiffie* Home made are the best

Come here you little cutie

This is one cool toy. Maybe I will join Cat Scout
Ummm maybe not Rumpy
No No No

Felix and Maggie sent some fun goodies
Mmmm Temptations

Dad, Pat sent you lots of noms along with our gifts
Wow thanks. Those will go great with my morning coffee

And our dear friends Mauricio and brofur Cooper Murphy
sent a fine box of wonderment.
Treats, a bag and can cozy fur Dad and Toys 

Thank You dear friends for a wonderful Catmus
Cat Scouts is the best place to be fur sure

Dad here. Thanks for sending us enough good stuff to last us for quite a while. We have not been around much the past week and that is my fault. I have been really stressed with retirement and all the things I have to do with IRA, company stocks etc. We will be around MUCH more in the new year!
Make sure you all stop by on Mew Years Eve for Buddy Budds 11th Gotcha Day. It will be a Pawty fur the ages!

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman


Lone Star Cats said...

What pawsome presents! Dat nanner are a real winner - I luv mine!

Deziz World said...

What wonderful gifts ya'll got. Looks like everypawdy's havin' fun. Enjoy and Merry Christmas. Big hugs fur all.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Kitties Blue said...

So happy you received your goodie box from the Halloween door contest. Mom had it packed for at least 2 months. She is terrible about getting to the post office. You all got quite the haul for Christmas. We are sure with the size of your household, that everything will be used. Wishing all of you and Dad Pete a terrific New Year. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

pilch92 said...

You kitties really scored, those are great gifts.

Reno said...

Wow! You guys really made out like bandits. We did too, thanks to you! We hope to get pics up by tomorrow. And our lady LOVES those cozy socks cuz it got down below 60 degreeze outside today and was freezing cold! She duzn't have fur cotes like we do.

We are sharing the stuff you got us a little bit, but only becuz Tripper ways more than me and Homer put together and when he takes our toys if we ask for em bak he'll sit on us. If he duz that, we'll go ded cuz all the air will be sqweezed out of our lungz and we won't be able to breathe.

Thank you guys!

Summer said...

Wow, you guys really cleaned up this year! What awesome presents!

The Swiss Cats said...

Those are wonderful presents ! Purrs

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so happy you all got such well deserved and pawesome gifts!!! When you get a chance, please check your email for our thank you for our wonderful gifts that we received from YOU! (and we blogged about it too!) xoxo

Evan said...

It sounds like you received many wonderful gifts.