Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Movie with Nip

Whut goin on dere Toberz?
I wanted to cat-ch the birdie but, Darn, he is Behind Glass

What is all this then
Boidz unner glazz
We will see about that

*Whap, Whapity-Whap-Whap*
Shucks. I was hungry too
Har Har Har Yoo alwayz hungerin Rumperz

Nip? Alert! Nip Alert! Come One, Come All!

Nice! *Lick* What does Nip make you think of Einie?

I think of being a Butterfly and sitting on Fragrant Flowers
My, my, my.
Reellee? Hmmm?

Um... I mean I think of being a Wild Feral Cat!
Its alright Einie. We all have our softer side.
No! *Snicker*
No Worree lil'fella. Ah thinkin ah izza Pillowz
You do! Whew
And he is Hee Hee

Now dat ah gotted mine energiez up maybe ah...
Going to jump up and catch those Mousies Buddy?
Nope. Gonna go lay onna coucher and be'a Pillowz

Buddy Budd
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Angel Mr Buttons in spirit
Miss Fitz
Dad Pete


Summer said...

Looks like a fun day at your house!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It's a good job the nip wasn't behind glass too!

Valentine said...

I like your way of thinking, Buddy Bud. I think I'll "lay onna couch and be a Pillowz" too! That's a good way to spend a Wednesday!

pilch92 said...

Looks like a fun night :)

Deziz World said...

Hey boys, I's tried huntin' thru the tv too. It ain't easy that's fur sure. Big hugs

Luvs ya'

Raena and Dezi

Pam and Teddy said...

Guys I think you'd better stick to being pillows and forget about attacking the TV - whatever it up there is impossible to "get" !!

Hugs, Teddy

Anonymous said...

Birds under glass.....we loved it. So true too. I hope they don't show pictures of treats under glass.

Shoko and Tyebe

John Bellen said...

If you guys couldn't catch a bird or mouse, at least you caught nip!