Sunday, July 29, 2018

Mr Buttons Six Months at the Bridge

Join our friends at The Cat on My Head to see all kinds
 of wonderful Selfies

Furst I want to say how glad I am to have gotten a pass to come and visit you all. Second Rumpy is fine. He has a fatty deposit and Dad will keep an eye on it. I always told him about too many treats

Being an Angel I can be whoever I like! Young or... 

I like being young Wheeeee.
Gee just look it those paws and claws 

For my selfie I want to wear my tie

Wow I look good!

I have Dear Lucy here at the Bridge with me. Our family sends our support to her family at Kitty Cat Chronicles.

Angel Mr Buttons in spirit

Friday, July 27, 2018

Flat on Friday

What is all this then

Be quiet Grasshopper. I'm hiding

Funny Rumpy
*Paw Action*

Missed me you silly

*Squeeze, Push, Struggle*
Ha! Your'e stuck. Why go in there anymeow?

If you must know I am worried Dad will take me back
to the Stabby Vet. I feel better so there is no need.

Wow my little round protege that really is a squeeze
Maybe you should be the Grasshopper
What's that?

Dad here. No results yet on Rumpy's aspiration. Calling later today and will keep you posted. 

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Dad Pete

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Buddy Budd with Rumpys Update

If ya knowz about Rumperz Vet Visit  ya knowz we waitin
fur da results of the as-pie-ration. No Info Yet!
He feelin OK Doe K whichz Gud Gud Gud
We will letcha knowz, when we knowz. Sooner maybe

Ah wanta As-Pie-Ration. Wondur whut flavorz dat?
Now back to da bloggin
Timmerz whutcha givin me da Evilz Eyez fur?

I'm not Buddy

Au-Contraindicatin yoo  iz. 
No I...

Yoo allz wound-round ah git dem treaters
No harder feelinz. Yoo git sum later
Alright my dear Buddy
Lez not gittin sloppiez
No worries MOL

Buddy Budd
Timmy Tomcat

Monday, July 23, 2018

Rumpy Bump: Vet Visit

Hi Friends. We missed our Bloggie Post on Friday. Gosh
darn Miss Fitz was mad. We also missed our Sunday Selfie and
I had to go get Stabbed! Dad will help me explain.

Hi all. Rumpy has been acting a bit differently for the past few weeks. He has always been very friendly and loving but has started to be clinging. He wants to cuddle and lay on me which is not new but the level is. Not a bad thing but when behavior changes you take note.

A part of this wanting to be near me has been jumping on my desk when I am working. Last week he did this and I saw his stomach was over groomed and wet.

I then saw a small spot that seemed to be his target area. There was a red spot with a small dot in the middle. I checked this and palpated his whole abdominal area. I found a lump.

The lump is about an 1 x 1/2 inch. It is floating which is a good sign. Things attached are not good 

He went to the vet and had an aspiration done on Saturday
We will hopefully have the results by Tuesday

Needless to say I have been very worried and distracted to say the least. We will keep you updated

I do want to  be with Dad all the time. I think it is that I feel a little funny in my tummy. Can you believe the lady at the stabby place, Stabbed me! Geez O Cat they also groomed my nice sitting fur!  Oh well. I'm not worried because Dad loves me and will help me, no matter what.

All that meowed I have a bigger problem

Why is this odd not-ball carousing in my space?
I keep whacking it but it never says  anything.
Stupid not-ball!

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Dad Pete

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Buddy Budd: Gettin Comfy wit Dad

Not diz

Try diz

Put da headz herez an...
Hmm. Almozt

Not Nuff Contactin!

*Wiggle, Push*
Buddy! Will you stop fussing I'm trying to sleep
Almos dere Dad, Almos

*Head Pusssshhhh*
Dere. Dat done dit it.
Luv yoo Dad

Love you too Buddy

Buddy Budd
Dad Pete

Monday, July 16, 2018

A Man-Cat and His Balls

I like my Nippy Nanner, but, it doesn't have the Kick I need

I'm Itching for my Yeowww Cats Balls that Dad gave
me fur my Birthday.

Whoa! What? Who? Where? Why?
Rumpy Bump!
Did you dare take my Nippy Balls?

Timmy Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Dad Pete

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Timmy's 11th Birthday Pawty

Happy Birthday to Timmy
Happiez Birthday to Timmy
You are'z the very best Marmie Brofur
Happy Birthday to Timmy

Wow, you sure are getting old
Rumpy! Hush!
No worries Miss Fitz.  I still feel like a kitten. 
Me too brofur of mine
Oh Brofur
Rumpy Hush!

Timmy your friends Pipo, Dalton and Petcretary Ingrid from
Meezer's Mews and Terrieristical Woofs
sent you a very nice card

Thanks so much my friends. I love it. We all look furward to your wonderful cards. You are one of our first blogging friends and we love you all.

I made you a Tuna Cake Timmy
Aww, Thanks Dad

Paw licking good Dad
Glad you like it

Now come over here and open your gift
Alright Dad *Rip, Rip, Pull, Rip* Ohhhh Dad!

I LOVE Yeowww Nippy Cats Balls
*Whiffieeeeee, Whiff, Whiff*

*Whiffie, Rub, Whiffie*
*Lick, Lick, Lickity-Lick-Lick*

*Sigh* Thanks Dad.
Sure thing Timmy
I also got us a nice new set of sheets to lay on Timmy
Hey I thought that was mine
Looks like me on there Rumpy
You just help make the bed
Sal-Right. I can deal

Friends come on and have some Tuna Cake and here are some other goodies.

There are Bacon Wrapped Filets.
Dad will slice them up fur us all

Jumbo Shrimpie Cocktail

An ah bakin sum Chick-Chick-Chickee'z
Cooked to purrfection Buddy Budd
Of courser

I have plenty of Fat Cat Brews on ice
We have Nip Tea and Milk fur the kits

Friends you can spend as long as you want there is plenty of room
Come on Timmy lets Pawty!
I am Miss Fitz. Mmmm, Nippy Ball, Mmmm... *Whiffie*

Buddy Budd
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Angel Mr Buttons in spirit
Miss Fitz
Dad Pete

Friday, July 13, 2018


Him bein sittin lak nuttin goin on

I don't trust him fur-sure

He did bring us a little bouquet of flowers

Even so, I will not be sharing treats with him

Treats? Hey buddy can I have your share?
What's that, Yes! thanks

Rumperz hush yoo face

Buddy Budd
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Einstein's Drink-Well Project

La-te-da, Dum-de-dum
Whut choo doin lil'fella

I am putting your Drink-Well Fountain together
Ah Thanky Thank Dezi and Rainey fur dat dere giftee
Yoo gals from Deziz World iz all dat. Chips too'z

But'z... cain ya doin it quietest pleeze

Sure thing Buddy
*Work, Push, Flex, Plug, Work*
I'll put a little scent on this as my Makers Mark

Thanks fur the fill up Dad
There. I like it

Ah likin it too'z Einsteiner. It be grate!
Thank Mew Buddy

I have an opinion too: MehHush yoo faces Rumperz

My work here is done.
Have at it Mr Budd
*Lap, Lap, Lap, Lap, Lap, Lap*

Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots