Sunday, July 29, 2018

Mr Buttons Six Months at the Bridge

Join our friends at The Cat on My Head to see all kinds
 of wonderful Selfies

Furst I want to say how glad I am to have gotten a pass to come and visit you all. Second Rumpy is fine. He has a fatty deposit and Dad will keep an eye on it. I always told him about too many treats

Being an Angel I can be whoever I like! Young or... 

I like being young Wheeeee.
Gee just look it those paws and claws 

For my selfie I want to wear my tie

Wow I look good!

I have Dear Lucy here at the Bridge with me. Our family sends our support to her family at Kitty Cat Chronicles.

Angel Mr Buttons in spirit


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Hi, Angel Mr Buttons! Its nice of you to send us an angelic message.
Good to know Rumpy is just fine, phew, we all hate scares.

How sad about sweet little Lucy:(
May she rest peacefully and then romp well with all her fellow angels. Minko and MJF will surely join her.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is always so good to see our Angel friends again, Mr.Buttons. I am glad you are happy and young again at The Bridge.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Aww..sweet angel, we love to see you. You always looked young, Mr. Buttons, but we had a little tear when we saw your Selfie, as we rememberd this one so well💗 We're so relieved to hear that Rumpy is okay so far :) Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Mee-you angel Mistur Buttonss where did thee time go??? Iss wunderfull to see you here yur selfie with yur tie iss pawtastick!!!
Pleeze give mee Aunty'ss NYLABLUE an Mingflower mee LUV O-kay?? Fank you!
An iss sad about Lucy...mee run rite over....
***air rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

The Swiss Cats said...

It's great to see you, Angel Mr Buttons ! Purrs


We are so glad to see you Angel Buttons.

pilch92 said...

Nice to see Angel Buttons. I am happy to see Rumpy got good news. XO

catladymac said...

Buttons, it is good to see and hear from you again ! Glad you are well there and Rumpy is well here. We know Lucy will be missed, but had so many to welcome her !

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Anniversaries are so hard :( Loved seeing you, Angel Buttons.

Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

Catzowey! WHOOZA wearing dat smart TIE that is my San Franfuncisco Giants colors?? I'm loving these pics as much as I loves all of you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Buttons! Its great to see you! Queen Penelope tells me that being able to choose what age you want to be is one of the best perks and she tells me that you can cut quite a rug (what ever that means) and you look magnificent in your tie!

Pam and Teddy said...

Mr. Buttons it's nice that you are visiting - my brother Sammy does that too and we think it's great that Angels are always with us. Thanks for bringing us good news about Rumpy too. Sending hugs to everyone back at the Bridge and a special one for you!

Love, Teddy

Me said...

Nice to see you, Angel Buttons, and all your super cute pics. Great news about the Rumpster Bumpster! Sooo happy to hear it is not something dangerous. xoxo, the Meepster (MOL!)

Valentine said...

Whew, that is a relief that Rumpy's lumpy is just fatty tissue! The doggies gets those too. Good to see you Angle Buttons! That must be purr-ty cool to get to be anything you want and to be able to go anywhere you want now. I bet my white fursibs in the rainbow would love to be friends with you too. Winks and hugs.

John Bellen said...

It's good to see you again, Mr Buttons. I know your family misses you terribly. Thank you for letting us know about Rumpy. A fatty deposit! What does that mean, I wonder. You continue having a great time, Mr B. I know you'll watch over everyone.

M Dawson said...

AngelMr Buttons you look totally EPIC in that natty tie!

Bless you.

Deziz World said...

Great selfie and we're glad Rumpy be okay. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

meowmeowmans said...

It's so nice to see you, Mr. Buttons. We love and miss you, buddy, and send comforting purrs and prayers to your family.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Rumpy's only got a fatty deposit. You know mom had one of those and so did her brother. Only the best get fatty deposits and they are harmless. I like that.

Angel Mr, Buttons, I hope you and Angel Kali are having fun together. How sad that Lucy joined you and had to leave her mom. You and Kali can show her the ropes, so to speak.
