Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy 11th Gotcha Day Buddy Budd

Happy 11th Gotcha Day Buddy Budd!

Buddy you are a great friend and we all love you
Besides the whacks and nips, still, you are alright brofur
I must say we get along famously. How Unusual 
I love you big fellow. Thanks for being such a good friend
You welcomed me when I was tiny and fur that I love you
Buddy, on New Years Eve 11 years ago I never knew how much you would add to our family. Thanks for being a dear friend all through the years and still.
Aww Dad, Fambly, ah lovin ya too'z *wipes a tear*


Buddy I got you some steps to get up on the table with me
No mo crate'z n'boxer's! Wow-Zer!
Thanky Thankz Dad O'Mine

And something we need which you may feel is not a present
A new pump for your Fountain that your friend Dezi sent you

Aw dat a prezzie fur sure'z. Yoo knowin ah da big drinkin
fella an it keepin goodz ol me yung, yung, yung.

I helped Dad pick out these tasty toppers for our
Mew Years Day Breakfast
Hate'in ta say'in but dere only fiver wit sixer kittahs

You know who went in Dads shopping bag and started early
Hah, dat Rumperz. Whadda fella

For Appeteasers Dad made Kabobs, Cheesy Balls,
Shrimp Cocktail and Scallops with Bacon
Mmmm Ah hongrey too'z

Ah seein mah Chickie Chick Chick
Fresh Roasted for my best pal

We have Filet with Bacon. Extra Extra Bacon if you like
Ah likin dat Extraz, Extraz fo-sho!

Iz dat da Lobsta Thermomeeter
Lobster Thermidor on the plate

I got the great Big Cat Malt fur us all
Thanky Rumperz. Yoo alrighty righty
Don't I know it and...
Rumpy! Hush!
Yeeees Fitz *grumble, mumble, gripe*

And we got you your favorite Strawberry Cheesecake
fur dessert

Yowzer! Lez Eatin!
Frenz git yoo ta diggin inner raght behinder me'z

There will be Nip and Games after dinner. You can spend the night if you like as we have plenty of room. Thanks fur coming to help us all celebrate with brofur Buddy Budd!

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Selfie Sunday: Buddy's Gotcha Day 12/31

Head on over to our pals at The Cat on My Head
to see all our friends great Selfies!

Yo Dad doant we gotz a bigz nouncer!
You bet Buddy Budd. Go ahead and tell our friends
Coolio. Frenz tamarra, da thoity foist or Mew Yearz

Ever iz mah elebenth Gotcher Dayz. Be dere ur be square.
There will be lots of Nom, Nip, Friends and Fun!
I goin ta havva snack. Seein ya tamarra

Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

Friday, December 28, 2018

Friday with Fitz: Hard Bargain

Dad will you re-post my photos fur me. Just these here
No problem my little girl
I like it when you call me your little girl
My little girl! *Gives Fitz a Fuss*

Yes those are mine

That is mine 

And just look at them eyeing MY Flutter thingie
You did whap them pretty good LOL
They asked fur it

Dibs! I call Dibs on that whole pile
Fitz, my little girl, there is plenty for all to share
Yes, what is on your cat mind?
Well. We scent what is ours, right.
Well yes but...
No. It. Is.
Alright, OK
I scent that fake leg of yours every time you change. Give
me my due or I will take it over and leave you stuck!

Hard Bargain
You have to be tough on Stinky Man Cats
But I'm not...

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Cat Scout Catmus Gifts

We have so much Santa Paws Swag Dad made us split it up.
You can see Catmus Day here. Now on with the fun

Dora Trouble and Tiger sent a Pizza Box full of fun
Wow Dad has foodables in there too
Very nice. Thank Mew

Scout Reno sent us Cat Crack
 and a Yeowww Nanner

Did Rumpy snag something on his own Einie?
You know him. Anything is fair game

Wow! Reno did Timmy tell you I LOVE these

*Poke-Poke* Run little mousie MOL

Einie these are really nice!
From our friends Kaya and Trixie
*Whiffie* Home made are the best

Come here you little cutie

This is one cool toy. Maybe I will join Cat Scout
Ummm maybe not Rumpy
No No No

Felix and Maggie sent some fun goodies
Mmmm Temptations

Dad, Pat sent you lots of noms along with our gifts
Wow thanks. Those will go great with my morning coffee

And our dear friends Mauricio and brofur Cooper Murphy
sent a fine box of wonderment.
Treats, a bag and can cozy fur Dad and Toys 

Thank You dear friends for a wonderful Catmus
Cat Scouts is the best place to be fur sure

Dad here. Thanks for sending us enough good stuff to last us for quite a while. We have not been around much the past week and that is my fault. I have been really stressed with retirement and all the things I have to do with IRA, company stocks etc. We will be around MUCH more in the new year!
Make sure you all stop by on Mew Years Eve for Buddy Budds 11th Gotcha Day. It will be a Pawty fur the ages!

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Meowy Christmas Friends

Lets get right to the FUN friends!

Our Furst gift is from The V family and Felix. 
A Cat Pizza!

Me-Wow! What fun

Einstein leave some fur the rest of us

Next we have our Secret Santa!
I got a very cool calendar 
Nice Dad

And I LOVE my new Tie! I have the purrfect place
to wear it. Buddy Budd's Mew Years Gotcha Pawty

I have dibs on this string toy
I have dibs on this one Wheeee

TREATS! Gangway!
Rumpy you are such a pig
Nom Nom Nom Nom
Dont worry gang there are lots fur all

I love little mice! Thank Mew Secret Santa

Just checking to make sure its all here dad
No worries Timmy we have all week to play

Thanks Secret Santa

Next we have a big box from Peaches, Paprika and Carol
Cat Oh Cat Dad open it pleeeese

Thanks fur the nice card to us all

Hmmm what can this be?

A fuzzy toy with a poor photo... Dad
Sorry Toby

But I was...
*Whap* MINE!

No worries I have mine! Yessss

What do you have in there Timmy?
I have a Tickle Pickle

I have a nippy, I have a nippy toy

Interesting fur-sure

I love the nippy toys

You can never have enough MOL

Two big fleece to lounge on this winter
Very nice thanks Carol

Peaches, Paprika and Mom thank mew so much
There are even treats to enjoy
Meowy Christmas to you all

Friends the boys got a LOT more than we expected this year. We still have Timmy and Einstein's Cat Scout gifts to open so stop back tomorrow for the fun.

Remember that Mew Years Eve is Buddy Budd's Gotcha Day and this year it is a double pawty as it is Dads last day to work. Finally he gets to Re-Tire and we will have him all to ourselves. Cant wait.

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

Monday, December 24, 2018

Catmus Eve at the Tomcat Home

I tell you this year I am staying awake to see Santa Paws
I dont know Timmy. We are 0 fur 10
Yeah... we are...
Yez. Ah knowin ah ratherz be sleepin den peepin
Oh Buddy you are so Old. I'm going to tackle him and take all the presents for myself
I am with you Buddy. Rumpy you need a bag of coal
You should take heed Rumpy. Be nice to Santa
Humbug. I want the treats and toys

Later on that night under the Magic of 
Santa Paws all fall asleep

Zzzz Zzzz
Zzzz-Whee Zzzz-Whee
Znuf-Zzzz Zniv-Zzzz

Mumble... whack him and him and him and...Mmm

Whats that?
Meow Meow Meow
Hellooo Miss Fitz have you been a good girl?

Santa Paws! Oh Yes Yes I have!
Paws old buddy I can vouch for Fitz. She is my friend
Is that you Angel Buttons? We miss you so.
Thanks fur visiting. Love you Santa Paws

We love you and all your family Miss Fitz
Come on Mr B up up and away to the next kitty home

Wheeee See you all in your dreams my loving family!

Wow! What a joy that was.
I can't wait to tell Dad in the morning.
Goodnight all you good little kitties. He's on his way

Santa Paws: The Good Cats Friend
Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Angel Mr Buttons: Always in our thoughts
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman