Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Large and in Charge: Buddy Budd

I'm heading off to give Dad Purrs and Fur Rubs.
You have this Buddy Budd?
Yessir Timmerz. I be dere soon soon ta help wit Dad

What is all this then?
Dad had a dental at da Vet. He got no toothies left!

Yessir he be hurtin. Ah be da bloggin dis weekz.
Todayz we gotta book reportz
Very Cool. That's from Cat Scouts right
Yoo Betcha. Timmerz and Einie won diz 

Fridayz we gonna talk bout yoo
*Gulp* Be nice will you
You knowz me
That's why I ask to be nice
Har Har Har

Now bout diz book. Timmer and Einsteinz went on a fun Riverboat trip with Cat Scoutz to Hannibal Missouri, boyhood home of Mark Twain. Hey, lookee that! Buddy spell't Missouri RIGHT. Hah Buttonz in yer... Oh ah digesting... 
So Felix and Maggie had all diz fun info on the sights an fun that iz all around where they travel-in in. Lotta fun in Cat Scoutz. Yessir dere iz.
Then when they git home dere waz a Quiz. The fellerz used all they brainz. Them little gray cells was cookin and smoke waz comin out dem catz earz. Yep, Yep ah seen it be-fur! Anyhoo they tied with two cool Scoutz brofurs Hermes and Chip. They Each Won! Very fun cool great. Check out da book.

The completed workz izza very big book that Dad haz started.
Ah like the story so far.

Buddy Budd got more gud gud gud stuff comin so come
on back ta visit. Ah got Toby in-da-sights fur Friday Har Har.
Pssst... Shhhh... Timmerz Birfdayz on Caturday.
Big Big Big Pawty an Yoo Invited

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Dad Pete


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

OH, MY!! Sending huge POTP to your Dad.
You kitties are taking good care of him and of your bloggie, too I see. Good work!
Make sure your Dad has lots of ice packs, OK?!
I am sure that soon he will feel much better, on account of all you kitty nurses.

Purrs and hugs and lots of kitty loving from Pipo.
Dog-guy sends some licks:)

Summer at said...

I'm sending lots of healing purrs to your male human!

The Swiss Cats said...

Poor Dad Pete ! We send him tons of healing purrs ! Purrs

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz...conga ratz on winnin de soooper awesum book !! N we send big heelinz ta popz; we noe himz knot feelin hiz best rite now.... hope him knot in two much pain ~~~ ♥♥

Anonymous said...

Dat's pawsum. concats to all of ya'. We're sure when uncle Pete gets to feelin' better he'll read ya' some stories. We're sendin' hugs and purrayers.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

pilch92 said...

That was a great thing to win. Twain was a smart man, he loved cats. I hope your Dad feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

You are all doing a terrific job for Dad. What a kick in the head to have all his toothies out. Even Kali kept 4 of them.
Keep up the good work boys and your dad will be back to himself in no time.

Loves Shoo and Kali Kit.

Unknown said...

Aw boys, we know you're giving great comfort to your dad as he gets his dental work done! No toofs now; plenty of teef later!!

Glad you got the book and are enjoying it! Make sure you include Dad in your reading circle!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

OMC all toosies...that's really painful and for the tooth fairy really expensive..MOL :D Here come Extra Healing Pawkisses for a speedy recovery to your Dad <3 <3 <3
The book sounds pawsome btw. Take good care of your Dad kitties <3

catladymac said...

POTP to your Dad ! He's got some good reading there to keep him occupied til he feels better !

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a great book to win! I am sending good thoughts to your dad and hope his mouth is soon feeling better.

Anonymous said...

It's a great idea of sharing of works.
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