Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July Pawty with Canadian Cats & Friends

We are having a 4th of July and belated Canada Day pawty for Buddy's gal Kali and Einstein's gal Shoko both from  The Canadian Cats. There will also be a great cat friendly fireworks show with no big Booms. But Furst. Lets Eat. Stake out a spot on the lawn and let Miss Fitz start you on Appetizers

We have some really tasty appetizers and I suggest the Bacon Scallops. Hurry before Sammy and Teddy eat them all!
Mr Buttons will help you with your side dishes

We have a very nice Ceaser Salad and Big Stuffed Taters.
I like a nice green salad with Mac N Cheese. We have plenty so dig in. Toby has the main course, Toby...

Now let me present our main courses Baked Fish or Crab Cakes. We know you will enjoy your choice as Dad is a whiz of a cook and we have a good selection fresh from the sea today.
Rumpy has the desserts ready so chow down

Here you go. I think you will love these as much as we do. Dads favorites are, all of them! I cant blame him as cream pie is the best of all pie. Ready for the show, lets go!

Hope you are feeling full and satisfied as we start the show. There are some treats being passed around if you still have room. Remember there are only nice sounds with our Cat-Friendly Fireworks.

When is it starting?
I'm hungry, who has the treats?
How long is the wait anymeow?
Toby Shush!
*Fwoop Zwoop Swish Swish*

This is so Cool
A nice start fur sure
Where are the treats?
Rumpy Shush about treats
Keep Lookee Lookee Up Up Up Kali
What fur Buddy dear?

Ohhh Buddy it's Beautiful!
Lovin yoo Kali mah sweetie. Keep lookin
You watch too Shoko
Alright Einstein 

*Puff, Puff, Puff, Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh*
Oh Einie, you are so sweet *Kissy*
Love you Big Buddy *Cuddle*

*Pop, Pop, Swoosh*
Who has the treats?

Shush Rumpy... 
*Fwoop Zwoop Fwoop Zwoop Zwoop Zwoop Fwoop*
Ohhh look
Where are those treats?

*Boom Boom Boom Boooom Boooom Boom Boom*
Wheee what a show. Amazing Cat-Friendly Booms!
Yay *Toby cuddles Fitz*
The Best *Kisses Toby*
Ah luv luv luv dis firewerkz shew an yoo Kali Sweetie
Oh Buddy *Kisses Buddy*
Shoko my sweet you are the best
Thanks Einstein my dear *Kisses Einie*
Wowzer Meowzer what a show
What! The treat bag is empty????

That show was the best
Sure was Buttons
It was super and better with you Fitz my dear
Toby you were so well behaved. *Kisses  Toby*
Thanks fur inviting me Einstein
We loved having you and Kali
*Kisses Einie* 
Oh Shoko you really make my heart pitty pat 
I feel the same Buddy Budd
*Four leg Cuddle with soft head bump of Buddy* 
Oh Kali mah sweetz *Swoons and lays with Kali*

Hope you had a fine time with us today Friends.
Kali me and Einie will make shur yoo an Shoko get home safe safe, Yep-Yep

Wish I had gotten my treats...
Oh Rumpy you are too much... Fur once and fur all Shush!

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Kali - Canadian Cats
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Shoko - Canadian Cats
Dad Pete


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Whoot! I am here early to pawrty!!! MOL! Its fun! You kitties made me giggle!
Now I will go through your scrumptious buffet!
Maybe Angel Minko can see those sparkling booming fireworks through the earth viewing window. They sure are purrty!

Petcretay will miss the fireworks show in our town, she has to work...but there will be lots of fun activities and food for the residents where she works, so that always makes it a good shift. And some of the peeps there will go to our Air show, to see some great flying stunts and skillful maneuvers...jets and props and others. Petcretary saw it on Monday, it was great!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

And before I forget:

Happy Independence Day!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Awesome party! Happy Fourth!

Katie and The Katz said...

Luverly show and thanks so much fur the delicious foods. Thanks fur not minding when Bootsie and Chiquita rolled around in the strawberry cream pie... mol

Pawsome Pawty! Happy Independence Day!
Thanks so much fur inviting us.
Katie and the Katz

Anonymous said...

A fantastic pawty. The food was like the best EVER! So fresh and stinky. Kali and I love fresh fish. The noiseless fireworks were the best...just a wee boom...how thoughtful.

Buddy you are so cuddly and soft with your blue furs says Kali and Shoo is overcome with a patriotic spirit for Canada. She hugs Einey and mews, "Oh Canda," with Kali. Rumpy, Fritz and Mr. Buttons cover their ears with their paws. saying..."Nice ladies but they're no singers."

Thank you for everything, we had a wonderful time.

Shoo and Kali Kit kisses to all.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMC OMC OMC!! This was the BEST 4th of July celebration EVER!!! What amazing noms you had and you are all so organized!!!!!!! I am totally stuffed, but....I always have room for more treats! Thank you so much for inviting me! LOVE YOUR FIREWORKS they were nice and quiet!! Have a happy, safe and QUIET rest of your 4th dear furiends!! We love you! Cody and Caren xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Independence Day from all of us. We hope it's a quiet one in your neck of the woods.

Loulou said...

WOWSER!!! That was the best party I have EVER been to, but it was the shrimp that really got me. Well, that and the cakes. My maman was drooling all over those plates so beautifully prepared for us. HAPPY Fourth and let's hear for INDEPENDENCE for ALL KITTIES. Well, we don't really need to say that. We just are.

Loulou said...

I would like to comment as Loulou, not maman. How do we change that on your blog?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy 4th July to you dear friends, and all our US friends.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaaaw You boys are all too cute. Fanks Fitzy, we'll help ya' lean up. Seems da lady cats always get clean up dute. MOL Big hugs and Happy 4th to all of ya'.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

pilch92 said...

Great party! We are stuffed, all the food was yummy. Happy 4th!

The Island Cats said...

Those are pawsome fireworks! And quiet too. Happy 4th of July!

Marvelous Marv said...

Guys! That was the Best Independence Day Party EVER!!! Great Food...great conversations....great fireworks!
Gotta LOVE it!
Thanks Guys
Love Barb

meowmeowmans said...

Wow! Now THAT'S a party! Happy Independence Day to you, sweet friends!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

I came immediately when I heard about the pawty...and what for a pawty...with lots of L O V E there in the air and on the ground :D Let me get a fishie first before I leave a flavoured Pawkiss to all of you :) <3

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! What a furabuluss pawty youss' had!! Thee firewerkss were amazin...them heart shaped oness purrty snazzy!
Sorry mee missed thee pawty; mee was on Purr-amedic duty.
Happy 4th an bee-yond Timmy an thee gang...
***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

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