Thursday, July 13, 2017

Double the Fun Post Day

Today we are joining Two Spoiled Cats fur:
Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Angel Sam

Today is the letter E or you can use one of Sammy's prompts:
(1) Earth  (2) Evil  (3) Escape  (4) Empty

We decided to use Escape:

Escape is a word we keep close at paw
Is it fur when it is something we saw
Is it fur when there is a near by claw
How will we get away from the stranger
Who may put us in danger
We keep an escape route close by
Just in case we spy something weird with our eye
But in reality it is all in fun
We tell stories and then escape and run
Onto the couch we finally end up
With our Dad who asks us
Whats up

Thanks to Sammy fur the fun!

Next we are joining Brian's Home for the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Fitz you have the floor

Today we are thankful for family. Though we don't always see eye to eye we only argue a little and let it go bye bye. We then  pull together through thick and thin to get to the finish with so each of us win. Purrs family
Thanks Miss Fitz. Poetic too!

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad Pete


Brian's Home Blog said...

We never want to escape our wonderful family but I do escape the whappy paw of a sister sometimes! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a good poem, but I don't think any of you will be wanting to escape from your wonderful home.

Jeanna said...

Dexter loves this poem especially the part about escaping and running to which he'd like to add, after I nip my Auntie's feet to my blanket fort I will retreat.

Chuck Huss said...

Our cats Chris and Frankie are all about escaping to the outside.

pilch92 said...

That was a great poem!Glad you don't really escape :)

Summer at said...

What a cute poem!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Escape??? We hope you all get to stay safe in the purrfect den you have right now!

There used to be kitties in our den who were expert escape artists. Simba and Toki. One day Toki ran outsde in the winter after a big blizzard...and he thought he could jump off the back porch cause he saw the 'ground' was level with it and had turned a bright white...oops! He had all four paws stuck in the snow drift...and petcretary had to rescue him from his eacape!

Anonymous said...

What a thought provoking poem. We never know where danger lurks. We too are very thankful for family. Family is the best...they're stuck with us. MOL
