Befur we get to our post we want to thank our friends for the purrs and prayers for our Big Blue Buddy Budd. He is eating well and is happy for now which is wonderful! We will give updates as needed. Again, Thank You very much!
For our post today we flash back to just the other week.
There he is, at it again! |
*Yawn* Toby you're just mad that I have the best bed in the house |
Rumperz yoo neva do nuttin cept bug us and steal treaterz You have that right Buddy Budd Not fair. I am doing something as you meow Whut prayin tellz |
Changing position MOL *Zzzz, Zzzz* |
May az well join-em Timmerz I guess so Buddy Budd |
After all it'za snowin dayz *Zzzz, Zzzz* |
Our snow is gone and we hope your's is too. We are glad that the Blizzard of 2016 is over.
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump