Monday, November 30, 2015

Much to do fur Christmas

There is so much to do. Once Thanksgiving is over it
is time fur Christmas. Oh my look at those toes

I had better get to work.
*Lickity Lick Lick*

A little bit to finish up
*Lick Lick Lick*
Done and looking good!

Todays work is done.
I better ask Dad to wake me in time fur Christmas

Timmy Tomcat

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Miss Fitz Sunday Selfie: Who's there

You should visit. Just click on the Link or Logo

I wanted to put my classic lady cat good looks in a selfie last week.
When I saw Rumpy and Einstein, ugh, in our Selfi...
Hey! Who's photo bombing me?

Timmy, move will you! I am doing my Selfie.
Sorry Miss Fitz. I thought Toby was going to...
NO! I am this weeks choice paws down.

Just look at this face. Purrfect!
Yes Fitz

Miss Fitz
Timmy Tomcat

Friday, November 27, 2015

Buddy's MIA

Fitz have you seen Buddy Budd, he was supposed to do todays post
No Timmy. I think... there he is now.
No worree Timmerz. Ah git it done raght nowz.

Ah a bit tired cuz da Dad tooken me to da stabby place.
He worree cauz ah loozin weights. Feelin fine juz thinning a bit.
Dey stab meez an take mah shiny reds inner jooze.

Dad says ah gotta take a pill but jus a tiny one. He gonna
wrapit up in treat lak Rumperz get hiz.
Yea Dad bring on dem Magic Pillz

Buddy has been slowly loosing weight but it picked up a bit over the past year. He is 15 this year and needed a geriatric check up in any case. He has a very slightly elevated thyroid function so we are starting medication and then he will be rechecked in 3 weeks. Our big boy is doing fine but he can use some purrs and prayers just as insurance.
Yo, Dadz, ya gonna usin dat Pill Magic so dey tastin good?
Sure thing Buddy Budd
Greats. Ah ready ta starts me treatz... ah means medicater furst ting inda mornin. Ah goin ta nappy now.

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz
Buddy Budd
Dad Pete

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Friends!
We have said it before but we want to say it again and again and again, we are thankful for you, dear friends, who mean so much to us.

Timmy you meowed a lot there. Dear friends we love you all
Right on Miss Fitz. Our friends are the Best!
They sure are Mr Buttons. They stick with us no matter what.
Ah doan't agreez wit Rumperz much but he got dis on da money. Buddy I love you and our friends soooo much!
Me too Einstein. They are the Great!
Dad why don't you join us
Thanks Timmy. Friends I am so glad you are in our lives through the magic of the internet. You support our little family through the tough times and the good and it is appreciated. 

From all of us to you and yours, Bless You!
We love you all!

Timmy Tomcat, Miss Fitz, Mr Buttons, Rumpy Bump Stumpnots, Buddy Budd, Einstein, Toby Tomcat and Dad Pete

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Concerned About The...

I am going to miss you little Punkin
Why yoo sayd dat Missy Fitzer
Well you know what day is coming Buddy

Ah puttin an endz ta dis raght instant lak

Cat Fight! Come and see it! Cat Fight!
Ahh stoppin yoo Timmerz 

None a yer dastardly doin!
What dastardly doing Buddy?

Yoo knowin what
No, honestly I don't

Yoo gonna hurt our pal
Our pal who?

Mr Punkin, a course
How am I going to hurt the... um, Mr Punkin

Make him inna pie, lak dem fore and twenny birdies
Buddy we are not making a pie out of Mr Punkin
No, we will play with him fur a long time yet!
Whew, thanky thanks Timmerz.

Now dat Mr Punkin is safe we all gonna tellin our friendz sumptin

Happy Thanksgiving Friends! Have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

Timmy Tomcat, Miss Fitz, Mr Buttons, Rumpy Bump Stumpnots, Buddy Budd, Einstein, Toby Tomcat and Dad Pete

Monday, November 23, 2015

A Cat Needs his Shut Eye

Whut wit all dis noize... a cat needin his sleepin...

Buddy I am not making any noise

It da Dad turnin dem pagez
Buddy they are electronic

Even worse dey iz. Cat needin dat solid twenty hours a day. Yessir!

Timmy Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Dad Pete

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Selfie Sunday: Einstein with Support of Rumpy

Hey Einstein
What's up Rumpy
I was thinking of that pose you took the other day when you were goofing on Buddy
Oh my cat, Buddy really was steamed up over that.
I forget how you did it. Can you show it to me again?
Sure. I lay on my back and go like this...

Ha that's it. Buddy to a T

Hey! What did you take my picture for?
Oh... I wanted a souvenir.
Don't you Dare use it to post in The Cat on my Head Sunday Selfie's
Perish the thought
Whew, thanks fur that Rumpy
No problemo little pal (Rumpy snickers)

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Friday, November 20, 2015

Fitz Friday: Who's Whose

Heyz! Fitzer! Hold on dere!

What Buddy Budd?

Yoo seem ta been takin liberteez wit mah Dad yoo iz
Oh you mean like: Hi Daddy, here is your little Fitz girl

Hello little girl do you want a cuddle
Yes Daddy I do, mew, mew, mew

It doan seemin hardlee fairz.

Ah want ta update on brofur Rumpy. He feelin bettah so tanky tanks fur da purrs. We preciate itz!

Member all kittahs dat da Winnie's Wish Auction is over on the 21st. Maybe get yooz a nice giftee fur day holidayz!

Remember furs and friends to visit Winnie's Auction. This is a great rescue and foster organization that helps many.
Winnie's Holiday Benefit Auction


Miss Fitz
Buddy Budd
Dad Pete

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Rumpy Bump Serial Sitter or?

The furmily all say I am silly racing to be furst in any box and
am a serial box sitter

Buddy had the nerve to meow I would never fit in this cereal box
Sounds like sour grape nuts to me

This cereal box sitter can always diet Buddy Budd

Our big white fellow is not feeling up to snuff lately and can use some purrs. Thank Mew
Remember furs and friends to visit Winnie's Auction. This is a great rescue and foster organization that helps many.
Winnie's Holiday Benefit Auction


Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Monday, November 16, 2015

Repair Man... Cat

What is all this then

Aha, this post needs repairs to meet Cat Code.

Lucky thing I am a Repair-Man Cat. A push here...
a shove there... wrap it under and, done. 

What is that cat doing? Oh-My-Cat he is isn't he!

Ugh... that post is ruined with Man-Cat Stink.
Thank Bast I have my own, but it is a bit worn. I know,
I will check for a scratcher at the Winnie's auction

Remember furs and friends to visit Winnie's Auction. This is a great rescue and foster organization that helps many.
Winnie's Holiday Benefit Auction


Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday with Fitz: Don't Touch My... anything?

Did you touch my Pumpkin Timmy?
Fitz they are to share and...

Chill Fitz I just said...

Ouchie! Stop that right NOW!

What has gotten into you lately Miss Fitz?
I have been feeling very empowered from playing with Dad
and the Cat Catcher.

Alright but try and calm down a little

Hi Fitz are you done with that Pumpkin?


Kitties build self esteem by playing in front of each other. Check out our Go Cat Cat Catcher in  the Winnies Wish Auction below!

Remember furs and friends to visit Winnie's Auction. This is a great rescue and foster organization that helps many.
Winnie's Holiday Benefit Auction

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We Celebrate Veterans Day Because Freedom is Never Free

True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic, it is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others no matter the cost. Arthur Ash

We celebrate this solemn day along with our Dad. His Dad was in WWII and we dedicate this to all who have served, given so much, and those serving today. Thank You

Timmy Tomcat, Miss Fitz, Mr Buttons, Rumpy Bump Stumpnots, Buddy Budd, Einstein, Toby Tomcat and Dad Pete

Monday, November 9, 2015

Forlorn Mr Fevvers

Oh, its you. What do you want now?

Lets play Einstein, come on lets play!
Fevvers... I, er, I am not in the mood...

You don't mean that my furend, come on lets play
Lool Fevvers, I like you but I like the Cat Catchers like we have
at the Auction listed below better. I play with Dad and my Cat Catcher every morning.

What... sniff... sniff... but we had so much fun together
I have given you some of my best fevvers!

Oh, alright. Lets play but just a little
Wheeee, lets have fun!

You can see the Cat Catchers I like along with many other great items at the Winnie's Wish Benefit Auction. 
Please support this great rescue/foster organization.

Winnie's Holiday Benefit Auction


Mr Fevvers