Friday, May 29, 2015

What Time is it?

I wonder...

Hey Dad is it treat time yet?
Nope, you have to wai...

Never mind just wake me when it is.

At least I know my place around here


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

You Need Help Dad

Dad hold still while I take care of this!




Am I done yet Einstein?


All Done
Thanks buddy
Don't mention it...

Why do you always want to lick my hand anyhow E?
It's a cat thing. If I have to explain, you wouldn't understand.


Monday, May 25, 2015

Have a Safe and Happy Memorial Day

Thank You for you Service
Timmy Tomcat
Dad Pete
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Mr Buttons
Miss Fitz

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday Selfie with Miss Fitz

We are joining The Cat on My Head
Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

*Miss Fitz sets the timer and rushes to lay down^

I think I did rather well. So there all you Man-Cats!

Miss Fitz - The Rose Among Thorns

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Furiday Furend Foundation fur Suppurrt

Hello evfurry kitty. 
Last Furiday we presented our Annual NuCat Purrfurmance Review of The Dad. He did not get as high a marks as we expect so today we are going to try to up our game by adding the furst of what I hope will be a regular feature on our blog.

We welcome: 

*The Friday Furend Foundation Fur Suppurrt*

There is so much good we see being done we want to make sure our furends know who may be in need and how to help. This way even if you do not go to that place with the face you can still be up on impawtent news for needy furs. We will also add a page link right above the days post so we can refur to it as needed. Great idea right! Yep I thought so too!

Since today is the furst big reveal we will present two great causes.
The furst is our local no cage cat rescue. Our handsome Man-Cat Toby is an alumnus of this great place so he will do the honors, Toby, take it away!

*tap tap* Hello, hello, is this on... 
Yes Fitz dear. Just a bit of fun.
I was a young cat without a care in the world. Yep I had it made. Right up until I was given up! Imagine, giving up the worlds most good looking, handsome house panfur who...
Yes honey. Kitty Cottage is a really wonderful no cage cat rescue in East Norriton, PA. They help lots of cats find homes and provide a very relaxed atmosphere where people can sit and interact with the residents to find the right kitty for them. I picked Dad by climbing up the cat tree both times he visited and reaching out to tap him. He took me home as a pal for Timmy and the rest is history.
You can visit Kitty Cottage to look at all the great cats that have gotten homes and those who are still waiting for that right someone. Maybe you will make a donation as even one green paper will help.

They have an on-line auction going right now till June 7th at Bidding for Good. Some things can be shipped while others cannot but we hope you take a look!

Thanks Toby that was well done. Now we want to revisit our furend you met on Caturday, Miracle! We thank our friends who have helped from the bottom of our hearts!

She has had major surgery and still needs our help. She was saved from a kill shelter and after she became one with her new family several mammary lumps were found. When the vet went in to get a biopsy he found more so a radical mastectomy was done. Purrs, prayers and even one green paper would be so appreciated. 

Our friends from Catster dear Angels Orange Ruffy and Natalie the Nat Cat are looking over this new kitty who has joined the family. Can you please join in! 

Thank you all so very much for coming to our special post!
Dad Pete

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Do You See What I Saw

Don't look now but I hear Treats Jiggling!


I'm in on this action!

Sorry fellows that was me and Dad. I get my special ones
for getting my meds.

Buttons, Toby, you two always fall for that one. Timmy you
should be ashamed.

It isn't fair!
Nope! I demand equal treats!

Dad: *Shake Shake Shake* Come on cats!
Timmy you go to the back of the line!

Dad: We are happy to report that Rumpy is now getting steroids every third day. It may be due to our new Shark Vacuum so this is a plug. That thing is amazing with fur!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Timmy's Toesie Teachings

Let me tell you something! You old cats really need to learn from we younger felines as...
Oh, Really now Einstein...

Ask nicely and I will teach you the T. Tomcat Trademark 
Toesie Touch-up!

He really does have that down Einstein
*Sigh* I think I just got schooled Rumpy

MOL. You sure did Grasshopper!
Oh be quiet White Whale!

Timmy Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Please help Miracle who needs another Miracle!

We ask our friends to please help dear Miracle! She has had major surgery and needs our help. She was saved from a kill shelter and after she became one with her new family several mammary lumps were found. When the vet went in to get a biopsy he found more so a radical mastectomy was done. Purrs, prayers and even one green paper would be so appreciated. 

Our friends from Catster dear Angels Orange Ruffy and Natalie the Nat Cat are looking over this new kitty who has joined the family. Can you please join in! 

Timmy Tomcat, Dad and Family

Friday, May 15, 2015

Annual NuCat PurrFurMance Reveiw

Per our joining NuCat we hereby are providing our Furst Annual
PurrFurMance Review of the one with thumbs, The Dad!

Ah still thinkin dat... me too and...
Buddy, Einstein, shush now!
Oh... All-ok dere Fitzer. Sittin herez by me little feller...

Are we done? Thank Mew! Lets get started. I asked for each of you to rate the following and I have tallied the scores!

As you can see furends it was good and bad. Buddy wanted to give all four paw as he is always looking for more treats while Rumpy was torn between no and one paw simply because he is such a crazy ornery feline. Einstein thinks The Dad is an Angel due to saving him when he was so very tiny. Hopefurry the rest of us have balanced things out in a fair and even pawed manner!

It is all over but the crying and crying he shall be when...
RUMPY! There will be no such behavior. We need to educate The Dad to our will with gentle prods of the paw and soft purrs. This works in the long run.
And if he doesn't listen Timmy?
Miss Fitz we will then turn it over to Rumpy!
Here, here. I move to close this meeting fur Treat Time!
I second that Toby!
All in favor?
Meow, Meow, Mew, MROWR, Meow, Yowl!

This Meeting is closed for 2015
The pain may just be starting MOL

The end of this post may just be the beginning!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

We Need Some Changes the NuCat Way!

Alright evfurry one, give your honest opinion on the new look of the blog.
I don't like it!
Me either Buttons.
Rumpy you don't like anything.
You better watch yourself Einstein! I will get a new Grasshopper!
Rumpy that is mean!
Fitz Darling stay out from between those two troublemakers.
Troublemaker? Why you...
HISSS! Don't you dare yell at my Tobykins!
Let's stay on topic here cats! What about the new blog look?
Ah bin likin itz jus finer!
Ugh! You would Buddy.
Com'ere Button boy ya littler kitten an ah teahin ya sumptin!
Instead of arguing I say we evaluate the whole of the blog by joining Austin and NuCat and do an Affiliate Typist PurrFurMance Review for this year and every hereafter! Here is the outline:

Let me hear your votes!
Toby? You betcha! I hardly ever have a post
Buddy Buddy? Noperz. Jez fine an ah likin Dadz!
Rumpy Bump? YES! I need more, more, and more of everything!
Mr Buttons? I need more posts too. Maybe Buttons... um do any days start with b?
Miss Fitz? I think I should be in charge so lets join and have a vote on who is top cat around here.
That is fur another day Fitz.
*Whacky Paw*
Ouchie! Hey, stop that!
Einstein? But Dad is, is... Dad! No! He is purrfect as is!
I vote fur the review! 5 to 2 in favor of joining.
Grumble... mumble... grumble... ah goin ta nap...
Me too Buddy

Come by tomorrow to see what we have to say about our Affiliate Typist managing things around here!

Timmy Tomcat

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Mysterious Le Sac

Hey what is in here Buttons?
I don't know Einstein better check it out!

Be careful!
Of course, am I ever reckless?

This is nice and cozy fur sure.

What is all this then?

Ah, Grasshopper, you are enjoying the secretive mysteries of
le sac.
Yes, and you stay out Rumpy!

Go ahead Rumpy! I know you are thinking of it!
No, never, I am no longer that cat!
What are you two...

The mysteries of le sac are soon to be mine alone!

Still the same old Rumpy.

Thanks fur helping me encourage him to have some fun Buttons
Sure thing Einstein. It is good he is feeling better, even if it means he is back to bad!
You have that right Buttons. My pal is doing well. His Asthma has quieted down and he is almost back to his normal trouble making self. MOL 

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Mr Buttons

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Missing Post Mystery

Fitz, Oh Fitz dear...
WHAT now Toby?

I... I...
Oh shush I will be right there.

You make me nervous when...
Spit it out already will you!
*Nervous lick of paw*
Have you seen Timmy? We missed our post on Monday.

Oh you Man-Cats and your post this, post that, let me check.
Thanks honey sweetums. It is a Missing Post Mystery
Don't push your luck!

Now I am wondering... What is all this then?
Hey Buddy, you see Timmy?

Alwayz azk Buddy Budd where Timmerz, wherez diz n wherez dat but no azkin fur fun timez. Humph.
Please Buddy, have you seen Timmerz, um, Timmy?
Ya warmer den hot, look fur da-spot!

What do you... Oh I see now!

Timmy! Every cat is looking for you!
Really? *Yawn* I just took a cat nap.

For a whole DAY?
I was tired. I told Dad and came out to eat.
It was all you who were sleeping when I was out and about.

Ah seen ya Timmerz. Ah joinez in!
Mind your beez-whacks Buddy!
We'z cats afterz all Fitzer. MOL!

Back to normal tomorrow furends. Just needed a nap.

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mothers Day to all Moms!

Happy Mothers Day to all our friends Mom's and friends who may be Mom's. We also send our love to Dads, like ours, who are like loving Moms too!

We cats also want to say thanks to our Dad! He has put up with a lot over the years and loves us no matter what. Thanks Dad!

Timmy Tomcat
Dad Pete
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Mr Buttons
Miss Fitz

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Goodbye Dear Nerissa

Our dear friend Nerissa has gone over the Rainbow Bridge!
Mouses! We knew he had been ill but you just do not expect such a young cat who had so much more to say to no longer be with us

Fly free dear furend and watch over us until we
that day we all meet again!

In his memory we shall meow the word he coined to show a cats consternation, Mouses, when it fits the circumstance!
We will support Seville's political efforts in the great land above the USA
We are donating to TeamTNR and encourage our friends so do so also. Even a small amount helps. 

We will miss you dear Nerissa. Purrs of support to Seville and your family.
Timmy Dad and Family

Friday, May 8, 2015

Keeping it in the Furmaly

Hmmm... how can I get Einstein worked up... I know, MOL
Hey E, Dad gave me my very own purple straw

So it has no Man-Cat Gook on it

It smells nice like a Lady-Cat Straw should

Hey! My straw does not stink!

Why that's right. I furgot you went for a Man-i-cure
yesterday and you now you are all that

Yes you are really a fancy Man Kitty Cat with a nicely

Fitz! Don't tell every cat about my getting my arm pit mats clipped
I wasn't going to. I was going to tell them about how under your tail...
MOL, alright, mums the meow.

Miss Fitz