Monday, November 23, 2020

ManCat Monday: Needa Nippy

Nippy Pillow I love you let me count the ways
You Whiffie so, so good!

I feel like a Kitten when I am with you!

The heck with counting lets just be crazy together!

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


Summer said...

You sure are having an awesome time, Timmy!

Ingrid said...

It seemms that you love that thing ! Rosie is one of the cats who doesn't care about catnips.

Pam and Teddy said...

You most definitely are a nipaholic Timmy!

Hugs, Teddy

Lynn and Precious said...

Timmy you would soon run out of pink toes to count the many ways you love your nippy. So best get on with playing and enjoy every little whiff.

Kea said...

Lol. We can see how much fun you're having; it's a great way to spend a Monday! 🙂

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is right Timmy, don't waste time counting when there is nip to be enjoyed.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are sure having a Funday Monday!!!

Catscue said...

Awww, you are so cute with your beloved nippy there Timmy.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....iz ya buzzed yet !! ;) ♥♥☺☺

The Island Cats said...

Don’t over do the nip, Timmy!

Eastside Cats said...

Timmy, it's good to see you going to town!

John Bellen said...

Timmy, when you have your nip, the rest of the world disappears, doesn't it?

Katie Isabella said...

Timmy...been a while since I was in a nip daze. May just reach over and get my nip fishy!

The Swiss Cats said...

MOL ! Niphead ! Purrs

meowmeowmans said...

Look at you, Timmy! That looks like some seriously good stuff!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Timmy, by any chance are you a nip-a-holic!?! MOL!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Have fun, cutie!