Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday with Fitz: That Tailio

I know you are back there causing trouble Tailio!
Meh. You will never cat-ch me!

I will just act nonchalant and...


*Whap, Whappy Whap*

Hah, missed me!

Why you darn Tailio

I'm still hee, hee, here
I'm keeping a watch on you

We invite all our friends to visit and join The Tabby Cat Club. It is a great place for friends to come and share the fun of being a kitty.
Did you know that all cats have some Tabby in them!

Tailio: Yes they can be a problem
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thankful Dad

We are joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop
You should too!

Hello friends
I want to say Thank You to everyone who commented on Buddy Budd's Forever Loved post. He was a big voice on our blog and we hope he consents to visiting from time to time when he can tear himself away from his beloved Canadian Cat Gal Kali
His story was so much more than his big meow posts. He was the voice of older cats, discarded, forgotten, lost and scared, that find new loving homes and then go on to give so very much in return. A strong and imposing cat he was amazingly gentle and stabilized our home. That he needed daily care was never a chore but rather a celebration of life, of enduring spirit. Silly really, when you think of it, all that from an old cat that was no longer wanted.
Thank You Friends for your care and Thank You Buddy Budd for all you gave our family.

Big Blue in all his Glory

Angel Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wordless: Purrfect Profile

We invite all our friends to visit and join The Tabby Cat Club. It is a great place for friends to come and share the fun of being a kitty.
Did you know that all cats have some Tabby in them!

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fat Tuesday Flashback

This year we wanted to do a Flashback so all 7 of us could enjoy the festivities. This is from 2017 and what a fun loving bunch we are. Those are our two Angels on the left Buddy Budd and Mr Buttons. Then Einstein, Miss Fitz, Toby, Me and Jokester Rumpy Bump. Have a Supurr Fat Tuesday Friends

We are sad to say that Ginger of Angel Clarissa's House of Cats went over the Bridge on February 18th. Please stop by and give them support. They do not post much now but have been a part of the Cat Blogging Community for a long time.

We invite all our friends to visit and join The Tabby Cat Club. It is a great place for friends to come and share the fun of being a kitty.
Did you know that all cats have some Tabby in them!

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Fanny Feral
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Buddy Budd: Elder States Spirit
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Monday, February 24, 2020

Cosy Cubby

Dad got us a new Cat Tree

It really is nice in here

Very comfy and relaxing

So how about giving me a shot at that cozy cubby?

Trade you for your treat allowance Rumpy.
Not fair I meow!
*Grumble, Mumble, Grumble*
We were so sad to hear that dear Norm of Cats of the Wildcat Woods has gone over the Bridge. Please visit and give your condolences.
This is one of the first Cat-Blogs we followed and they are a wonderful family of cats.

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Toby's Handsome Selfie

We are joining The Cat on My Head for their fun
Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Hi Friends. Dad and the family wanted to thank you all for your kind support on the passing of Big Buddy Budd.
We had our differences over the years but I loved that old guy.

Dad here: We are still visiting and saying thank you to all our friends for their heartfelt condolences.

Our friends at Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs made us a great badge.

As did our friends at The Cat on My Head
Thanks so much friends. It meant a lot to us
Toby the show is yours!

I must say I was happy to be our Selfie when Dad asked. I am even getting used to my White Whiskers as they do give me an air of distinction.
What do you think?

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Buddy Budd Forever Loved

Hello Friends Dad here. Today I have very sad news that our dear Buddy Budd has gone home over the Rainbow Bridge to be with his Angel Family. This is such a difficult thing for us all as he has been a huge part of our family since he came to us back in 2008.

We miss you dear friend

His story is the same as many who find themselves in difficult situations due to losing their home due to changing events of their caretakers. In Buddy's case his young owner was going into the service while his father was the one doing the work to find him a new home. I wondered what type of life he really had.
The father had seen the various cat related flyers I had in my cubicle for Alley Cat Allies and local groups and asked if I had any ideas on what he could do to get Buddy a new home. This was in  in early November 2008 and he touched base every two weeks or so.  On Christmas Eve he said everything had fallen through so he was taking our big fellow to the SPCA the next day they were open. What could I say. I agreed to "foster" him until I could find him a home.
Things were complicated and it turned out that I ended up getting Buddy in his carrier on New Years Eve at 9:30 PM in the parking lot of a Dunkin Donuts. I got him home and was going to put him in the bedroom for a few days until he could get used to the other cats via scent swapping and slow introductions. 
I soon learned Buddy had his own way of  doing things. He bolted as soon as I opened the carrier, made a circuit of the place and ended up on the top shelf of the linen closet in the bathroom. There he stayed for 2 weeks.

On Jan 1st 2009 he was wary.

By Jan 17th he was open and I could reach in and rub his head but he would not come out of the closet except at night when we were all in bed. He make noise exploring but nothing was ever broken.

I finally thought it was time for him to come out so I reached in and pulled him out. Again, he decided that was a bad idea and he moved under my desk only coming out at night. Then two weeks later during dinner he strolled out and sat in the middle of the living room. I then said "Hello Buddy. Buddy Budd." I am not sure why I did that but it fit and that was that. He was now a part of the family and we never looked back. 

I have posted some of his photos below. You may remember some as most have been posted on the blog. Thanks for coming to this little remembrance for my Dear Blue Buddy, Buddy Budd.

I decided we would share our birthday on Jan 31st as I had no idea when his was. This is Buddy's first Birthday Toy. He loved his Nip Pepper and would play with it every day. You can see he was a big fellow over twenty pounds

A July 2009 Nip Party


Buddy was a part of the Catster community and we had lots of fun over the years. This is his 2010 Birthday card from Koolest Catster Kitties.

Buddy was a Kibble Addict and if it was left out guess who would break in and steal. After this in June 2010 we transitioned to wet food. Buddy took several months to switch but it helped him lose a few pounds

Buddy loved laying next to me on the couch. That is my cushion and there is my big buddy Buddy Budd in September 2010

Buddy was contemplating the fellow in the candy dish at Halloween the same year

Buddy always had something to say and 2010 was no different. He would sign off with his trademark "Yessir!"


Buddy enjoyed Christmas toys with his brothers and this is from Jan 1st 2011.

He got a pack of Cat Springs for his birthday on the 31st

I got my first laptop in 2011 and from that day forward Buddy Budd would lay on any open puter. 
We got a lot of xxniooeyrkldhhj that year MOL

Christmas day 2011 and just like a cat he liked the string better than his toys. 

Looking Handsome on his Gotcha Day.  He would lay in that basket that is behind him. It is a baby scale from back when PCP's did everything.


His Birthday Nippy Toy was a big hit

Looking good for the Russian Blues Lounge at Catster

He was the biggest cat but gentle with any kitty he played with


Buddy was pit crew for Timmy's Cat Scouts Racer

Buddy and Toby had the odd fracas starting in 2013. Toby would start it and Buddy would finish it with Toby up on-high and Buddy swinging at him with power. He only ever hit the furniture. It was like a warning

When it came to the new kid, Einstein, Buddy thought he was too much to handle. Rumpy took those chores over


Buddy loved his Bacon and would snag some if I left my plate unguarded

He was a very loving friend and demonstrated this with head rubs and close contact from almost the day he came to our home

Having fun treat fishing on Christmas Day with Toby, Timmy and Mr Buttons


Enjoying straw play fun

Telling me what he thinks of his Halloween Tie

Our nightly routine. I read and Buddy lays with me


Four Mus-Cat-eers

In 2016 Buddy met Kali of the Canadian Cats. These two elders have been an item ever since

The Finest Buddy Beans

Keeping watch for Santa Paws on Christmas Eve


Yesss I fit!

Buddy took Kali to his Secret Summer Garden.
I am sure they are there right now having fun

Buddy enjoyed joining in Tocktober

And kept me warm as we sat on the couch


Buddy would break into the nip if I left it out.
He was a nip thief extraordinaire 

He really loved his heated bed

I got them this nice hide hole and bed. Used three maybe four times. Cats...


Even as he got older Buddy enjoyed Nip and this kicker shows it

He had been on a renal diet since Dec 2018 but ate his meals like a champ

He stayed with me on the couch and in bed and would give the old faceplant. What a great fellow he was

I was so happy we celebrated his 12th Gotcha Day together
He had so much love to give


Buddy was very strong right up to the end and got around well. He had a stairs up to the table and storage containers next to the couch and bed that he used as step stools.

I got him a new Ham-Mick for Christmas and he enjoyed it all day, every day, until it was couch-with-Dad-time

He got some Nippy Toys for his birthday but was not too excited. His appetite was lagging and he was slowing down. We had a wonderful birthday and we hope you take a look at the great cards he got. Buddy's 20th Birthday

On his last day he knew. He had not been looking outside for a few weeks but that day he spent an hour just watching.

He loved treats and he ate his fill his last day. I was surprised he wanted them as he had stopped drinking. He loved water and it was the key to his longevity like Angel Inky who made 22 years.

That one was hiding at the side. He got it.

He passed in my arms. It was a little time ago but we wanted to have Valentines day and then say goodbye. We know all our family Angels were there to welcome him along with his dearest Kali. Sleep well my dear friend until we meet again as we all must

You are never alone when you are loved
Here is a Badge if you would like to post it. Thank You

We will not be posting for a bit but thank each and every one of you for being our blog friends.

Angel Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved