Friday, January 31, 2020

Buddy Budd's 20th Birthday Bash

We are gathered here today for the Biggest Celebration we as a Family have EVER HAD!
Happy 20th Birthday Buddy Budd

Golly Geez. Ah feelin chokin uppy. Dis da most speshul thingie ah ever knowin. Thanky!

We all want to let you know how we feel big fellow

I want to go first. Buddy from the day you came we have been friends. You came into the house this big huge cat and you played with me gently. I love you my friend
Awww... Timmerz... Lovin yoo too!

Me! Me! Me Next! Brofur I also met you when I first came and was a lonely kitty who spent his whole life in a cage. We got along right from the start and we still do. In fact I think you are the only cat I don't pick on. Heh, Heh, Heh. Have a good day big fellow.
Rumperz yoo alrighty in mah bookz

Buddy since you two have, ahem, history, Toby and I did your card together. We wish you the best brofur.
Enjoy those Treats Buddy. Hope you share
Fitzer yoo shur da grate sisfur. Toberz ah sorree an hopin you furgivin me'z

Well, alright. No hard feelings. You are my Big Brofur. Forever.
Sniff... Dat shur nicer Toberz... mah Brofur!

Hey Big Brofur. I bet you remember me when I first came and you let me climb all over you. It was like climbing a fur mountain and it really helped me feel safe and that I was home. Wishing you a very Loving Birthday Mountain Cat!
Awww Einie you still a floofy lil'fella ta me'z

Of course we have some special cards from our friends
Oh yes and first is... 

Shoko, Tyebe and Budd of the Canadian Cats
Aw shucks, yoo da bestest frenz ever ever!

Hi Buddy, Tee-Hee
Whut? What? KALI! *Buddy runs over and hugs Angel Kali*
Sniff, Sniff dis da bestezt surprising!
*Kali hugs Budd Budd*
Thanky Thanks to Caren, Cody an Dakota from Cat Chat
Yoo sum gud frenz fur-sure!

Felines I just want to say a few words:
Go ahead Dad
When you first came I thought you would be a difficult rescue. You had been mistreated and did not trust man or cat. In only a short while your true caring and kind self came through and you became a wonderful part of our family. Buddy you have been a great friend for many years and I love you dearly 

You have been my stalwart companion since you came and I want you to know how much I love you.
*Buddy wipes a tear* Dad, ah... lovin yoo too
I know big guy *Dad kisses Buddy on his head*

Wait Buddy we have one more as a family:

Dear Buddy Budd,
Timmy Tomcat has made a donation in honor of your 20th Birthday to Lethbridge PAW Society with this message:
Buddy we want to wish you a very Happy 20th Birthday with many more to come

Dat makin  me prouder. Les Pawty Everone!

We have Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Snapple and Soda

If you want an alcoholic drink we have your choice of Big Cat Malt, Various Cat Wines or some nice Black Cat Whiskey

Start with an appetizer. We have Bacon and Sausage Nibbles, Salmon and Cream Cheese Pinwheels, PA Dutch Potato Salad (Buddy you love that) and Big Shrimp Cocktails.

But why me to meow about Salads? I never eat them
Rumpy, just do it!
Alright. For any of you cats who eat... salads. We have Bean with Bacon, Fresh Garden with Fruit, Cucumber with Tomato and Avocado and Tomato. Umm, err, can I have a small plate of the Bean with Bacon please , thanks.
*Fitz Squints with Airplane Ears*

We have Shrimp Scampi, Lemongrass Shrimp, BBQ Shrimp Hot or Mild and Butterfly Shrimp. Get em before they fly off

Chick-Hen Ready to Nom! Get your Baked, Buttermilk Fried, BBQ and Lemon Marinade Chicken. 

Dad will be on the grill and slicing to order.
We have Filet with Bacon, Prime Rib, Filet with Bearnaise and Chateaubriand. Let me know how you like yours

For Sides we have Asparagus with Bacon, Carrots, Mashed with Chicken Gravy and Baked Beans

Don't forget to leave room for dessert. We have Cheese and Strawberry Cake, Nanaimo Bars from Canada, Chocolate Cream Cake and Strawberry Cream Cake. 

Ah shur hongry an gonna havva filet wit mah gal Kali
Then we gonna havva Namiamo Barz. Yessir we iz
Oh Buddy this is so nice

Friends once you are full relax and have a bit of fun

I was in charge of nippy goodies so made sure we have the best
We have loose nip, premium nanners, cigars and and Mice. Enjoy friends

Ah servin da afta dinna drinkz cuz ah wanna. Toberz yoo git yerz last.
Well I never...
Jus kiddin. Come on over hear. What-cha wantz?
How about a Nip on ice.
Comin uppy. Hey Lookee! Mr Buttons visitin. Hey dere B
Hi Buddy Budd, Happy 20th

There it is my friends and the Birthday Boy wants to say a word:

We hopin ya hadda Gud, Gud, Gud time. Ah lovin ya all an really appreciate yer friendship over da yeerz. Love Ya!
Yer Big Blue Buddy
Buddy Budd

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Kali of the Canadian Cats
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Fanny Feral
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Thankful Buddy Budd

We'z joiner Brian'z Thankful Thursdaze Bloggie Hoppin
Yoo shud two'z

Wit mah 20th Birthdaze tomarra ah jus gotta sayin how grateful ah iz fur mah Dad. When he took me'z ah waz da older cat an waz skeered uf thingz. Ah had nuttin ta livin for exceptin da eatin an waz da twenny sum pounder. Yep ah waz. 

It took da week ta comin out da hidey hole. Took da munth ta come out frum unda da deskz. Not ta been sayin ah did'n be eatin and poopin, but, ownlee when da udder Catz an Dad waz in beddy bye. Dad hearin me rumblin round. Harder ta not rumble when ya da big fella. Har, Har, Har

Dad sayz he members when ah come walkin cross da livin roomer frum under da deskz sayin "Yo doodz." He gave me da look sayin: "Where have you been Buddy Budd?" Yep ah waz out an bout an never lookin back. Thanky Dad! Thanky Fambly! Thanky Frenz! 

Ah shur iz Thankfulz

Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Almost Wordless: Exploring

We are joining Comedy Plus for this fun Wednesday Hop

Cat-O-Cat, my favorite cabinet is available

Nothing better than finding something Exciting!

What is this? Hmmm?

If you want to find something Exciting come to
Buddy Budd's 20th Birthday on Friday the 31st.

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Monday, January 27, 2020

Nippy Man Cat Einstein

We are sending our purrs and prayers of support to everyone at 15 and Meowing as dear Millie has gone over the Bridge

Ohhhh this Nippy Pillow is soooo nice!

I think I will use it as a Manly Man Cat Cologne for my gal Shoko

I wonder if...

It tastes as good as it Whiffies?

Hope you come by on Friday for 
Buddy Budd's 20th Birthday Bash

Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Timmy's Selfie

We are joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop
You should too!

It's about time the family let me be our Selfie. I thought we would get to the fur-th of July. Geez.
Remember to stop by next Friday for: 
Buddy Budd's 20th Birthday Bash!

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Miss Fitz Steps into Art

We are joining Athena Cat Goddess's Caturday Art Blog Hop

I wanted to step into Caturday Art and remind my beau, Toby, of Valentines at the same time. It is a bit early but these Tomcats need a LOT of reminders
Remember my Brofur Big Buddy Budd's 
Birthday Bash is next week on the 31st

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, January 24, 2020

Friday with Fitz: Art and Toby's Hint

I wanted to step into the my Caturday Art and remind my beau, Toby, of Valentines at the same time. It is a bit early but these Tomcats need a LOT of reminders

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thankful Buddy Budd

We joinin Brianz Thankfulz Thursdayz Bloggie Hop
Yoo shud too'z!

Taday ah veree thankfulz fur mah Dad. He takin Buddy Budd inta da houz when nobody want dis ate yeer old fella. He takin gud, gud, gud care uf me too'z. Now ah gittin elder an he extra speshul takin care, givin meds an gud fud. Ya knowin what elze? Way back when ah waz illin. Illin bad so'z an he start ta singin Buddy Budd da song evfurry nightz. Can ya beleeve evfurry nightz ? Soon ah feeling betta an ah wanna share wit cha da Buddy Budd Song.

Buddys Song
As sung by Dad every night since Decmeber 2016
(With minor additions)

(He singin each two time but yoo can does one)
My Buddy Budd
He’s my Buddy
He’s my Buddy
He’s my Buddy Budd
Buddy Budd

My Buddy Budd
He’s my Buddy
He’s my Buddy
He’s my kitty!
He’s my Buddy Budd
Buddy Budd

My Buddy Budd
He’s my Buddy
He’s my Buddy
He’s my kitty cat!
He’s my Buddy Budd
Buddy Budd

My Buddy Budd
He’s my Buddy
He’s my Buddy
He’s my kitty cat, and that’s that!
He’s my Buddy Budd
Buddy Budd

My Buddy Budd
He’s my buddy kitty cat
And I’m his Dad and that is that
I love him and he loves me
And that’s the way its’s gonna be
Because he’s my Buddy Budd 
My kitty cat 
And that is that, that is that

Ah shur likin dat an hopin yoo did too'z!

Gotta admit ah one lucky kitty cat. An Dat Iz Dat.

Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Rumpy Hiding in Plain Sight

Dad will Never find me here

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester

Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Monday, January 20, 2020

Einstein Napping Man Cat

I wanted to play with mousie but decided to take a nap
Now I am being bothered by the flashy box. *Sigh*

Einstein: The Floofy Kid 

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Toby's Handsome Selfie

We are joining our favorite kitties for The Cat on my Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop. Hop on if you are Handsome, or, Beautiful fur that matter.

Since its a Mew Year I wanted to make sure all you lady cats had a fresh Selfie of me, Handsome Toby, fur your boudoirs.
Pssst: Hide it from your boyfriends so we dont have a repeat of those disturbing hissy phone calls I got last time

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Miss Fitz: Fastest Whap in the East

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Buddy Budd's Caturday Art

We'z joinin Athena da Cat Goddezz fur her toetally cool Caturday Art Bloggie Hoppin

Dis me, Buddy Budd, in da lobbie uf da Penn Wells Hotel in Wellsboro Pencilveinya wear ah wentz back in 16 wit Timmy and da Catty Scoutz. Whut-cha did wit mah faux-toe Dad?
We cropped the original and used colored foil in PaintShop Pro 2020. I then did the same with a PNG of Buddy but used ddark blue. Hope you enjoyed it.
Ah shur dey did dat Dad

Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday with Fitz: Does Not Compute

We now have a new Puter. Dad says the old one started acting out, not listening and doing what it shouldn't, lots like Rumpy.
So the box comes and next thing you know Dad was using fun words like "Son of a B*&%$", "G*% D@&#" and "Rumpy you will be punished for this!" Well the last part is my interpretation, but, you get the gist.

Dad said the new puter was "re-fur-bished" which HAS to be a good thing, right, but the extra video port was busted and it only had 1T instead of 2T. Come on, One Treat instead of Two won't fly people.
So Dad what happened?

Thanks Miss Fitz. I bought this on eBay from a big seller so I figured they would stand behind it. They were going to send a hard drive to swap out but since I had already started file transfer I wanted to see if there was another solution. They agreed to send us a 1T drive and new video card. I said that was excellent and will give them good feedback once this is totally resolved. 
Take it away Fitz.

It was time to  upgrade our PaintShop and I now can Purr-Ject my Meow with Authority! We are now saddled with Win10 which is what is is, stupid. It seems they took three steps back but Dad says that is because of the dumbing down of hoomans and so many silly little devices floating around. There should only be Big Puters with Big Screens that show Cats in their Glory.
Have a supurr Furiday Friends!

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved