Hello Everyone. When I was a feral kitten it was cold and damp. My Mom worried about me because my brofurs would not let me eat and then I stopped moving. She carried me to the porch of the lady who fed us and she called Dad. She knew him from work. She said she thought I was dead but Dad said to bring me right over. He put me inside his shirt and sent his sisfur out to get a heating pad. You know what, when I warmed up I started moving and he fed me formula he made up. I was looking a bit rough and still hungry but he said I had to eat slowly. At 4 weeks I had a lot to learn. I am still a bit feral but... |
I am really thankful for a warm lap to nap on. |
Einstein: The Floofy Kid
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: https:Timmytomcat.blogspot.com. All rights reserved
We so remember that Einstein and we're very thankful you got found too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
We are all so happy you were not given up on and that you yourself fought to get well and strong. We love you, Einie and we love a warm lap too!
Hey, lucky you!! You grew up so well and I agree, a warm map cures all ills! - Tom x
That story gets me all misty-eyed, but in a joyful thankful way. Happy napping sweetie.
Aw, you're so cute and I'm glad someone knew what to do. You're a miracle.
Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your peeps. ♥
So glad your Dad took care of you and look how much alive you are now, sweet Einstein <3 Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞
So glad your Dad took such good care of you!
dood....we rememburr bak in de day when ewe waz wee small dood... then ewe graduated ta mee dee um dood.... then.. ta now yur size dood... mackerullz bee feral two; wunder if it will ever leevez him either ?? ☺☺♥♥
Einstein, we remember when you first landed at the home of Timmy, Dad Pete and the gang. You sure have come a long way and have so much for which to be thankful! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
I remember when you arrived at your Forever Home. You were such a tiny little scrap, but just look at you now!
Precious PRECIOUS baby! I am so grateful for the lady who called your dad. And to your dad for loving you and taking care of you.
Bravo for you and Dad and the lady who helped you & called Dad, and Dad's sister...well. you get the idea. We are thankful for all that and for you too !
I am so glad your Dad rescued you. You were a cute little kitten and now you are a handsome mancat. XO
Einie my Mom remembers when your Dad found you and rescued you.....you were such a wee babe needing love and food and warmth and boy did you ever find it. You have been a joy to your family and to everyone who knows you!
Hugs, Teddy and Pam
Oh Einie! That is quite a story and we are purring with joy that you were brought to the right humans and grew up in a loving safe home. Smoochies all around. Purrs, Bibi & Meep
Your dad is one smart cat-man. But you know what, Einstein? It’s impressive how many beings cared for you. Your mum, who brought you to a human lady for help, the lady who knew you could be saved, and your dad who brought you around and gave you a family. They all played their part in saving you, Einstein. What a wonderful life-story.
I'm so glad your dad was able to nurse you back to health. Sounds like he knew exactly what to do! And look at you now!
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