Friday, September 14, 2018

Friday with Fitz: Dark Prey

Dad you can't see in the dark!
Ah but my camera has a flash and I heard all the action

Pfft... most of the photos will not come out

True but a few will

And I enjoy seeing you having fun

I like you watching me, a little

Now excuse me while I sit in the dark with my prey

Miss Fitz
Dad Pete


Summer said...

That looked like lots of fun, Fitz!

Lone Star Cats said...

I like to sit wif my prey too.

Chuck Huss said...

You must feel like you are hounded by the Paparazzi. :)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

my stars girl, what's next, night vision glasses, I daresay dad needs
to be A SLEEP ~~~~~~~ ☺☺ just sayin ...hugs from dai$y =^..*= ♥♥

Anonymous said...

A ball prey. I's loves bal prey. Wish me's was there Miss Fitz.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

There's no hiding from the flashy box. Even the dark won't hide you.

Kitties Blue said...

Caught in the act, playing in the dark, Miss Fitz. Our mom has never tried to take photos when it is dark. These photos all came out terrific. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

pilch92 said...

Jinx and KaTwo like those balls too :)

Deziz World said...

That looks like great fun fitz. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena