Hi Friends, Mr. Buttons here.
I want to thank you all for all the purrs and prayers. They have helped, if not to heal me they have kept me calm knowing you are all there giving me supurrt.
We tried my fluids every 3 days and I told Dad I did not feel good with that plan. He immediately gave me 100cc two days in a row and insisted I take my Mirtazapine.
After the second day I came out to visit evfurryone. I only want to eat treats but today I ate a pile so Dad says whatever I want is alright with him. I sure love him and boy does he love me.
That brings me to something Very Impawtent that I want to say to all my Friends.
Please remember to say how much you love your family and friends every chance you get. Dad says years ago, when he had his accident, he went to the white space but, luckily, was told to keep on living. Now I have been to the brink and know what he is talking about. I did not feel bad until the very last and also was brought back from the brink. When we wake up we never know what the day holds so live to the fullest. I sure have in my seven years.
Whew that was a lot of meowing. Time fur my Selfie. Visit The Cat on My Head to see all the great Selfies!
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*Click* I love you all! |
Mr Buttons - Loving my Family and Friends one day a time.
Dad Pete - Loving and Caring for my boy one day at a time
Good Meowning, and what a loving blog you wrote ,Mr. Buttons. I am so happy to get to know you. Your story and your Dad's is just right to make us who are visiting realize that we live in the moment. We can't predict nor can we change the next moment. Make the best of the moments you have and count for something to someone, including fur babies everywhere. Please get better and take your meds. Mommy said her Admiral Hestorb used to be really terribly difficult to get to the Vet and to take her meds. She also took what you are taking. xx
Mr. Buttons, you are very wise. Your dad takes good care of you. We really hope you feel better!
That’s a wonderful selfie!
Mr Buttons! Happy New Year to you, and great to hear that you are eating. We loves the selfie and thinks you has many more to give us yet. Till the next one, we are sending tons of purrs and prayers to you and yours
Toodle pips and new Year and healthy purrs
Wise words, Mr. Buttons - and awesome selfie!
We are sure glad you ate a pile, keep feeling better please!
Buttons, you are a super wise dude, and we loved what you blogged about today. Good job eating that pile of treats! Purring and praying for you, buddy.
Those are very wise words, Mr Buttons. We're glad you're feeling better. Beautiful selfie ! Purrs
Mr. Buttons, We love you too! We all know how difficult things are for you after our year seeing Fiona getting fluids and meds. It got so she only wanted to eat treats, and Mom felt as long as she was eating, she was totally happy with that. You are always in our prayers as is Buddy Budd. Keep up with fluids and meds like a good boy. Thanks for sharing your very handsome self on the hop. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
Purrayers and POTP for you Mr Buttons ! I know you and your Dad are working very hard to make you better.
That is a lovely selfie Mr.Buttons. When Flynn had his very bad periods he would only eat treats too. I always said that anything in his tummy was better than nothing and okay by me.
You are right to tell everyone to make sure they let their family and friends they love them. No-one, human or furred knows what is around the corner.
Oh Mr. Butttons, I hope you have many many more years with your humans & your fursibs! Hugs and purrs that you recover fully my furr-iend. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews
You are a wise boy Mr. Buttons. Please keep taking your meds and letting Dad give you your fluids. I love you Mr. Buttons. XO
You keep eating, Mr Buttons. I'd prefer you eating good food - your dad has plenty of that for you - but even treats are good to keep your insides working properly. Coming out to see everyone is a very good sign. Keep it up, Mr B.
Great advice and a pawsome selfie!
Great selfie!
Have a wonderful Sunday...
Noodle and crew
Mr. Buttons, you’re looking great! And we’re glad you’re feeling better. Those fluids really can help do the trick!
We luv you too Buttons. Mommy believes in sayin' I luv ya' all the time. She says she never wants anypawdy to doubt or miss hearin' it. We gotta tell ya', we luv our mommy and luv hearin' her tell us how much she luvs us too. Ya' just never know what the future holds, so it's really 'purrtant to say what ya' need to no and as offen as ya' can. We luv all of you very much. We're sendin' hugs and purrayers.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Raena
Oh, Mr Buttons, you teared us up with your wise words <3 We are so glad that you're back from the brink. We <3 you too, my furriend :) Continue Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers <3 <3 <3
PS We love your Selfie :) <3
Mr. Buttons you are so very wise for your years and you're right - we don't know how much time we have when we arrive but we need to make the best of every minute. Like your Dad has and like your family's Angels did and like ALL of us who are "here and now" need to do. You are brave and I know as long as you let your Dad help you feel good, you will! Thank you for reminding us how wonderful life is if we are brave enough to live it.
Hugs, Teddy
We are sending more healing purrs and are very happy to hear that you are making the most of every minute.
Mee-you Mistur Buttonss mee iss SURE wee ree-lated!! Mee just mee-yowed to LadyMum when mee got so icky sicky befur Katmass how much mee luvss her an how gratefull mee iss to bee a part of her life.
Mee sendss you quadrupull POTP an hopes you have lotss more time with all of us here. Mee Vet Man sayss mee will onlee live to bee about 8 yearss old an LadyMum said shee figured that so shee iss sorta reddy fur what efurr happenss. So wee make thee berry bEST of each day together.
**nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxx
Mr Buttons,
Keep eating, keep taking your medicine and we expect to see you a lot on the blog for a long time.
Enjoy your time and we are glad you (and your dad) both came back from the white space.
* hugs from us all *
Oh, Mr Buttons, You sure are such a wise kitty. Your Dad loves you so very much...and he wants only the best for you so that you will feel better. I will purr hard for you, and that you will be a good kitty boy and cooperate with all the meds and treatments your Dad lovingly helps you with.
Big loud purrs and POTP!
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