There once was a bear that was really dying to see Santa Paws. He tried and tried but could not think of a way to get to the North Pole. Then, one day, a cranky Old, Old, Old Gray Cat, that was kind of Floppy, yelled out to the bear: Yo bearz! Whut wit chu anymeowz? Yoo wanna visitin da Norther Polez ya gotta mailer ta Santa Claws!
Well the bear had a hard time understanding Budd... the Old Gray Cat. He thought he meant to mail himself rather that send a Christmas Card with a wish written on it to Santa Paws. The silly bear had to find a big box to send himself in so he went to the railroad tracks and stole one a fellow was living in. He ran to UPS, the U Plan Sendin store, told them where to pick up the box, ran around the corner and taped himself in. He was soon zooming over Hillndale, thats a bear town, toward the North Pole.
Santa Paws was beside himself when the UPS plane landed with such a big package. He thought "How nice someone sent me a huge gift." At least he thought that until he found out it was had a large COD due. He paid the man in Cod and said:"Oh well. It must be those parts to make those special toys for all the good kitties. Hey Jumper and Hissten come get this box."
Well as soon as they picked it up the bear fell out the bottom and said "Surprise! Hi Santa! A great idea to come meet you isn't it, huh, isn't it, huh, huh!"
Santa Paws eyes opened wide as his mouth dropped open! Suddenly, as he realized how much Cod he spent, his eyes narrowed and he raised up onto his rear paws. Hisston said to Jumper "Wait till ya see dis action, MOL"
The bear thought he was the biggest creature in the forest as he had never seen a Magical White Santa Cat Grow... and Grow... and Grow! Soon Santa reached down and picked the bear up between two claws. He meowed "Because of you I spent oodles of Cod on a bit of bear hair! And that box, where did you get that box? It has 'River Billy' written on it and he is a nice fellow who feeds the feral cats whenever he eats. He is a FAV of mine even if he is Ooman! Oh I know! You wanted to see Christmas Magic did you..."
"Boys take this bear who now has no cares and ship him to one of our favorite fur families!""Sure think Boss" Said Hisston. Then he and Jumper took the bear, the box and the UPS bill inside.
That Christmas we got the bear with a note explaining what he was and why he is now wooden and can no longer enjoy eating Cod.
River Billy woke up Christmas morn to find a new, better, insulated, with free electric heat, box waiting fur him. He knocked the icicle off his nose and went inside. There was a huge box of canned Cod for him and his feral friends to enjoy. "Thanks Santa Paws" he said being the only Ooman to ever see the Jolly White Cat. And finally each bear in the woods got a bill for 1 Cod payable immediately. You see Santa Claws hangs with all the other Magical Furs and they agreed something needed to be done.
Fitz yoo tellin dat storyz agin. Dad gonna...
Buddy you Hush. Its my day
K. Hey lookee who tiz! Ello B!
Hi Mr Buttons. Looking gooood
![]() |
Toby B Bread N Butter Bread N Butter Think our friends can tell who's who? Nope, MOL Glad your'e feeling better Me too Toby Thanks for all the purrs You too Friends! They helped! |
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Mr Buttons
Miss Fitz
MOL, that was quite a tail! I mean, tale! I'm sending purrs your way, Fitz, to make sure your dental goes smoothly!
That was a good story, Miss Fitz. I hope all goes well for your dental.
Miss Fitz- You are a wonderpurr storyteller! I loved this!
Good luck tomorrow (today?) at the dental.
Purrs, Meep stars girl the best of fishes and pearls on your pearly whites ~~~~~~~~~ hugs from dai$y ♥♥♥
Fitz-purrayers and POTP for your dental. So good to see Mr Buttons too !
Great story. I hope your dental goes well, if you get an extractions, make sure you tell the Tooth fairy. XO
Well, that's a really cool story gawjus Fitz. We're glad the boys are feelin' better. We're continuin' hugs and purrayers. By the way, we're havin' a great give away. Ifin ya' haven't been by our bloggy today, ya' might wanna check it out.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Raena
Oh my that was a totally exciting and fun story! How lucky you are to have a Dad who can make up such cool stories for all of you to enjoy. We hope your dental goes well Miss Fitz AND we are glad the boys are feeling better - we'll continue sending POTP though!
Hugs, Teddy
Thanks friends I went through my dental without a hitch... er except for now having one less toothie. Today Mr Buttons was visiting us all. He is out and about
Miss Fitz
Glad to hear that everything went fine with the toothies, Miss Fitz. Will send Healing Pawkisses for a speedy recovery :)
The bear story was very nice. We like that kind of tales :D Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday to all of you :) <3
We loved the story Miss Fitz. So absorbing. Can you tell us another one?
Shoko and Kali
What a great story Ms Fitz and I hope your dental went well.
I am purraying for you!
Have a purrfect day!
By now that dental is all over and a figment of your memory...hope all is well. And nice to see that Mr Buttons is feeling better, too.
What a swell bear tale! Petcretary read it to me...
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