Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Buddy Budd Meowin Bout Cat-Fishin

Da otha Dayz Dad was takin it ez sittin n fishin

Nex ting ya knowed he gotta HUGE Cat-Fishin!

Dat Cat-Fishin be pullin on da rod an tryin ta git looser!

Dad werked im and werked im an he git tireder
Dad pullim near ta land im

Then that bugger Cat-Fishin Rear Up an Attackin!

Dad cut dat Cat-Fishin looser fur safetiez sakez
He jus floatin along given Dad da Stinky Eyez Fur-Sure!

Maybee nex timer we git one we kin eatz

Buddy Budd
Dad Pete


Summer at said...

I'd be really surprised if your human caught an edible fish in your house! MOL

Karen Jo said...

That was an exciting fishing expedition. Summer's right. Your Dad needs to go fishing outside to catch something edible.

Noodle Cat said...

Somebody's having a great time!
Have a wonderful holiday season...

Noodle and crew

pilch92 said...

Nice to see you having fun Buddy.

John Bellen said...

That looked like a struggle, all right, but I think it was fun for all involved.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

MOL oh guys that was brilliant, we loved it!!!

Bestest festive purrs and thank mew fur the beautiful card!

Basil & Co xox

Me said...

Cat Fishin! MOL MOL MOL!
Purrs, Meep

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was a fun cat fishing trip.

Anonymous said...

Kozmo says that Daddy plays "Cat Fish" and "dog Fish" in Midway...I would like to play that someday!
You have such a cool Pop!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

That was have interesting things going on...indoor ice fishing in the winter??! MOL, MOL!

Anonymous said...

What a whopper your dad caught. Put up a heck of a fight. I'd lay there and watch the fight too mu Buddy Budd.

Kissy, Kissy,


Anonymous said...

Einstein you are the cutest cat fish I bet your Dad has ever caught!

Love, Teddy