Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Buddy Gets It ,and, a Cool Card!

Look what we got Einstein!
Wow, an Original from Pipo, MJF, Dalton, Petcretary and Pawppy
We always look forward to our special cards. Thank Mew!

Heyz! Dis  be mine postin!
Sorry Buddy we got excited over our card. Take it away
Ready Dad?
Ready Buddy. You are really going to get it!

Ah hopin ah willz
Ahhh dat nicer!



Do da earz gud gud gud pleeez

Yessir, Yessirrrrrrr!
Thanky Thanks Dad!
Any time my big fella
I am ready fur a napz
 Me too Buddy

Timmy Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Dad Pete


Summer at said...

That was a nice card... and a nice cuddle session!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Ahhh, Duddy! You sure got the full 'IT'!!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Oopsie...I don't know who Duddy is...or what, but that is a typo, and it should be all about YOU, Buddy!

Me said...

Love the pic with the fangs hanging out and the one captions Mmmmm. Yeah. Purrs, Meep

pilch92 said...

That is a nice card. You are such a sweetie Buddy.

meowmeowmans said...

We like that awesome card! And we loved seeing you, Buddy! :0

catladymac said...

Good loves for a good gray kitteh !

Anonymous said...

Oh yes - nice head rubs and face scritches - set us up for a good snooze every time!

Hugs, Teddy

John Bellen said...

That sure sets the stage for a good nap, eh, Buddy?

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful card for you Einie. I am hoping to see you at Teddy's Teaser on Tuesday. Hugs and slobbers

Your Shoo

Buddy, you ole Blue Russian mob are so mellow. Did they know of this trick when you were in the mafia? How easy to get away from you. MOL

Kissy kissy,
