The Tomcat Family is getting ready fur a big day.
What big day you meow, well we may give a small hint right Tim.
We may at that Toby. Here we are dressed fur the occassion.
You need a good sturdy set of overalls or an apron for our work.
We sure do Miss Fitz. Thanks fur getting us all set up
Buttons, Timmy has the wheelbarrow
Thanks Einie. Buddy will be moving it once its full of product.
Ah shur willz. Heavyz iz mah middle namez MOL
I promise I will not try and sell my pamphlets and only work hard
Ah will been watcher Rumperz. Got mah eye on ya
I know Buddy. I am trying to be a good brofur
Lets get this pawty started fellows On the 25th Miss Fitz. Oh alright... *sigh* |
Lets give them a hint Timmy.
OK Miss Fitz. Einstein, you are up to spill the beans!
How cool. Friends visit Sammy and Teddy and visit their post of March 18th.
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad Pete