Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thankful Toby & Buddy &...

Yoo best be movin Toberz
Buddy, its the time of year fur Thanks!
Can you feel it my furiend?

How about a little slack my big pal
Ahz gotta admiter ah feelin itz alraght

See, we have more in common than differences
Wehl, hmmm

That feeling runs through everything and every cat this
time of year!

Yessir, shur doez...
errr, errrrr....
*Jump, Jump, Zoom*

Buddy when I hear Toby making that noise I know you are
after him.

Ah knowin it Thankygivin timez Fitzer, but, ah jus had-ta
Like I have to whacky paw?
Exact-a-lee! I do love dat panfur boy ya knowz
I know Buddy Budd. I will go and cuddle with him
K Mizz Fitzer dat grate

Friends me and Budd love to goof on each other all the time
But onez ting we and da fambly notz kiddin on one little bitz

You all are our dear friends and we are 
Thankful you are in our lives

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons


Summer at said...

We are family here too - even if Binga is a little overboard on the whappy paws.

John Bellen said...

A cat is who he is, and there's no changing him - and we're thankful for that, too.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

doodz & fitz !! we will bee off line til monday sew heerz two a pie filled noe burd happee week oh end two all ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

Henry said...

I would not want to discuss any differences with anyone while being up that high...heheh You guys are troopers!

Cute pictures, thank you for sharing.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve & enjoy the rest of your day :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, my friends.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Pipo is the best whappy pawcat here, too...and he loves to exercise it on dog-guy...sigh...but he can whap his mousies all over the den too, that is fun!

And we are thankfur you are part of our big huge blogging furmily!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

We are so fankful fur all of you too. Our lives wouldn't be da same without ya'll in it. We are so blest to have so many amazin' furiends. We luv ya'll very much. And we're sendin' lots of hugs and kisses fur all of ya'. Give uncle Pete a big hug and nose bump fur us. We hope ya'll have a Happy and Blest Fanksgivin'. We're sendin' purrayers fur health and happiness.

Luv ya' bunches

Dezi and Raena and mommy A

pilch92 said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you kitties and your Dad too!

Unknown said...

Great card and thoughts, you incomparable kitties! Have a good one, and please share and behave, but mostly, spoil your dad for the day!!

meowmeowmans said...

We love this, sweet friends. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We're grateful for your friendship, and for YOU! :)

Anonymous said...

Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful Einey, Buddy, Timmy, Miss Fitz, Mr. Buttons, Toby. Rumpy Bumpy and the head tomcat Pete.

We hope your day with the turkey was awesome.

Shoko and Kali