Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Nipper: Timmy Tomcat

Buddy was all the nipper this the nipper that. 
I am skeptical

As they meow, the proof is in the Mousie

Now what do you... oooo...

I'm going to nibble your tail Mousie 'O' Mine

Nibble, Nibble, Nibble

Lickety, Lick, Lick, Lick

And for my Coup De Grace, Bitey the Butt

Bitey? Where did all this bitey come from anymeow, MOL
That Nipper sure packs a Nip Punch!
I give it Five Paws up!
There you have my unbiased opinion on our Jackson Glaxy Galaxy Toy Marinater. You can see Buddy Budd's review Here.

P.S. Buddy is going to post weekly at the Blues Lounge

Timmy Tomcat


Lone Star Cats said...

Looks like it wuz marinated good!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Awesome! Refreshed mousie! We saw that on his show and wondered how well it worked.

Summer at said...

Small but powerful, right, Timmy?

Charliedownunder said...

You know ... The real thing tastes better. Aren't you blokes s'posed to be good at chasing mouses? I'm excellent at it.

Chuck Huss said...

I guess you are giving that two paws up.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

well that looked like fun

Anonymous said...

That marinater must be delicious. I'm going to send mom out to find one. Jackson Galaxy eh? Got that mom.

Whisker kisses,

To all the family.


da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...nipped out mize R de best huh....N how kewl buddy opened up hiz own lounge....we wil head that way fora wee drinkz heer
ina minit !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

meowmeowmans said...

That was a great review, Timmy. That marinater works very well, we see!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like it's a big hit with you too, Timmy.

Museum of Maritime Pets said...

Timmy, it looks like you nearly swallowed Mr. Mousie! Good marinating job!

Three Chatty Cats said...

It looks like you're really enjoying that mousie!

The Island Cats said...

You guys better go easy on the nip! ;)

pilch92 said...

That looks like a great nip mouse.

Anonymous said...

Great that the marinator works to put the zip back with the nip!

Hugs, Sammy

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You sure had a good time with Mousie, Timmy!

You still all nipped out?? MIAOW! MOL!

Anonymous said...

Mousies are such a pawty...MOL :D Pawkisses :) <3

Anonymous said...

That mousie sure lookss furabuluss!
Mee iss Emmune to katnip it seems....xcept LadyMum brott a croyshayed 'nip mousie home an mee LUVSS it! Mee ackshully gets a nippy high frum it! LadyMum sayss shee iss so DOES calm mee down.....
Have funny Timmy!
***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxx

The Swiss Cats said...

It looks like you're enjoying your nipped mousie ! Purrs

Marvelous Marv said...

Most excellent action on that marinated mousie!
Yous shows some excellent gnawing style!

Anonymous said...

Oh Timmy dat expression is purriceless. You look so cute. Dat nip marinator sounds amazin'. Enjoy and have fun.

Luv ya'
