Wednesday, June 29, 2016

One in Evfurry Family

I was having a good day on the Cat shelf when...

I Had to charge the Cat Lasers. Why you ask...

Hi Toby, what are you doing, not much I see.
Lets hang out together, allllll day!

Lets not Rumpy

What's that Einstein... no, I am hanging with Toby
Really Rumpy

How are you and Fitz doing? I told her about that kitty you
were looking at on the puter, hope you don't mind, heh, heh

Gee, thanks so much Rumpy

I ate your treats this morning
What treats?
I was purrty fast about it, heh, heh

I told Buddy you think he is a big oaf
I never meowed...
I said think, I bet you do think that sometimes, heh heh
Now let me tell you what I told Timmy, Buttons and Einstein
I can hardly wait Rumpy
I know, so let me tell you blah blah, blah blah blah

Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Slow Monday with Toby and Buddy




Ha! Yoo looker away furzt
Oh, don't be so smug Buddy

Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd

Friday, June 24, 2016

Get that Crazy Boid!

Get that Crazy Boid Toby!
*Huff-Puff* Wow that Boid is fast Einstein

I am going to let you teach that Boid a lesson

Gotcha Toby
I am going to wait fur just the right...


What? How did that Boid get away?
I will try my trusty On-Back-Attack!

Wait fur it... wait fur it...

Oh so close

My famous long paw action
What? Where did you go Boid?

Grasshopper do I have to teach you evfurry thing.
A Boid in paw is worth many flying about, or some such
Rumpy you cheated, somehow you cheated

Age and deceit beat youth and energy paws down
my young undisciplined disciple

Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Crazy Boid

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Our Big Huge Post Fathers Day Nip Pawty

Hey Dere Frenz! Dis iz da Pre-Pawty Show by me, Buddy Budd, ta give ya time ta get settled fur da comin Nip Fest!

Hold it, Pinkie is intruptin. Whut up Pinkie
Buddy Mousie is picking me!
You little snitch wait till I

Yoo watchit Mousie
Nya Nya Buddy
*Mousie runs away*

Yoo too slow fur Buddy Budd Mousie

Yoo gettin a whackin

Stay dere yoo bad mousie yoo
Yes Buddy Sir

Buddy, enough, we have guests waiting!
But we all rehearsed da show
Alrightz, alrightz, mumble... grumble...

Friends you will be enjoying Kitty Kush Catnip today.
Just let Dad know when you need more and he will twist the grinder fur you.

Letz go den! 
Mmmmmm, Sniffie
Love it, Whiffie
I want some straight and uncut

I'm a pretzel kitty, a pretzel kitty 

Wowee that is poworfur MOL

Kids today can't handle...

Yeow I'm melting into the rug 

What was that about kids Toby?
I furget Einstein.... MOL

I have a need fur Nip

Yummy in the Tummy

I Enjoy Nip responsibly. Just a small bit, then I eat
every ones treats heh heh

What a wonderful pawty
Thanky fur comin
Hope you enjoyed yourselves
Feel free to spend the night we have plenty of room.

Humph! I do hope every kitty is finally through being silly so
I can get some peace

Hope you had fun friends!

Timmy Tomcat

Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons

Monday, June 20, 2016

Time Out Fur Nip

Whoa big fellow I do not have your spotty bag

Yoo shur
Yep. Dad has it in the Toy Marinator
Ya coulda sayd dat in da furs place
You didn't ask
Oh raght... heh heh

Hey dere spotty, yoo smellin gud

Now dat ah gotz me nippy fixin ah gotta messager
fur our frenz

Stop by on Wednas-daze fur da fambly Nip Pawty
Yoo invitedz
I second that Buddy
Only timer ah agreeing wit ya Rumperz

Timmy Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sunday Selfie: Toby and Family

We are joining our friends at The Cat on My Head for
the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Toby, oh Toby, get up for a minute will you

Dad I was napping
Lets get a selfie for the Hop my little House Panfur
No, please ask someone else, I'm tired
But Toby, your fans wan...

Right Dad! It was silly of me to think they could
get through a week without my handsome face, shoot


I better sit next to the puter so I can send out my autographed
photo as the requests come in

Good idea Toby. If you get a paw cramp rest a bit alright

You are funny Dad. Hey can you come over by the couch fur a minute
Sure Toby what's up?
Happy Fathers Dayz from all of us!

Thanks my dear fur family. How about a Nip Pawty to celebrate. 
Wow you are the best Dad Ever!

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Box Day at the Tomcat Home

Oh My Catness we are late with our boxs! 
Hut Hut!
Line up!
Sound Off! You furst Miss Fitz

Timmy, Shush all that do this, and that, cat!
I like a box with a fast exit so I can, um, talk to my brofurs

I like a nice big box with crinkle paper to lay on

Nice Buttons. I like a nappy box

Rumpy you sure can nap. I like a nice close in box

Yoo iz kinda tighten in dere Toberz
Buddy Budd be likin da jus right boxer. Yessir!

Einstein thanks fur helping. We got our box post done
Sure thing Timmy. No how about giving me that
nice big box for payment

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons