Hey Dere Frenz! Dis iz da Pre-Pawty Show by me, Buddy Budd, ta give ya time ta get settled fur da comin Nip Fest!
Hold it, Pinkie is intruptin. Whut up Pinkie Buddy Mousie is picking me! You little snitch wait till I |
Yoo watchit Mousie Nya Nya Buddy *Mousie runs away* |
URK! Yoo too slow fur Buddy Budd Mousie |
Yoo gettin a whackin Noooo |
Stay dere yoo bad mousie yoo Yes Buddy Sir |
Buddy, enough, we have guests waiting! But we all rehearsed da show Buddy... Alrightz, alrightz, mumble... grumble... |
Friends you will be enjoying Kitty Kush Catnip today. Just let Dad know when you need more and he will twist the grinder fur you. |
Letz go den! Mmmmmm, Sniffie Love it, Whiffies |
I want some straight and uncut |
I'm a pretzel kitty, a pretzel kitty |
Wowee that is poworfur MOL |
Kids today can't handle... |
Yeow I'm melting into the rug |
What was that about kids Toby? I furget Einstein.... MOL |
I have a need fur Nip |
Yummy in the Tummy |
I Enjoy Nip responsibly. Just a small bit, then I eat every ones treats heh heh |
What a wonderful pawty Thanky fur comin Hope you enjoyed yourselves Feel free to spend the night we have plenty of room. |
Humph! I do hope every kitty is finally through being silly so I can get some peace |
Hope you had fun friends!
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons