Monday, August 31, 2015

Man-Cat Monday with Rumpy

Hey Dad, let's show our furends just how much of a Manly Man-Cat I am! Let me play with my LOG

Give that huge pole here Dad!



Get back here tree trunk


Let me know if you have some Redwoods or Giant Sequoia's you need taken down and hauled off. 

Rumpy Bump the Cat Who Leaves no Stumps

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday Selfie with Rumpy

Me, Rumpy, am joining The Cat on my Head Sunday
Selfies Blog Hop. Don't look for my other slacker family
as they are not here! So there

Goodness I am handsome. Share me to all your furends and they will be furever indebted to you. Yesssss

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Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Friday, August 28, 2015

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

We take today along with so many of our blogging friends to honor those of our family who have gone over the Rainbow Bridge.

Ming the Malevolent was named after the character from Flash Gordon. She was Dads first heart kitty and simply appeared at his parents home when he was 16. She did not bear fools
and would bite deeply on a whim. She caused conflict with the ladies in Dad's life always demanding to be number one. 
She went missing in 81. Two years later Dad saw her in the back yard, snuck up and scruffed her. She screamed murder until he brought her inside and sat her on the floor. She looked around, looked up at Dad and said "Mrrrooowwrr" asking for a snack like she had never left. She never wanted to go outside after that and there were many happy years after. We know you are just waiting for us so you can bring us your special catches dear girl.

Pee Girl was Dads next heart kitty. She loved siting  on Dad when he was home relaxing or laying on him while he slept. She loved having babies (before we all knew better) and was not happy without kit. 

She would follow Dad around and he would have to keep his hand in the box as she delivered or she would hop after him kitten half out. 

This is Inky who was from her last litter due to medical problems. She treated him like her little one till the day she passed and he felt the same. See you on that day we all return Sweet Pee Girl 
RB 11/99

Big Head Stinker was Dads Finance's cat. He was not neutered until 10 years old and it took Dad saying how he would then stop spraying. He would patrol the around the property every two hours like a full time job. 

If Stinker would see an introoder of any sort he would start walking towards them. He would pick up speed walk, fast walk, trot and by the time he hit run there interloper would be gone. He would then saunter back for a rub of his big head.

He sat in Dads lap every night with his eighteen pounds pressing heavily if he walked the wrong way. Dad loved that fellow.  
He passed in Dads arms the day before the 4th of July, 2006

Amber was Dad's Mom and sisters cat. She lived outside and would meet Dad every time he came home to the top apartment that was built onto Moms home. 

She was a happy kitty with a great smile. She loved a pet and would purr like three cats. Amber would shed like crazy and just rubbing on your leg would let loose clouds of fur. Dad took her inside and cared for her during her last months. That was a great reward RB 06/07

Coco was Dad's mothers cat. He was an outside/inside kitty of his own design. He would sneak out the back, come around the front and ask to be let back in.

After Dad's Mom passed Coco moved inside with Dad and had great fun playing with Timmy Toby and Inky. Love you buddy.
RB 7/09

Inky, Inky Dink, Inky was with Dad for 22 wonderful years. We called him the self-petting cat as he would run up close and when you reached to pet him he would rub against something like crazy right out of reach. 

Inky drank water like anything but never ate much and was a lean kitty. He was around so long it we kept looking for him after he passed.

Timmy and Toby and Dad kept a vigil with Inky and he passed quietly. We love you little guy RB 12/07

Thanks for taking the time to meet our Angels. They are forever loved. They all visit us in our dreams to help us be better cats and deal with life issues. Purrs from us all!

Dad, Timmy and Family 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Trouble with Nanners

Timmy has been practicing Fur-tive Fun.
If I move very slowly maybe he won't notice.

Come here Nanner Nanner.
We have a date

So fur so good...
easy now...

*Nibble Whiffie Nibble*
Ahhh, that is one fine Nanner

Hey! Are you wanting my Nanner?
Darn, Timmy was right about having
Fur-tive Fun

Toby Tomcat
Mr Nanner Nanner

Monday, August 24, 2015

Furtive Fun

You may wonder what I have here.

My Nanner

I love to play Nanner Nanner

Take a wash break, then play some more

But with 7 of us it has to be furtive fun or there may
be an unwanted visitor

Ah hearin dat!

Buddy Budd
Timmy Tomcat

Friday, August 21, 2015

Trooder Alert


What is all this then Einstein?
Timmy what is that lad up to now?
I have no idea Rumpy 

How DARE you! *GRAB*
Einstein what is going on?
Gotmmfl... snembgrl... 

Troodrrll... nnn... hsssff...

Oh I see, Trooder Alert!
Well done my Grasshopper!

You stay there Trooder until I show you to Dad
Then, if he says I can, I may let you play some more

I don't think you have to worry about him going anywhere
Einstein. You Deeded him.

Dad I protected the house from a Trooder
Sure did my little buddy.
He's no fun now so can I have a treat
Coming right up

Timmy, why do Trooders come in to look around when they must know we are here?
Bad parenting Buttons, MOL


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Flat Shoko Visits the Tomcat Home II

Flat Shoko, Foko, Einsteins gal pal from Cat Scouts has been visiting the Tomcat Home this week.

Hello Shoo my sweet did you sleep well
Hello Eney my dear, yes I did my floofy Man-Cat
Hi Dad, what have you got there?

I brought you and your gal some fun.
Foko would you like some Silly String Treat?

Oh thank you Dad, nibble nibble nibble. Yummy

How about you Einstein. I think you will like this
Well, let me give it a little whiffie furst Dad...


Oh Eney you are sooo Man-Cattish, MOL

Mmm... *Gulp"
Not the fingers Einstein
You sure have a good appetite my Man-Cat

We will be packing you up to head home my dear Shoo.
I am so glad Flat Einstein and Flat Timmy will be going with me Eney. Is that rumor that there may be a visitor for Kali true?
Sure is my sweetest. Lets snuggle befur the trip
Oh Eney, sigh...

Hi Furs, Timmy here, we Cat Scouts are heading to Lake Tahoe this weekend so if you don't belong there is still time to join and have fun with us

Foko (Flat Shoko)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Flat Shoko Visits the Tomcat Home I

Flat Shoko, Foko, from Cat Scouts is visiting us after stopping at Dezi's house.

Hi Tomcats

Hi Foko
Hi Timmy
Come on let me show you the cat-walk

This is nice Timmy
Thanks Foko, look who's coming
I have been dying to meet Miss Fitz

Hello Foko let me tell you... psst whisper psst whisper psst...
Oh right... whisper psst whisper pssst psst...

Umm, what were you saying?
Girl talk you silly! Psst whisper... MOL
He did? OMC Fitz! Whisper psst... MOL
MOL... Right there Foko

Timmy, I think someone is tickling my paw
That is Buddy. Say hello to Foko Buddy Budd
Ello derez Fokoz. Ow yaz doinz?
Um What? 
Buddy says hello and how are you doing...
Very well Buddy
Goody good Fokoz!

You are aware that I may speak in the Kings English if the
mood so moves me Mr Timothy

MOL I think you are really something Buddy!
Why thank you Miss Foko. May you enjoy your stay in
our humble domicile. By the way how is that pretty Kali?

She asks about you Buddy. Can I give her a message?
Psst, whisper, psst whisper
Alright I will... MOL
OMC I can't wait to tell...
Whutcha talkin bout Timmerz

Timmy stop yammering about Buddy. I want Shoko to meet
my pal Rumpy.

Oh Einstein I have heard you talk so much about how he
took you under his paw when you were just a kit

You bet Foko. He helped me be the cat I am today.

Hi Rumpy
Hello Foko I am so glad to meet Einsteins Gal Pal
Are you really a bad boy like they say
Well... MOL

I am so glad you like my family Foko
They are all really nice Einstein
Lets get a nap with Dad to end the day

Goodness you all do get well. Hi Mr Buttons.
Hello Foko, good to meet you
Goodnight Foko
Goodnight Einstein. I can't wait to see what's next!

Buddy Budd
Mr Buttons
Miss Fitz