We are all wondering how we will see Santa Claws when he shows up Chrismous Night to fill our stockings with treats and goodies. Hmmm???
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Miss Fitz: Hey Timmy! Lets use Laser Eyes to see Santa Claws! |
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Grrreat idea Miss Fitz! |
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Rumpy: Meow Miss Fitz you are one sharp huntress! |
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Einstein: I have lasers eyes too. Can I play? |
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Shhhhh kitties. We don't want the little one spoiling his furst Christmous. |
We want year to be very special fur our little Einstein! Are you ready for Santa Claws?
We are still sending purrs to Brian's Home for Gracie. We welcome NylaBlue and Mum and send purrs there too!
Your Furend
Timmy Tomcat
I never thought of giving Santa the laser eyes - what a great idea!
We're sure this is going to be a very special Christmas for little Einstein!
I bet Santa will leave lots of gifts for little Einstein! I'll have to try those lazer eyes and see if Santa is around here.....
I think it'll be a great Christmas for everyone, especially for Einstein, with so many friends ready to make it wonderful for him. But Santa has ways of evading even cats' laser eyes, so watch sharp!
Oh, and I love the new, seasonal heading.
doodz N fitz...yur new header iz rockin !!! N with all de lazer eyez in yur houz yur dad can save on lectricitee N knot put up lites !!! hope everee one haza grate week oh end...eat donuts :)...
Kitties you will spot Santa Claws with theese lasers for sure! Love your Christmas blog header, it is fabulous!
The Christmas header is so adorable. It looks as if all of you have a plan, which we're pretty sure will prove to be effective! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
I am going to use my lasers as landing lights so the reindeer don't miss me. Christmas is going to be very exciting for little Einstein.
you guys!! those laser eyes are amazing!! where did you get them? - Crepes.
That is one grrreat idea Flynn!
With those lasers, you won't miss Santa Claws!! Just make sure you don't blind him. ;)
Yow sweet Timmy Tomcat...it iz lubly to furinally bee here n reed yer bloggie n meet all da other kittehz!! Winstein iz suc a wee kitt...me finkz he iz bery cute...beemindz me of sum of me kittz of long ago...
me finkz wif all dem Lazer eyez diz Santa Calwz fella will find ya all no prublem. Me Mum said dat Hu'Manz n 4 leggedz who beelieve in Santa Clawz are apposta sleep so he can come into leeve purrsentz seecret like....so sum how ya all haz to do lazer eyez butt bee asleepz?? Me not nose....bein Jewish-Mewish (dat iz such a kewl werd Timmy)...Mum iz me Santa Clawz....no seecret dere....bunder if me getz another birfday purrsent tho???? MOL...
Lub Nylablue xxxxxxxx
Santa Paws can't pawsibly miss your house with all those laser eyes focused around the room......lots of light to use while filling your stockings and putting toys under the tree. Even Einstein's joining in! How exciting this is his first Christmas - he's a lucky little guy!!
Kitty Hugs, sammy
Haha, I'm sure Santa Claws can see all the laser eyes from sky :-) He might think they are Christmouse lights!
Goodness me guys..Santa will see those flashing Laser eyes and be guided right in...and little Einstein will i am sure be the most fun on Christmouse morning with all that leadership from you guys he will find a way to really have fun with the presents :) hugs Fozziemum xx
You sure are ready for Santa Paw's to arrive at your house !
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