Meow there is a lot going on this month. Besides Howloween and it being Toctober we now have a foster living, get this, in the Tomcat Home! Previously Dad has kept these unknowables unknown down in the Foster Room. Oh yeah we would get a whiff of them when he came up from doing his duties but see them, never.
Buttons: You saw me!
Ms Fitz; Me too! What do you say to that mister high and not so mighty.
Now, now, calm down. You two were seen after it was decided you were going to be a part of the Tomcat Home and...
*Timmy is suddenly meowless and the cats all look at each other*
Buttons: Does this mean...
No. Of course not.
Buddy Budd: Well ah Sure as Shoe-In hope knots! Yessir!
Rumpy: Buddy you big goof that's Shoot...
MOVING on here. Rumpy as you always seem to have something to say please tell us what's new with the little one.
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I examined his cage. Good quality. |
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His vet visit went well. FIV and FeLV negative. He has worms but he got some medicine. Oh yes, he is a him. |
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Here is his non clumping litter. Dad has that all nailed down. |
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That is about it. I am going to bring him out to speak for himself |
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But Rumpy, I, I, I don't know anycat. You will be fine. When in doubt, Purr! |
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This is when I furst came. Dad saved my life. That is Here. Uh, Purrrrrrrrrr. |
Buddy Budd: You doin finest there little Dood!
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I fight like a Tiger! |
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I am a bit small, but I am a very handsome Boy-Cat |
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I live in here. Dad says I am too little to have the run of the place. |
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Dad made me a little box to sleep in. I feel safe in here. I need a Nap. Bye. |
Thanks little kitten. We will need a name for you since you are hanging around. Do our Furends have any suggestions?
We will have an update on his siblings next week. They are in the foster room and Dad says they are quite hissy. Maybe we will send Ms Fitz down to... Just kidding Fitz...
So have a nice day and be kind to those in need. Remember to Spay and Neuter your pets as these kittens are the Lucky ones.
Purrs Furends
Timmy Tomcat
Aww how wonderful he is doing well. He is a little warrior. How about calling him just that: Wyatt = Little warrior. He fought the odds.
OMC, he is so adorable! I'm so happy that a) we got an update, and b) it's a great update! My human is no help with names. After all, she gave Binga and Boodie theirs! I'd think your baby would want something a little more normal and respectable.
He sure has the cute thing going on! We're glad to hear he's doing well. Just think, having him up in the house means you can teach him some cat manners.
What a cutie. He's lucky to have landed where he did. I'll read about his story now. In the meantime, I thought of the name 'Ping'. It belongs to one of Angel Abbey's roommates, but I think it's good enough for two cats. Whatever the new boy will be called, he's been given a good start in life now.
OMCod!!!! Squeeeeeee!!!! ^..^ ^..^ ^..^ ^..^ ^..^ & ^,,^
he'z sooooo CUTE!
we dun't think it'z good to ask owr mom bout namez.... all de namez she comez up wif are witch, faeriez, vampire namez ^..^
Good Luck wif dat lil'Dude,
Ohhhhhh...... we jus red your story, and you are a lil Dudette! ^.,^ x6 ♥♥♥♥♥♥ awwwwww.... we hopez you get a pretty name, jus like You ♥♥♥
What a little cutie pie! We are so glad he is doing so well. :)
DOOD !!!!!..sorree fitz......oh well... DOOOD !!! ...ewe iz de awesumest wee one we haz seen ina while.....
names: how bout frank N fluff...franke de furter...frankee.... sinz it bee de month oh St Francis N him helped get ya ta wear ewe iz now !! way happee ya iz doin sew good N we hope yur siblings iz doin just az grate
We are so glad we got to meet your itty-bitty intruder. He certainly is a big ball of floofiness. With the little dots on his nose, we're thinking Freckles could be a really good name. Mom likes giving kitties regular people names and keeps lists of potential names, but she didn't think any of those fit. Trooper might also be cute the way he has rallied from the first night. We'll look forward to finding out what you all decide. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
What a cutie!
Welcome home little one, you're going to love it there and we are all in love with you already!
your bitty introoder is precious...and spay and neuter is the only way to keep more from going through what he must have and so many more to come...sigh
Oh my kitty paws that is one handsome itty bitty mancat!
Oh he is gorgeous and think he should be called Bluey with those wonderful eye's. MOL xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie
Oh he is just so adorable..and soooo's a harsh world for these little ones..i would love to help with names but if you saw the list of names i gave my fosters over the years and it's a long one you would think twice..then again maybe it could inspire as after all we had a Little Fitz and Big Fitz hehehe :) hugs all from Fozziemum xx
Is this little Einstein? He is very cute. I purr that he makes it. I will sprinkle some angel dust down upon him.
Love from Tigger
Awww so cute <3
Glad your daddy saved him !
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