Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jockey for Position

Hi Furends:

We got a new X Scratcher and it seems it is in big demand.
What-Cha doing Rumpy?
I am enjoying My New Scratcher!
Yours... Really...

Yes Dad got this just for ME!

Meow! Look at that Mousy all by its lonesome!

Lets play little Mousie! Wow what FUN!

That does look like fun Buttons
Can I play?

Sure Rumpy!
Bring it over here with me and Toby!

That was so easy I am almost sorry I did it.
Nah... Almost don't count. MOL!

And what did you do fun with your family today?
Timmy Tomcat


Clooney said...

Hey kitties! That sure is a cool scratcher! Hope you all enjoy it and get a turn!

Tuxedo Gang said...

Hi Timmy Tomcat! We would love for you to Join the Tuxedo Gang Hideout! We will be working on the post for Wednesday. If it is okay to use pictures from your Blog we can do that!! You can all Join even if some of you are not Tuxies!
Thanks for becoming members,
Samantha & The Tuxedo Gang

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

That was almost a to easy trick to play even if I know the furry toy´s are very hard to resist :)
Your new scratcher looks furry cool !

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I wish we had an X scratcher - although there would probably be smacky paws over it. We don't plot like you guys - we just whap it out.

Cats Herd You said...

That looks like a fun scratcher. We could really get our claws into one of those!

John Bellen said...

Yes, that was too simple a trick: but it worked!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

tim...eye sent me mom ta werk so eye haz de place ta mee self....red eye it on over N bring de crew...we will haza partee :) tuna =^..^=

Mollie said...

I'mz coming to livez wiff youz, if I had one of thoze, the Blond would eat'z it MOL xx0xx

Mollie and Alfie


Wow what a great scratcher! We can see why you wanted it.

Kitties Blue said...

We kitties can be so devious. MOL. We had one of those X scratchers for a really long time and liked it bunches, but we finally wore it out. Enjoy, however you manage to get your turn. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Maurico

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my, those are sooooooo great! I used to have one, but I had the weak model cause when I put my butt on it...down it went!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that is one great scratcher! I can see why it is in demand!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a good scratcher and an even better plan to get it to yourself.

Ingrid said...

Wow, what nice toys ! My cats use tree trunks or furniture for their pedicure, they go in an out and it depends on the weather of course, lol !