Dad said I can have the new Nanner all to myself |
Not really, but, I claim it and pawsession is all, right! |
When you are a cat once you mark it, its yours alone. Lips, check! |
Head, check! |
Whups, I rubbed a bit too much and pushed my Nanner off the table. No matter. A bit of cat spit will make sure it stays mine! |
We are joining 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs for Friendly Fill-Ins Dad is doing 1 & 2 while I do 3 & 4
1. I will never stop Loving my cat family. They give me much more than I give them and are full of love 2. It was a relief to Hear Sawyer is home. There is nothing as stressful as losing a pet who runs for some reason only they know. It is a miracle he is home and I feel there were Angels involved 3. My sleek fur and tabby marks have made me feel proud of myself. I know, you expected me to say my whapping. Well that too but I am a pretty girl and Toby & Dad always comment on how well I keep my fur. 4. Rumpy grosses me out. Sometimes, when I eat too many treats, I have to, um, purge. That big lug will actually eat it! Can you imagine! Dad always tries to get to it first but if its after he is asleep, ugh! |
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: https:Timmytomcat.blogspot.com. All rights reserved
That catnip banana is definitely yours, Fitz! Don't let anyone tell you different.
A new nip nanner!! Yup kitty spit for sure will make it yours!
And Hooray for Sawyer being home safely!! A miracle!
I had a good goggle and #4 of the fill ins...ugh...LOL!
I like the way you claim possession of the banana. No one can dare claim it from you. Enjoy your banana. Happy weekend.
Way to mark up that new nip nanner, Miss Fitz. You show 'em who owns it! Enjoy your weekend.
First spit means it is definitely your nanner!
Oh boy - you get a new Nip Nanner and Mom says I have a new Yeeowwww Rainbow coming to me in the next day or two. We're LUCKY aren't we? I can't wait!!
Hugs, Teddy
Miss Fitz that Nanner looks like it is meant just for you. Do it proud. And Rumpy there has to be better way to get a treat.
Marking that nanner was very smart.
Miss Fitz, as the Lady of the House, you are entitled to your own nanner! And yours is the onerous duty of keeping order within the home. So...you deserve a reward. Keep that cat spit flowing.
Nip Nanners ROCK!!! We're so happy Sawyer is home and agree that Angels guided him.
The Florida Furkids
Love your fill-ins and it appears that one of those kitties won't care what you do the that nanner. Just saying.
Yes, Sawyer is home and we're all doing the Happy Dance.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to all the kitties and my best to your dad. ♥
I just had a nanner for lunch...
Hugs Cecilia
Lucky nip nanner day fur sure! Those were really good answers and we're so happy that dear Sawyer is home.
Cats are so fun to watch! Have a lovely naner day!
Guess that old adage, "one man's trash is another man's treasure" applies to cat upchuck...GROSS!!!!!
rumpy....we iz CRACKIN UP buddy....well, uz doodz iz any way :) ☺☺♥♥
Great job Fitz! You have left your indelible mark on that new Nanner. Guaranteed to repel ant other feline. And we’re so glad to hear that Sawyer is home. He’s a survivor.
Thanks for coming by so often. We enjoy your comments. It helps us to remember Timmy very fondly. Hope you are doing as well as possible.
Mee iss sure that Nip Nanner iss all yoress Miss Fitz...mee betss you will due whappy paw on anyone who goess fore it....well maybee not Toby ;)
An wee are furry happy Sawyer iss back home!FURRY happy!
Wee did not know Miss Jean iss unwell...mee will meow to LadyMew to email her!
***purrss*** BellaDharma
Meowza! That nanner looks pretty cool. We need to have our Purrsonal Assistant order us some of those!
Purrs & Head Bonks,
That looks like a good nanner! Lots of fun :-D
I bet that smells amazing!
Yes, a little spit will make it yours. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am with you on #1. My Prancie used to love to clean up for the other cats too. :)
And I am so happy about Sawyer too. XO
Thank goodness Sawyer is home! That truly is wonderful.
Miss Fitz, you got the nanner! Boy cats can be gross, ugh on eating upchuck.
xoxox, Bibi & Meep
Good job claiming that nanner, Miss Fitz! Spit makes it so!
I read about this. What great news!
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