Are you sure this is the way to our new house Timmy? Yes Einstein quit whining. Do not worry the Dark Prince will handle any phantasmagorical trouble. Yeah, by jumping on the counter and calling Dad. Rumpy, Off with your Head!
Well, here we are. What is this? The Queen demands an appropriate Castle. Off with your head! Now sweetie... I kind of like it. You would Toby. Lets go catch us some bats and stuff. You cant catch a Skwerl Rumpy. Shhh what's that? |
Jus uz Angelz we watchin over yoo'z all. No worries about any bad spirits we will handle them. Thanks Angels Buddy & Buttons. Rumperz yoo waz sweatin pellets. Scaredie of ghosties? No,no, no its just, um, my blood sugar is low. Right. Lets eat. Queen are you... WHAT? I am a Queen! My prince will serve all in my stead or, Off with his Head! Yes dearest. Lets invite our friends too. If we really must. Are they poor?
I invited Shoko and Tyebe who insisted on including Cooper Murphy. And I asked my gal Gracie to come. Well queen I must say I love your outfit. I myself was riding so am a bit less fanciful. Yeah, right. Heads can still be Off Rumpy the Bump on my butt. What? It is time to party folks so come on in
Welcome to our Castle. Psst, Dad, back in the dungeon please. Remember no scratching the furniture or Off with your Head. Yes Queen Fitz. Guests please go up the stairs to the bar
It was chilly so we started a nice fire. Angel Buddy got a corporeal permit so he will be bartender till midnight. We gotz da Catgnac, wine N beer too'z. If it gets busy I will take orders. Thanks Angel Buttons. Food is in the kit-chen
Thanks for setting up the table Einstein & Shoko. Make sure you have some of our favorite, brains. We also have bat burgers and pasta with eyeballs. Rumpy will you show our guests the bedrooms
If I must. I ran my sword under the bed and we have a full time servant to provide noms, treats and chin scritches. He looks weird but does a good job. Yup I do, un-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid Shoko & Tyebe: The Canadian Cats
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Buddy Budd: Elder States Spirit
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: https:Timmytomcat.blogspot.com. All rights reserved
Happy Halloween!
That was a good adventure. Happy Halloween!
Well that was strange! Are you sure your blog is not haunted? Everything was on the left and the pictures were small. As soon as I clicked to enter my comment, everything came back to normal.
What an enjoyable read this morning! We especially love the poor dad back to the dungeon thing! Happy Spooky Halloween weekend, y'all.
Oh what a wonderful Howl-O-Ween extravaganza of a party you all are having! We love it! Thanks for the spooky snackables and all the fun. HAPPY HALLOWEEN and stay SAFE!
Love, Teddy
BAT BURGERS!!! That sounds wonderful to us, how lucky is your household? And that cat in a toaster looks warm and toasty! It's too cold around here we wish we were there! We're not so sure about the mayonnaise jar, we had it once and it was weird. But we will be over soon to get some of that eyeball pasta. We are glad you have a system of order in your house and that your Angel Buddy returned to keep the peace because it, well, truthfully sounds like a wild scene over there. See U soon!
Happy Halloween! This is an amazing celebration!!!
The Florida Furkids
Amazing stories and castles! Loved being invited in. Your
servant does well with food, costumes and homes for you all.
Happy Halloween, don't do anything too scary.
That was fun, fun, fun! Happy Halloween spooky cool friends!
That was some spooky fun gang! Happy Halloween!
Great story and pics!
I love the costumes, guys, but then I like history, military history, historical pageantry and so forth. Very colourful! But something odd seems to have happened to your servant...
That was some story, guys...and Dad...MOL...Great artworks on every picture👻Extra Spooky Pawkisses for a Happy Halloween👻🐾😽💞
What a fun celebration ! Happy Halloween ! Purrs
Happy Howl-o-ween and thanks for inviting us to your great party.
xoxo, Bibi & Meep
Happy Meowloween, cuties!
Happy Halloween! May you get more treats than tricks.
We all are dressed to kill!! Bwaaa...A fun post. All my huggles to Einey
"Trick or treat
You have smelly feet,"
Do you not have a bottle of our Nanaimo Bar wine? We shall send some over.
That is a fun way to spend Halloween. Happy Halloween! XO
Whoa, you guys are dressed to the nines. Great costumes! Happy Meowloween! XO
Happy Howloween! This was a fun post!
Yore all so spook-taculur Einstein an Timmy an efurryone!!!
What a fun pawty youss' threw....
***purrss*** BellaDharma
Tee hee hee. You all sure know how to have fun! Tummy tickles.
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