Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Cat Dad Fathers Day

We are joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. You should too!

Our Cat Dad misses his Dad who was a super guy. Wish we could have met him

We are  sad  to  say  goodbye  to  dear  Zoe  from  Brian's Home. Please  stop  by  to  give  your  condolences.

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Buddy Budd: Elder States Spirit
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Now that is a delightful Sunday selfie, and full of all the best ingredients of life :)

M Dawson said...

Lovely selfie and we love the picture of your dad too. A real and lovely person!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Lovely photo of your dad and his dad. Happy Father's Day to all dads everywhere.

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Father's Day to Dad Pete.

The Florida Furkids

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Father's Day to your very special Cat Daddy! Thanks for sharing our Angel Zoe and for the kind words too.

Lynn and Precious said...

Happy Father's Day, Pete. I am sure the kitties
will keep you entertained for the day. You and
your Father look like a great team.

Me said...

Happy Cat Father's Day, Mr. Pete! You are a great dad and we're sure your crew will open some cans for you!
xoxo, Bibi & Meep

Catscue Catmom said...

You have a wonderful Dad, spoil him rotten today kitties! Happy Father's Day!

Eastside Cats said...

Happy Father's Day to your hudad!
The Hubby and I both have fathers and grandfathers in Heaven; we miss them!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Pawkisses for a Happy Dad's Day to your special Dad, sweet furry furriends🐾😽💞

John Bellen said...

Your dad's dad looks like he was a warm-hearted man. We miss our dads al the time, but some days we miss them extra. I don't know why; we just do.

Chuck Huss said...

What a great memory. I hope you Dad has a great Father's Day.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Happy Father's Day to your wonderful dad!

Katie Isabella said...

Happy Father's Day, Pete and all the kitties there are making it perfect for you. I enjoyed seeing you and your dad. I should have done the same in my blog.

pilch92 said...

Happy Father's Day to your wonderful Dad! XO

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Father's Day to Dad Pete! He is the bestest!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Dad’s Day to your Cat Daddy!

Summer said...

Happy Father's Day!

Pam and Teddy said...

A wonderful post for Father's Day. Your Cat Daddy is a very special guy and he loves you all more than you can imagine. I know you love him too - The Man With The Cans!!! Hope it was one heck of a celebration in your house for Father's Day.

Hugs, Teddy

Three Chatty Cats said...

Hope your cat dad had a great Father's Day!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Very belated greetings to your Dad, for a Happy Father's day.
We are sure you gave him lots of snuggle and purrs in thanks for all he does for you!

Kitties Blue said...

What a great photo of Dad Pete and his dad and photo of him with you kitties. He looks especially happy in that one. You all have one of the best dads we know. Hope you all gave him extra love for Father's Day. Thanks for being friends and hoppers.XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer