Being a Man Cat I may be a tiny bit lax, a very tiny bit I add, in keeping up with health. Yes, yes, yes, I know, I know yearly check ups blah, blah, blah. But I am Manly! I have an Image! I am MAN CAT! That meowed Dad, being a Manly Man himself, encouraged (demanded) I go for my yearly check up early. Why, I asked. I have plenty of energy and zip and zoom around and up and down like always. Dad said that was true but maybe a bit too true! What? And, he said I was losing weight. I said: "Well Dad, I will be 13 on April 14th and..." Dad stopped me and asked how much weight Buddy lost by his 13th birthday and I was flummoxed. That guy was 16 solid pounds and could whack me like... err, yes. "He did not lose an ounce Dad." So off we went to the Vet which was no biggie really. Then the nice Vet called and it turns out I have hyperthyroid. "AH-HA" said Dad. "I knew it." Then he said I have to take medication twice a day just like Buddy did. And I meowed "What is this yucky medication?" Dad gave me my first pill and I knew it was a big mistake but kept quiet. I get Buddy's special treats, not medicine. Keep em coming Dad! So I go back next Tuesday for my follow up test and I know it will be purrfect. Why? Because I get special treats twice a day. Yessss! I can do this fellow Man Cats. AND? Toby who else comes to our bloggie? Oh, Fitz, alright, and my fellow lady Cats. How about fellow friends.Better! I am so thankful for a caring Dad, and, getting treats. The recipe is up above in the Link Bar under Dad's Pill Magic. Remember to have your checkups friends. I want you all around for a long, long time |
I knew you all needed a dose of Handsome Toby so here you are. Purrs till next time |
We invite all our friends to visit and join The Tabby Cat Club. It is a great place for friends to come and share the fun of being a kitty. Did you know that all cats have some Tabby in them! |
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: https:Timmytomcat.blogspot.com. All rights reserved
Oh, Toby! Treats like that are so special! I do hope the next visit will show lots of good improvement.
I get two pills every day, and sometimes a third one, every few days when I don't eat well, but petcretary just dumps them in...and silly mancat that I am, I just swallow and they're gone...and then my treat is a new can of noms. My trick is to hide when I hear those bottles being opened, try that, Toby...at least if you do not want your treats...MOL!
I think those special treats sound awesome - I hope you get a good report at your next vet visit.
Toby you CAN do this.....Angel Sammy was pretty good about his thyroid meds too but Mom had to get super creative with sneaky snacks. He caught on quickly to EVERYTHING.... I hope that you will continue to be a good boy and have those special treats your Dad makes for you. I'm SURE you will "ace" your next checkup!!
Hugs, Teddy
You seem really good about the pills! Angel Annie was hyper-t and even vets couldn't pill her. Ha. I had to get her meds compounded into a transdermal gel and apply to the tips of her ears. When they got too irritated from the base of the compound, I would take her in periodically to have her underarms shaved, to apply the meds there. So it was always an ordeal!
Good luck...at least you're willing to put up with the meds...for treats. :-D
Sorry to hear you have to take medicine, Toby. Just keep in
mind you will have years more of man cat fun and Miss Fitz to
impress. Best of luck to Dad giving you the med. He will
dislike it more than you think.
Toby, we're so glad you have such a great Dad! Keep those treats coming!
Fun fact: humans and cats take the very same medication for hyperthyroid only they don't get great treats like your Dad makes. MOL! MOL! Bibi & Meep
We're sorry you got that hyper thing going on Toby but we know you can do those pills and you can sure do those treats! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
dood....inn deed ewe iz most handsum....N we iz sorree ta lurn that thigh roid vizited
yur houz~~~~~ dadz treet feest will help make yur dayz a head better....but we iz still mad that roid showed up..... :(
oh well....hay st francis' blessings two ewe !! :) ♥♥
Toby, your dad is psychic...or is that psycho?
Anyhoo, it's good that he took you to the stabby place, so your health is maintained.
You owe all of your lady friends that!
Your dad did you a solid, Toby. All is right with the world.
Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your smart dad. 😎
Hey Toby, as we age... suspicious pills begin to appear in our noms and also disguised as treats. Mom sez she hides stuff in our food cuz she loves us. I guess we just need to accept that without too much fuss.
Purrs, Herman and Dori
I am sorry your thyroid is acting up, Toby, but it is a bonus that you get two special treats a day.
Toby, you handsum dude...you did the manly thing and went on in to keep your Dad happy! Mom will read about Dad's pills again. Been too long about two years, since she read it the first time.
Toby, we’re sorry you got the hyper thing but glad your dad got you to the vet and now on medication to help you be the best mancat you can be.
You are so lucky that your Dad is right on top of everything. XO
You are lucky to have a dad who makes sure you check in with the vet when something seems "off". I was hyperthyroid (treated with radiation). i hope the pills work well for you. Paws crossed.
I'm glad to hear that your condition was caught early and a treatment already administered, Toby - but I wouldn't expect anything else from your dad. He's alert to all your needs there.
You're right Toby, when you go back to the vet...all will be perfect. This is thaks to Dad's special treats. Thank Angel Buddy for leading the way to the special treats.
Oh take care of Toby. Your man cat is handsome. A regular check up is always recommended, but giving medicines is a tough job. We really have to be creative with this. Some times it is in the meat or in the milk. A slightest whiff of something odd will put my man off. Lol. Toby you should be gentleman about this.
Hope you become alright very soon. It seems that you enjoy your treat every time. We used to offer cookies to the cats in the Music class in Coimbatore.
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